Pokemon What is your opinion on human-like Pokémon?

Why are people counting the Abra line? It doesn't look remotely human at any stage. If we count things like Croagunk, Alakazam and Lucario then this thread is really just "do you like four-limbed pokemon who stand on their hind legs?"

Human-like pokemon would be those like Throh, Jynx, Gardevoir, Gothitelle, Conkeldurr and Mr. Mime.

In which case yes, I like all of those. Some I'm rather indifferent to, but I love how strange and creepy some of them are.

Humanoid pokemon are the most reminiscent of mythological Youkai, goblins, demons, trolls and fairies. There's still a lot more they can do with hominid-like beings in the franchise.
Bogleech said:
Why are people counting the Abra line? It doesn't look remotely human at any stage. If we count things like Croagunk, Alakazam and Lucario then this thread is really just "do you like four-limbed pokemon who stand on their hind legs?"

Human-like pokemon would be those like Throh, Jynx, Gardevoir, Gothitelle, Conkeldurr and Mr. Mime.

Are you aware of the human-like egg group? They are all in there. The standard isn't just anything.
Elite Stride said:
Bogleech said:
Why are people counting the Abra line? It doesn't look remotely human at any stage. If we count things like Croagunk, Alakazam and Lucario then this thread is really just "do you like four-limbed pokemon who stand on their hind legs?"

Human-like pokemon would be those like Throh, Jynx, Gardevoir, Gothitelle, Conkeldurr and Mr. Mime.

Are you aware of the human-like egg group? They are all in there. The standard isn't just anything.

I agree that Abra's line is human-like, but Pokémon such as Volbeat, Illumise, and Cacnea don't resemble a human at all. Especially Cacnea. On the contrary, Scraggy and Scrafty, who are very human-esque IMO, are NOT in the human-like egg group, but the Dragon egg group. In the end, what qualifies as human-like depends on who you ask :)
But this isn't really a thread about the humanshape egg group.


If this is human-like, so is any mammal or reptile standing on its hind legs :p
Bogleech said:
But this isn't really a thread about the humanshape egg group.

So you're saying that a topic on human-like Pokémon isn't about the human-like egg group? My mind is completely blown....
No, I understand what he's saying... This thread is about pokémon that actually look like humans... The human-like group, like Adam said has pokémon that don't look like humans at all, because the egg group is more like a guideline than a certificate of "you're a Human-like pokémon"... Like the dragon egg group which has snake pokémon and other reptiles that are not really dragons... For example, Gardevoir, which is a pokémon considered to be very human looking, is not on the human-like egg group... so, basically this isn't about egg-groups... It's about the appearance of the pokémon...
It really comes down to how you define the word "human-like". Bogleech's take isn't wrong, and neither is Elite Stride's. The difference is how they define the word "human-like".

I myself just restricted it to the human-like egg group, just to make things easier, but on the flip side it excludes stuff like Meloetta. Another possible definition (which I think a lot of people in here are using) is going by body shapes as defined by the Pokedex (the two-armed, two-legged body shape). Or you could go the opposite way, like Bogleech, and only count the Pokemon that bear very strong resemblance to humans - Jynx, Sawk, Hitmonchan, Gardevoir (kinda), and the rest.

None of those ways are incorrect. And that's why a lot of discussion can come of this topic - you have a jillion different opinions that don't really clash with each other, which is sweet.
Elite Stride said:
So you're saying that a topic on human-like Pokémon isn't about the human-like egg group? My mind is completely blown....

Adam is asking how people feel about pokemon who literally resemble humans. As he said in his last post, many things in the human-like egg group, such as Volbeat and Cacturne, look nothing like humans. It's a bit subjective, sure, but some pokemon are obviously primarily monkeys, or plants, or reptiles or insects, even if they have an anthropomorphic stance.

So the point of the thread is whether or not you still find a pokemon cool if you think it looks like a "person."

A lot of fans seem to hate pokemon who resemble humans and no other particular animal, especially if the design appears to be wearing clothes, like Jynx or some of the fighting types.

Other people only seem to like certain humanshapes that they find "attractive," hence the tremendous amounts of adult Gardevoir fan-art.

I just think they make neat creatures.
Elite Stride said:
To illustrate, if you placed Lucario and Eevee next to each other and asked someone who knows nothing about Pokémon which they thought was better, they would probably pick Lucario- and I would say it's because of that human like design; it just looks superior. So I really like the human-like Pokémon; they add a lot of character/badassness to the Pokémon pool.

I don't know. I think it depends on the Pokémon really. If we're talking about people with 0 knowledge of Pokémon (lame) then I would think obviously Lucario because he's also bigger. If you put Lucario beside Kyogre or Dialga, I'm sure someone would pick the whale or the dino/space/monster/creature over Lucario. Even Mewtwo could probably be picked over if someone didn't know what they were talking about. I think it has to do more with size.

Anyways, I like humanoid Pokémon. They're called monsters anyways and tons of monsters are humanoid. If they were animals, then I'd probably think it's stupid.
@Metalizard & Bogleech

My wording might have mislead you a bit. I didn't mean that this topic was strictly addressing the egg group, that's very close-minded. I was simply trying to state, in response to Bogleech's post saying that the topic isn't about the egg group, that it has a lot to do with the egg group. That is naturally where we see most of what we consider to be "human-like" Pokémon.

And DNA is correct when he brings up the point about how each of us defines human-like differently. I actually would consider Alakazam just as human-like as Gardevoir if not more, but that's just me. And just to clarify, I never said that the egg group was the only thing that defined human like Pokémon, there are certainly Pokémon that have those traits that are not included in the group.

Bogleech said:
Adam is asking how people feel about pokemon who literally resemble humans

The title says human-like, which opens the discussion up for a broader range of Pokémon; not just Jynx or Machop for instance. There are very little Pokémon that I would actually consider to be "literally resembling humans" and that goes back to the point about how everyone defines it differently.
Love them. Period. Especially Gallade!!! n.n He(I can correctly use "He" as he is male only) is my favorite Pokémon overall. But in my opinion, the just have some more powerful appereance, they look nimbler, faster, more agile than others. For example, most of them have something to attack/defend themselves with; in one hand are Gallade and Lucario, having blades in their elbows and back of their palms respectively, while in the other hand is Empoleon with shield-like arms! I like them because it looks that they can engage combat anytime they need to. Because, let's face it, how a Digglet can defend itself?!?! XDD
But Empoleon doesn't have any human-like features at all. It is a complete penguin, fins and all haha.
No problem then, but my definition is pretty much the same of Bogleech: Pokémon that look strongly like people... Pokémon like Lucario or Alakazam retain their beast/animalistic look, so I don't consider them human-like (which is good imo)...
This is all I can think of when I hear "human-like Pokemon"...


...and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Elite Stride said:
But Empoleon doesn't have any human-like features at all. It is a complete penguin, fins and all haha.

I meant that bipedal pokemon, human-like more than the others, have this looks. Blaziken is a giant chick, but it does have a human-like shape or at least some human-like behavior or feats, same as Deoxys, Electivire, Mewtwo, Medicham, Roserade... Shall I go on? ;)
I think people are getting confused between bipedal Pokemon and Humanoid Pokemon.
@PMJ oh my goodness I died....I would give anything to read a magazine like that.

Luispipe8 said:
I meant that bipedal pokemon, human-like more than the others, have this looks. Blaziken is a giant chick, but it does have a human-like shape or at least some human-like behavior or feats, same as Deoxys, Electivire, Mewtwo, Medicham, Roserade... Shall I go on? ;)

Yeah I totally agree with your last sentence there, but Empoleon, although bipedal, isn't human like at all. Blaziken has human-like arms and feet, but Empoleon has fins and penguin webbed feet. Plus it's body is bird like, not human like. Blaziken is like a bird too, but it's body resembles more of a human than of a bird.
Elite Stride said:
Yeah I totally agree with your last sentence there, but Empoleon, although bipedal, isn't human like at all. Blaziken has human-like arms and feet, but Empoleon has fins and penguin webbed feet. Plus it's body is bird like, not human like. Blaziken is like a bird too, but it's body resembles more of a human than of a bird.

Well, you got me with that, it's just that for some reason Empoleon has seemed human-like in some way, I don't know why... XDD And I'm not confused, if that's what your pointing at, just saying some Pokemon that have human-like characteristics OTHER THAN SHAPE.