RSE/FRLG What if the original Pokemon games were on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console?

RE: Original Pokemon Games on Nintendo 3DS Virtuale Console.

corabed said:
Um... ok so what do I do now I still can't find an email adress...

There is no direct email address. This form emails them, and then they may email you back.
RE: Original Pokemon Games on Nintendo 3DS Virtuale Console.

Ok, thanks.// It gave me a server error after I sent it. Is it still sent?

Everyone else should email Nintendo too, It gives us a better chance of having the games created.
RE: Original Pokemon Games on Nintendo 3DS Virtuale Console.

don()shinobi said:
Well, considering that the e's in Pokemon weren't accented, I'm assuming that either you didn't use the accented e's or, for whatever reason, Mike Chandler didn't make the accented e. That tells me that it was an automated response and not an actual response from person to person.

Actually, I don't accent the e's because some email programs don't display special characters correctly. "Pokemon" always looks better than "Pok#276mon".