What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)


Who needs avatars?
What if...

1. be appropiate (we have kids on this site think about the children)
2. Please play right or dont play at all
3. Dont break rule 4
4. Dont break any of the rules

To play
in order to play you must post what if something happened and the person next would post a reply to what happened that the other person posted

Chuck Norris: What if I got hit with an SUV

xtrabaggage: it would bounce off. What if 2+2=╢?

so-on and so forth please post You-person-person-You

What if WPM got banned?
RE: What if...

The Apocalypse!

What if I got - err - Wait, this one breaks rule one.

Start over! What if I broke rule one?
RE: What if...

I will make sure you get banned.

What happens if it doesn't snow?
RE: What if...

Mew, you need to type a "what if?" in response for the next person. I'll do it since you've seem to forgotten.

What if I had an Umbreon?

Then PB would be ridded of that poor abused lil' puppy.

What if a fairy named Sparkles was my best friend! :D
RE: What if...

Pluto would say "Darn, there goes my chance for becoming a planet again!"

What if Nintendo signed Pokemon over to Sony?
RE: What if...

You would choose the Cheese Crackers, because they're delicious!

What if I stay up until Midnight?
RE: What if...

You would ban everyone and have nothing left to moderate.

What if I became President in 2040?
RE: What if...

No one would care :F (Just playing around with you, ofcourse we'll care! :D)
What if I killed a Mod. ( o_O )