What is the worst thing you have ever done?

When I was like 8 I stole something from JC Penny. And surprisingly, the buzzer didn't go off. I was so ridden with guilt I threw it down my air vent so there was no evidence, lol.
ElectroManiac said:
When I was like 8 I stole something from JC Penny. And surprisingly, the buzzer didn't go off. I was so ridden with guilt I threw it down my air vent so there was no evidence, lol.

Why would you steal from JC Penny? It only sells clothes, shoes, jewelry.
Ooooh i just remebered!

In 3rd grade I beat up this 4th grader up, just because he was ugly. :|

He was a big boy too. He got beat up by a 8-9 year old girl.
The teacher was right behind us and she didn't even do anything.

I'm a bad girl. :C
^ I'm glad you didn't. That would have been horrible.

I once ATE MY FRIEND'S GUMMY SNACKS! The Scooby Doo ones, like 2 months ago. I kid you not, I still feel guilty about it. He eats a lot, he's a hungry person. >_> I just wanted gummies. Mmmmm.

"I'm going straight to heck."
When I was a little younger I saw a show in the park and thought it was hilarious. Next day I was hanging with a friend and we saw it again. During most of the funny parts I would yell out what they were going to do by telling them to do it and I pretty much ruined the whole show for them and the audience ^^; I feel really really bad about it because it was so funny and I wrecked it
The Power of Three said:
I pranked my Cabin Leader.

My church went out on a camping trip, and we stayed in cabins. I decided to stick gum in my cabin leader [Brad]'s soda. He found out by clamping his hands on Garrett and screaming 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' when Garrett started laughing as Brad drank the soda. He said "Sean put gum in thur".

Later that night, I found myself having my hands and feet duct-taped together, with an orange in my mouth, in the girls bathroom. >.>

They were originally going to tie me to a stick [like in the movies, what hunters do] and put an apple in my mouth, but they couldn't find a strong enough stick.

Thankfully, the bathroom was empty. >__>

I'm surprised I haven't seen it on YouTube yet... *goes off to look and see if it is there* because at least 3 people got it on their Cell Phones/Digital Cameras.

Wow the girls bathroom, thats a nice punishment.:)
The WORST thing i ever did was when my EVIL cousins came over.They HATE me.So i dicided to brake there laptop.He punched me.Then i said^^%%^&^%%$#@!@####$%@$#$^%&^&&^!!!!!!!Trust me it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo loud he didn't even hear me beacause i'm the LOUDEST kid on the planet.He covered his ears.Then i kicked him so hard in the shin he never bothered me again.When i get REALLY mad I go NUTZ!!!
I gave the girl I used to like a black eye...By accidentally hitting her with my head!
"C(IM NOT GIVIN U MAH NAME!XD) used Headbutt! Its Super-effective!---- Fainted!
C gains a boosted 750 experience points."rofl

Today, I kicked my best friend in the face, during karate class.XD