What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

RE: What if...

I'm Skipping You Pikalax for not following the rules (It does have the YPPY rule)

I would commit Suicude

What if Pikalax got Banned?
RE: What if...

There would be many upset children in the world.

What if fire fell from the skies and the moon began to slowly turn red?

(Oh, and xtrabaggage: you may want to put You-Person-Person-You" in the title so people don't forget it.)
RE: What if...

I'd become Insect man and gain the abilities of all the insects I eat

what if you found Ash passed out in the road
RE: What if...

Less competition for Pokebeach

What if they made a pokemon game that was rated M for mature.
RE: What if...

He would ban them

what if the moon blew up???
RE: What if...

2 balls of cheese in the universe

What if I hacked into WPM's profile and made pokebeach "The ruling of LordZapdos"
RE: What if...

Nobody would know and nobody would be able to find pokebeach.

What if I had a Shaymin?