What is the worst thing you have ever done?

Well never guess what happened today :p

We were with our class to a roman historical place ''Xanten'' in Germany. Well as soon as we got there we went into a museum. We weren't in there for 5 minutes and I already broke something xD, well there was a very big expensive pot (in a glass box), and I really would know what was inside it, so I thought I could stand on a sort of shelf on the wall, but I didn't know the shelf lie on another shelf, so I went on there and suddenly the whole shelf felt xD, my teacher got a face like; Oh no... Don't tell me you're the one who I think has done it. :p It was pretty funny at the end he laughed about it too, but the museum staff wasn't very happy. Well the whole trip through the museum was a nightmare, almost every time I bumped accidentally against something, at the last I had to keep my hands on my back xD

Further we did some other forbidden things, like entering places where you weren't allowed to come and eventually we ended up in an old sewer :p It was a funny day.
Garchomp said:
kashmaster said:
Well the worst thing I done was... When I used to smoke (yes I know I am an idiot and kids never do such a thing), I chucked the cigarette still burning in the park and guess what happens next...

I destroy more than $1000000 worth of public property.

You live in the U.K. don't you?

What place did you burn down?

It was a park near me. It was near the olympic stadium aswell. If that had lit up I wouldve cost the country sooooo much money :p
Stuck my friend in the finger with a pencil, and she had to get surgery to get the led out. :O
when i was like 7 i threw knives at my mom her head (nothing serious happend)because i had a very bad temper then

when i was 10 i had to vacuum the kitchen and the ground was full of water i went over it with the vacuum and elektrokuted myself (my mom called 112 (belgian emergency number))

and when i was 15 (last year) i drank a little to much (yes i know this is bad but it was a birthday party and well forget it IT5S JUST BAD) and i caused a car accident ( a car had to avoid me an ran into a tree the man inside was drunk himself and had a broken leg and broken ribs)
When i was drunk last year i was walking down the main street of the city i lived in. decided to take a piss in the middle of the road at midnightish. turns out the car beside me was a cop.

woke up the next morning with a note saying don't do it again... in my apartment with no sign of the cop XD
guess so...lol another thing i did was i was throwing water balloons at cars pasing on the road, and so I threw a water balloon at a passing bus but i threw to early, it flew through the bus driver window, nailed him in the head, and the bus slammed into a pole. Luckily no one was hurt, and the bus was ok, but it was pretty scary
prophet1986 said:
When I was drunk last year I was walking down the main street of the city I lived in. decided to take a mad in the middle of the road at midnightish. turns out the car beside me was a cop.

woke up the next morning with a note saying don't do it again... in my apartment with no sign of the cop XD

hahahahaha was your butt sore??? XD
I bet the back of the note said "P.S. Last night was fun, call me at 492-9435 XOXO"
^ That's just awkward.

Two years ago, in 7th grade, my Science teacher told me to tell him the names of everyone that talked.
I think he was taking advantage of my dumbness from being homeschooled for 7 years, and therefore not used to
sarcastic teachers.
A lesson learned: Everyone I told on still has a grudge on me.
the worst thing I did was call a popular kid an idiot. Now we have a class war, Popular vs. Me and my friends. His GF joined my side, so that was pretty funny. XP I also gave my cat a concussion (that evil cat...),I fell and tripped my girlfriend... not good. Oh yeah, last year I stole my friends binders until they noticed they were missing (I had one from first hour to band...). The moral: don't trust clarinet players! >:D
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
the worst thing I did was call a popular kid an idiot. Now we have a class war, Popular vs. Me and my friends. His GF joined my side, so that was pretty funny. XP I also gave my cat a concussion (that evil cat...),I fell and tripped my girlfriend... not good. Oh yeah, last year I stole my friends binders until they noticed they were missing (I had one from first hour to band...). The moral: don't trust clarinet players! >:D
Calling a popular kid an idiot? Why that's worse about that?:p It's fun! I do it everyday, after a time they'll get some respect for you, anyway it happened to me.

Those popular kids always think they're the best and can do whatever they want (well that's how I think too, but you get the point) Sometimes it's good to have a bit of war with them, they don't know most of the time how to defend theirselves :p
well i'll say that's pretty bad i ones had problems with the most popular gang of the school and i got punched and kicked everywhere while the teachers just stood there
Pokequaza said:
Calling a popular kid an idiot? Why that's worse about that?:p It's fun! I do it everyday, after a time they'll get some respect for you, anyway it happened to me.

Those popular kids always think they're the best and can do whatever they want (well that's how I think too, but you get the point) Sometimes it's good to have a bit of war with them, they don't know most of the time how to defend theirselves :p
lol yea, thats fun. but now i have respect and am sort of popular myself. but if course im not snobby or anything, im kool to everyone even the 100% nerdy d&d type dudes lol
mixedxlife said:
well I'll say that's pretty bad I ones had problems with the most popular gang of the school and I got punched and kicked everywhere while the teachers just stood there
Well I don't have much problems with that, I swim 4 times a week, swimming matches, Dutch championships etc. so I don't lack of muscles and can punch very hard if I want to. But yeah a self-defense sport is never useless... But actually you don't even need that, they just shouldn't do that in first place. Just talk about it with teachers, it helped me a few years ago, when they bullied me, and talk about with your parents.
Pokequaza said:
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
the worst thing I did was call a popular kid an idiot. Now we have a class war, Popular vs. Me and my friends. His GF joined my side, so that was pretty funny. XP I also gave my cat a concussion (that evil cat...),I fell and tripped my girlfriend... not good. Oh yeah, last year I stole my friends binders until they noticed they were missing (I had one from first hour to band...). The moral: don't trust clarinet players! >:D
Calling a popular kid an idiot? Why that's worse about that?:p It's fun! I do it everyday, after a time they'll get some respect for you, anyway it happened to me.

Those popular kids always think they're the best and can do whatever they want (well that's how I think too, but you get the point) Sometimes it's good to have a bit of war with them, they don't know most of the time how to defend theirselves :p

I do that, but I can't come up with a good comeback to save my life. >.>
Pokequaza said:
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
the worst thing I did was call a popular kid an idiot. Now we have a class war, Popular vs. Me and my friends. His GF joined my side, so that was pretty funny. XP I also gave my cat a concussion (that evil cat...),I fell and tripped my girlfriend... not good. Oh yeah, last year I stole my friends binders until they noticed they were missing (I had one from first hour to band...). The moral: don't trust clarinet players! >:D
Calling a popular kid an idiot? Why that's worse about that?:p It's fun! I do it everyday, after a time they'll get some respect for you, anyway it happened to me.

Those popular kids always think they're the best and can do whatever they want (well that's how I think too, but you get the point) Sometimes it's good to have a bit of war with them, they don't know most of the time how to defend theirselves :p

Soooooo true. lol, it's too fun starting a Norm vs. Popular war.

Today I went to the store with my dad. He left me in the fish aisle with all the fishies and fish supplies and I knocked over some glass decorations for fishtanks; resulting in a whole bunch of broken stuff. 0_e; I told 'em some baby knocked the stuff over. Then I ran. Far, far away from that aisle.
Paper PokeMaster said:
Pokequaza said:
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
the worst thing I did was call a popular kid an idiot. Now we have a class war, Popular vs. Me and my friends. His GF joined my side, so that was pretty funny. XP I also gave my cat a concussion (that evil cat...),I fell and tripped my girlfriend... not good. Oh yeah, last year I stole my friends binders until they noticed they were missing (I had one from first hour to band...). The moral: don't trust clarinet players! >:D
Calling a popular kid an idiot? Why that's worse about that?:p It's fun! I do it everyday, after a time they'll get some respect for you, anyway it happened to me.

Those popular kids always think they're the best and can do whatever they want (well that's how I think too, but you get the point) Sometimes it's good to have a bit of war with them, they don't know most of the time how to defend theirselves :p

I do that, but I can't come up with a good comeback to save my life. >.>
Well that's easy, the most ''popular kids'' on our school are of those ''simple minded creatures'' easy to predict what they're going to say. So before I say something back to them I mostly have gone through the whole conversation in my mind at least, despite it's not happened in real life, I mostly know what they're going to say and say something unpredictable back, then they look like; ''wtf? I don't understand?'' and then I start laughing, and they get even more angrier, but I will never start a war by myself, only when they say something not kind to me.
lol I'm not so dumb as to start a war myself, either. Seriously, though. How did they get into honors. >.>
The worst thing I have ever done started when I was 4 years old. My parents and I went to a large store with alot of secuirty guards. And I dont mean like 10 I mean like 50! So, when I was passing by the toy section, I came across a Hot Wheels car that looked cool. I told my parents if they could buy one but they said the word I always hate, NO! I was so angry that I placed the car in my pocket secretly. Later, when I was at the cash register a secuirty guard wanted to ask me a question. My parents were shocked! He asked me if I stole a Hot Wheels car. I said no but I told him that the kid at the other register, was the one who stole it and I saw him steal it. So the guard asked the other kid if the has the car but in a very shocking way he stole a car too! o_O So I safely came home with a 3 dollar toy for free! I am one bad dude! XD
Rofl when I was in fourth grade there was this girl i liked so i took stuff from her desk and hid it around the room then in a few days found it to be all like a hero and me in my infinite knowledge didn't at all think anyone would dare suspect me. Of course everyone did...