Pokemon What Is the Worst Gym Leader Design in Your Opinion?

Juan (Pajama guy), Byron (weird design), Champion Iris (ugly dress!) and Flint (Ronald from McDonald? Ugh).

But I gotta say, Juan's probably the worst design of all Gym Leaders.
Fantina - She looks like a drag queen gone wrong, I just can't take her seriously. Way over the top and the hair looks terrible. The purple doesn't suit her either.

Crasher Wake - I don't like his design, the hair, the clothes. He just looks terrible.

That's it for me.
Oh boy, this is a good thread for those who want to laugh! XD
Who else thinks that Emerald's Wallace looks a lot like Professor Quirrel from Harry Potter?

Mixie said:
Anyways I'm not a big fan of Skyla or Marlon's designs. They just don't look all that great to me >.>

Oh Marlon...why aren't his feets tanned? So akward but it seems to fit the Black/White theme. :p And btw, that tan is way toooooo much, he seems like an Indian!

I Like Pie said:

I can't seem to understand her fashion sense at all.

Also, Jasmine.
She is probably the most plain-looking Gym Leader ever.
Looks like a random NPC than a Steel-type Leader with Steelix.

I've always seen Gardenia as some kind of Ranger. I would love to have a male outfit based on hers (check my username XD).

Now that you speak of Jasmine...it's even more akward if you remember that she used to be a Rock-type leader until the discovery of Steel. Now, If Jasmine isn't the most akward, her gym certainly is, because steel beams with white veils and pink stuff...O.O

SuperDuper said:
professorlight said:
BW2 elesa, she was perfect in BW, then they had to give her black hair, antennas, non-matching slippers and a dead mareep in her shoulders, and don't get me started on her clothes... awful, just awful.

Although her change makes sense. She is a fashion model and icon. Fashion changes over time, so it works. I also kind of liked her change.

I don't really like Roxanne's look or Wattson's. I don't like Wattson in general. Wish his gym was different typing. One electric type introduced in gen 3 (not counting gimmiky Plusle and Minun) and he gets a gym. Bleh! Gen 3's gymleaders were all kind of plain though except for Juan and Flannery a bit. Or maybe it's jus the colours. Everything seems so drab and pastel.

Chuck always looked kind of boring to me, but I guess his design does make sense for what he does. And if I can toss in an Elite 4 member, I hate Flint's design. He looks like Ronald McDonald.

Don't forget that Roxanne is also a teacher so she can't be all weirdo.
I liked Wattson (in-game, anime wise he's just bat-shit insane), he seems like a jolly and relaxed old fellow. I loved to see his tiny sprite in Mauville.

Oh man, Flint. You have a point. I've also never liked him and he always seemed like a clown but I've never remember of such comparison XD

Reggie McGigas said:
Oh yeah, I think that Iris from BW2 looks like she's at a wedding. Really?

I've never liked Iris, namely because of her anime version. The strangest thing is to see that in the anime she's Tarzan's female version and then in B2/W2 she's a "Dragon princess". -_- Dragon tamers ALWAYS dress akwardly.

Lanturnman said:
Fantina - She looks like a drag queen gone wrong, I just can't take her seriously. Way over the top and the hair looks terrible. The purple doesn't suit her either.
Since she's a Ghost-type leader, maybe that's her design purpose: to scare with the drag-queen look and battle animation. :p
I must say I think the best ones (in general) were the ones from gen I and gen II, none of them really bothered me, except maybe Bugsy, I always thought he was a girl lol, though you had like Misty, Lt. Surge, Clair, Blaine, Sabrina, Blue, Jasmine, etc. That being said I could say my least favorite generation gym leader wise is gen V, I mean, I can't even pick out the worst of them all, liek they have Clay, Drayden, Iris, Burgh, Cilan, Cress and Chili, Lenora and Brycen are average at best and im not a gen V hater, I actually really like Elesa, Roxie, Marlon and Skyla but all that's just my opinion.

In gen III the worst for me was probably Norman, he never stood out to me, but he was ok, just not the best, imo the best were Juan, Winona and the twins. I really liked most of gen IV gym leaders and some were really cool like Volkner, Candice, Wake and Fantina, you just gotta love them! As for gen VI I have to say im definetly not impressed with the gym leaders, I really hope the other 4 are really great.
When I play through the games, there's no gym leader that stands out with a horrible design. If I was forced to choose, it would be down to Bugsy or Roxie (I would include Cress as well, but I can't hate him JUST because of his bangs).

I don't like Korrina (I believe that's how you spell it) or Clemont as they just look like strange gym leaders to me. However, I'll get used to them.

But seriously guys... Haven't your mommies ever taught you that it only matters what's on the inside?
I wasn't a big fan of Skyla's hair, nor Elesa's B2W2 redesign. Burhg seemed gay, i mean literally. As in go out with other guys type. His design is extremely flamboyant to for his own good to me. Not a big fan of Byron's nor Clay's design either. I think that covers it.
Burgh creeps me out....seriously.

Sorry to anyone that likes him. ;_; He does have his 'good' moments.

But for the most part I don't get him at all.
Axell Starr said:
Burhg seemed gay, i mean literally. As in go out with other guys type. His design is extremely flamboyant to for his own good to me.

Yeah, I don't like Norman for the same reason. Norman seemed so...straight. Like "go out with women" straight. His design is too plain and muted for my liking. :p

Speaking seriously though, I never did like Lt. Surge. I enjoy his concept, but he just looked so boring to me. I also kind of hate Wallace. Did the eighth gym leader and the champion really need to both be water-type specialists in Emerald? Bring back Steven.
SuperDuper said:
Axell Starr said:
Burhg seemed gay, i mean literally. As in go out with other guys type. His design is extremely flamboyant to for his own good to me.

Yeah, I don't like Norman for the same reason. Norman seemed so...straight. Like "go out with women" straight. His design is too plain and muted for my liking. :p

The plain and muted thing about Norman I can see... but he is a Normal type gym leader so it should be expected for him to be plain and simple.
(I do love that he's the player's dad. They need more of that in new games)

I know it's been said a lot, but for me it's Fantina.
Her overall appearance just looks like they tried too hard to make her appear like a beautiful lady and it just ended up looking like a bad drag queen.
not to mention her evil mismagius gave me a hard time in platinum
Burgh is second. He just creeps me out. (Viola is the only decent Bug gym leader, Burgh is creepy and Bugsy looks too feminine)
I think Maylene looks weird in her outfit. I also think that Marlon looks ridiculous with that V-shaped spot of pale skin around his waist. That could probably blind a person.
I can't remember the name for this leader, but I have a grudge against the gym leader in D/P/P that is dressed in purple. She looks like a man, the hair is freaking weird and she doesn't suit purple. When I first saw her I thought she was a transsexual man... :(
Jungletoad said:
I can't remember the name for this leader, but I have a grudge against the gym leader in D/P/P that is dressed in purple. She looks like a man, the hair is freaking weird and she doesn't suit purple. When I first saw her I thought she was a transsexual man... :(

That's Fantina... many people dislike her.
Worst Gym leaders:
Bugsy (wtf)
Brawly (I dunno... he's just... uh... he doesn't fit his role)
Crasher Wake (wtf)
Brycen (W.T.F.)

I disagree that Fantina looks like a man, but she has one of the worse designs too I guess.
Whitefire said:
Skyla needs to put some clothes on :|
Take some tip from Winona, seriously.

Hahaha. This cracked me up. XD

I personally think Winona's design was beautiful. :3
Especially in the manga, when she doesn't wear her goggles/ helmet.
Usually I like gym leaders. The ones from Kanto were okay and I had nothing against them. The leaders from Johto were related to the type of pokemon they trained. The leaders from the other regions were ok but I didn't like the designs of some.

Maylene - I understand that some leaders are young, but she looks like a 11 years old girl. Her clothes are way too plain and her hairstyle may say "hello" to Ducklett. She has cool personality but her design isn't awesome.

Norman - dull. I'm sorry but his looks is really boring. I can look at him and fall asleep.

Crasher Wake - he looks like a dude who likes to eat a lot and drinks a lot of beer, but is too lazy to exercise.

Cilan, Chili and Cress - 3 little boys with bow ties and monkey-like hairstyles. I miss Falkner and Morty...

Lenora - blue/green hair + pink outfit - the colors definitely not play well together. Someone who put them needs a good lession of style.

Burgh - he is probably going to go to bed; his pants look like a part of pajamas and his shoes look like slippers. I'm not a fan of his hair and plain, red scarf either.
I just can't find myself liking skyla. I don't know if it's her ridiculous hair tumor or that she's basically wearing no clothing that doesn't fit her role as a pilot...I don't know, I just don't like her. Also, the Kalos leaders are a bit lackluster. They just seem so ordinary.
Except for the fairy gym leader. She looks amazing! http://imgur.com/a/zGGUL#5
TheRoyalXerneas said:
I just can't find myself liking skyla. I don't know if it's her ridiculous hair tumor or that she's basically wearing no clothing that doesn't fit her role as a pilot...I don't know, I just don't like her. Also, the Kalos leaders are a bit lackluster. They just seem so ordinary.
Except for the fairy gym leader. She looks amazing! http://imgur.com/a/zGGUL#5

Really? to me, she just looks creepy as f***. It's the eyes, I think... those dark, soulless eyes... and the psychic one too... not so creepy as much as: "so, tell me more about this hu-man custom of yours of not eating your young... that will have to change once my lord hgjfkdsjASA arrives to your puny planet".

Skyla does need some clothes though.