What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

RE: What if...

The authorities would search him out, blast him, and then roast him over an open fire to satisfy my tummy!
RE: What if...

Flygon Jedi Master said:
The authorities would search him out, blast him, and then roast him over an open fire to satisfy my tummy!

No what if.

What if Flygon Jedi Master posted a what if?
RE: What if...

Then I'd throw him a party!

What if Nidoking was actually a good pokemon?
RE: What if...

I would eat and then have gas for three months.

What if I yelled at xtrabaggage for yelling at me for not posting a what if?
RE: What if...

he'd give you some of his extra baggage and sends you packing...

What if i posted another stupid "What if" question? :p
RE: What if...

Only cause I have no idea what that is...

What if someone replys to this?
RE: What if...

You would owe them a gazillion dollars, so cough up the dough! >:) jk....

What if you were my mother from another brother?
RE: What if...

Then we would be in the DEEPEST South :3 (Not meant to offend :3

What if the pwnage did begin sooner than you expect?
RE: What if...

Then you would be WRONG! *Dances*

What if... *BOOM*
RE: What if...

Then you would be a Bank Manager!

What if Obama gets a Shinx for a pet?
RE: What if...

I would steal it from him in his sleep

What if I got a Shinx for a pet that I stole from Barack Obama and surrounded it with a missle defense system?
RE: What if...

Then the Clouds would attack!

What would happen if all of the trolleys from Target were stolen over night?
RE: What if...

Then they wouldnt be unknown...

What if I had the life of Al Bundy?
RE: What if...


Samething but for Flygon Jedi Master...