Pokemon What is your opinion on human-like Pokémon?

Some are okay, but I don't usually use them. I don't know whether Pokemon like Lucario or Alakazam really count though, as I like them. Some just creep me out though, like Jynx, Gothitelle, or even Machamp.
Some I like but most i dislike. I usually only like the ones that come off as ambiguously human like hitmonlee or hariyama, others like Machamp and Gothitelle I just plainly dislike.
You know, I have the usual opinion. Some are cool, some are just stupid. The ones I like:

-Tyrogue line (it's a little human-ish xD)

The ones I don't like:


Yeah, pretty much that. :D
Woops, thanks Elite.

Ok, so now to actually tell my thoughts. I personally do like a lot of Human-like Pokemon. Just because of the familiarity, like I always like to imagine that I am a Pokemon, and it is much easier to imagine being a Gallade rather than a Hydreigon. Plus there is the feeling that I get when I am able to imagine that. It is like I am invincible, and me being a rather weak individual that is one of the best feelings in the reason.

Well, my personal favourite is Gardevoir. And not because of those reasons, all because it was the first psychic pokemon I leveled all the way to 100, without my siblings help, then it stuck.
I just want to remind everyone that we aren't here to list our human-like favorites. If you want to include your thoughts on the human looking Pokemon and then talk about your favorite, that's much more acceptable for this topic.
I don't mind them. Human-like pokemon make sense, and above all, we shouldn't compare them to humans. Pokemon are not humans, nor animals. They are something in between, or equal to humans, or an entirely different thing. But some people seem to think of humalike pokemon as... I don't know, I can't even get in their heads... It sickens me.

I love gardevoir (and its family) more than any other pokemon (and more than many things that are not pokemon). I like her because of her elegance, grace, poise and beauty, and because she is all around awesome. And I'm tired of those people. I can't even search images of my favourite pokemon without stumbling into literal mountains of porn, and I know for a fact that that happens with most humanlike pokemon (I still have the mental scars of looking for a picture of meloetta. NEVER AGAIN) but poor gardevoir and lopunny seem to have it worse (see: cover below. how is it that that is allowed but I can't say the big F?).
I realize that I'm basically complaining about finding unwanted porn in the internet, but it's not just about that. People humanize this pokemon even in works that are not overtly urrrghh!sexual/blagh!erotic, or about that pokemon's BLEEGH!sex appeal. You get a "comic" about a move missing, or causing hilarious results, and if any of those pokemon are in it, you bet gardevoir will have gigantic tits, or kirlia with teenage breasts, or why, god, why? meloetta with a *****.
I can't go on, figure out the rest yourselves.

I'm sorry for the rant. I'm judgmental, but tolerant, and usually I can see the opposite side's point, even when I dislike it or can't understand it... but those people (and I realize that many of you can be part of that group)... I can't understand them... and I can't forgive them (sorry).

Please excuse me, I have a date with johnny walker.