What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

RE: What if...

Then they'd be standing in a row, and people would give 'em a twist.

What if my goldfish got rabies?
RE: What if...

You'd hit a pole that was conveniently above you when you flew up.

What if I didn't know what to write for my "what if" question?
RE: What if...

i'd slap you in the face for not posting something more original :p

what if Micheal Jackson and Barry White switched their voices?
RE: What if...

Flygon Jedi Master said:
I would thank you for the trout, eat it, and then rudely shove you out my door after asking you how you figured out my exact address.

What if all the ifs in the world had a war against all the whats in the world?
RE: What if...

I would have a blank expression on my face.

What if Zombies where real and invaded the whole world.