What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

RE: What if...

xtrabaggage said:
so-on and so forth please post You-person-person-You

Um Snorchu AGAIN... the game is you-person-person-you

there for, I am skipping you

PokeMaster619 said:
What if Clowns went inside your house?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Then It would be back.

What if snorchu followed the rules?
RE: What if...

Your teeth would shatter.

What if characters from the Youtube Poop realm invaded Earth?
RE: What if...

i'd tell you Gendo ISN'T a jerk (idk who he is really :p)

What if Gendo isn't a jerk?
RE: What if...

Then WalrusGuy's poops would really make no sense.

What if I told you that your face was GENDO?
RE: What if...

Skipping you again this is a YPPY game.

What if Snorchu finally under stands that this is a YPPY game?