What instruments do you play?

Does your armpit count as a musical instrument ?

If the response is no then i don't play anything :p
Is mayonnaise an instrument?


Seriously though, I play all of the woodwinds. They're my favorite family of instruments.

Many won't consider it a 'real' instrument, but I love ocarina as well. :>
If you play the mayonnaise I play the horseradish then.
I seriously lol'd at that though. nice job.
Anyone here play any jazz?
I do! It wasn't really my first choice of music to play originally, though I kind of go to the jazz school, lol

I've really grown to like it. Do you play?
I'm like, musically/beat challenged/tone deaf, so the only thing I can play is the ocarina. and only Legend of Zelda songs...
EDIT: Oh I just saw post 71. Awesome.
I played marimba, but tbh that barely counts because it's pretty easy to play, I was never very good, and I haven't played in a little more than a year.
I might learn to play bass though.
Pokemon Trainer Touko said:
I play...

★ Piano
★ Violin
★ Viola
★ Cello
★ Recorder
★ Guitar
That's too much talent for one person. :p

I personally play Bass Guitar and am currently learning to play the Keyboard... badly.
I'm playing the electric guitar for 3 years I believe. I took lessons the first year, but quitted because the teacher wasn't that good, and I wanted to move on myself. But I couldn't be bothered with selfteaching, so inow I'm stuck at the same level as 2 years ago. I should lessons again.

When I'm at my best friend's house, I can play some others instruments; he has a lot. There I can play the bass guitar, and do some keyboards. We are planning to jam and arrange some progressive stuff, like Porcupine Tree, Tool, Rush, and stuff.
Hmm. Does making little rhythmless taps on a desk count? What about Guitar Hero? :p

Other than that, I have no musical talents at all.

I've always wanted to learn how to play a real guitar...
I've been playing guitar & piano and taking vocal lessons since i was 7 so its been about 9 years. I also Play violin & learning to play drums. its all for my future career:)