What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

RE: What if...

Then the Core of Earth would stop and the Magnetic Field around Earth would slowly disappear letting in increased amounts of radiation from the sun, vaporizing the Golden Gate Bridge until the remaining mods sacreficed themselves setting of Nuclear devices in the centre of Earth in a 'Metal Tube' made out of 'Unobtanium' that re-starts the core and everything is back to normal.

- I did not swip that story line from the movie 'Core'. *Sniggers*

What if the Michelin Man was 56 stories tall and real?
RE: What if...

I'd grow to 100 stories in height and crush him and everyone else in the Tri-State Area.

What if New England were bigger than the Mid-West?
RE: What if...

Then the mid-west would be smaller than new england

What if someone thought they could scan a mirror and the effect would be like their mirror on the PC.
RE: What if...

Then I'd have to try it out for myself.

What if I were actually Sugimori?
RE: What if...

I would give you to some homeless guy.

What if Stephen Hawking ended up proving that 2+2 can equal 5?
RE: What if...

I would snatch it out of your hands, beat you with it, and eat it to remove all evidence from the scene of "cookie beating."

What if I handed you a present?
RE: What if...

I'd make sure it wasn't from Delibird before opening it.

What if you turned into a cat?
RE: What if...

Then you would have to tell everyone what they are, so they knew :3

What if my mail from Japan arrives tommorow like expected?