XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

Blob55 said:
Aquapulse said:
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's another water-type gym. In reality, ocean's a big world, use your imagination. But, to be honest, I don't think we'll get a water-type gym in this generation since it's based on Paris and Paris don't have any water bodies except a river, a big river.

I still don't know why it's based on Paris. What about London? It's like if instead of doing NY in BW, they did LA or Chicago.
I know Paris has the Eiffel Tower, but London has Big Ben, The London Eye, The River Thames, London Bridge ect...

BTW, anyone else surprised that in BW there's no Statue of Liberty? I know there's Liberty Peer, but no Statue.

Well, I don't know if Paris is the only city the region's based on. Only time will tell.
1. Bug 2.Fire. 3.Ghost 4.Electric 5. Flying 6.Ice/Water 7.Dragon 8.New Type (Assuming there is a new type)

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3 to planet earth.
Every Gen has had a Psychic-type (Sabrina, Will, Tate+Liza, Lucian, Caitlin), Ghost-type (Agatha, Morty, Phoebe, Fantina, Shauntel), Fighting-type (Bruno, Bruno again, Brawly, Maylene, Marshal) and Ice-type (Lorelei, Pryce, Glacia, Candice, Brycen) specialists as major opponents, so I would expect the same in X and Y.

Ground, Fire, Water and Flying would be a great elite four quartet. Each weakness of one of those types is resisted by another, making soloing them tough.

Might as well throw in some predictions:
1. Normal, 2. Bug, 3. Electric, 4. Ground, 5. Fighting, 6. Psychic, 7. Ghost and 8. Ice
Bippa said:
Every Gen has had a Psychic-type (Sabrina, Will, Tate+Liza, Lucian, Caitlin), Ghost-type (Agatha, Morty, Phoebe, Fantina, Shauntel), Fighting-type (Bruno, Bruno again, Brawly, Maylene, Marshal) and Ice-type (Lorelei, Pryce, Glacia, Candice, Brycen) specialists as major opponents, so I would expect the same in X and Y.

Ground, Fire, Water and Flying would be a great elite four quartet. Each weakness of one of those types is resisted by another, making soloing them tough.

Might as well throw in some predictions:
1. Normal, 2. Bug, 3. Electric, 4. Ground, 5. Fighting, 6. Psychic, 7. Ghost and 8. Ice

I love the idea of the "element" elite four. Let's hope the flying-type will get something good this time. <.<
(No Order)

1. Dark
2. Ghost
3. Ground
4. Fighting
5. Psychic
6. Steel
7. Bug
8. Grass

They really need to have a Dark gym, it's such a shame that they've never had one.
Well, as shown in the trailer, the spider-web-like area appears to be a Bug-type gym. We could use another one anyway since there are only 2. I'd also like to see the 1st female Bug Gym Leader. Anyone else agree?

I agree with a Dark-type Gym. It's about time we have one.
The scene with the Gym re-building itself appears to be a Ghost/Psychic-type Gym. It would be resonable to have another Ghost Gym, as it follows the tradition of an E4 Ghost Member in every odd generation (I, III, and V) and a GL in every even generation (II and IV).

The scene with the swinging of the vines could be a Grass-type Gym. Don't know. I personally don't like Grass-types...until Chespin came along I love it!

I don't think the scene with the columns of fire is a Fire-type Gym. I believe it to be a Fire E4.
I'd also like to see maybe a Double Gym Battle like Tate & Liza. We could use another one I guess. Plus some types that haven't been used often, such as Poison, Ground, Steel, etc. (especially Dark). Plus I'd like to see another male-Ghost GL. The only one right now is Morty.

Overall, I'm speculating this, and what I would like to see:



E4 (no particular like B/W2):

I agree with the dark gym completely. but lets think out side the box for a minute. what if a new type or two were introduced? ex: light type. then that would defiantly change things up. and there should be a gym of these new types. Also agree with steel and ghost gym.
frostwind said:
I think it'd be cool if some of the gyms had pokemon normally considered weak later on.

Like what if the Bug gym was after the first four gyms, and actually had some strong bugs?

I think the vine scene is part of a Grass gym which would be great.

I'm hoping for a Bug, Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, and Dark gym.
throw in fighting and psychic and im in!
I just realized something. We have two different Water-type gyms last generation. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make other one in this generation, otherwise, people might ragequit. xP
Aquapulse said:
I just realized something. We have two different Water-type gyms last generation. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make other one in this generation, otherwise, people might ragequit. xP

Yeah, there's been 6 Water type gym leaders (Misty, Wallace, Juan, Crasher Wake, Cress, and Marlon) in the franchise, they need to give it a rest for a few gens.
I really want typed gyms to go jump of a cliff. Tired of it? I've only been going to gyms for 5 generations, why would I be tired of it?
How about terrain based gyms?
In no specific order:
Haunted Mansion
Science Lab

And for the elite four, weather.
chaoswr said:
I really want typed gyms to go jump of a cliff. Tired of it? I've only been going to gyms for 5 generations, why would I be tired of it?
How about terrain based gyms?
In no specific order:
Haunted Mansion
Science Lab

And for the elite four, weather.

That is an interesting idea. So like if a gym was styled after a terrain rather than a type, and pokemon that would fit that terrain, but of any type if it fits the "category", so that the desert terrain for instance would have like maractus, cactnea, sandile, etc? That might actually be something awesome.
If I made it plus we already know the first and speculation of the second( in parentheses is going to be gym leader occupation\looks):

1.bug( a photographer for the gym leader)
2.fairy( someone like the battle dome ace Tucker)
3.flying( blimp driver)
4.fire(veteran from the Pokemon world war, I know it's a stretch)
6.Dark(a gondola paddler or CEO of gondola business)
7.Ghost( a mime, speaks to Pokemon with mind)
8.Poison(evil teams leader, or a detective)

Elite four:

Multiple types of pokemon like cynthia\Rival in generation I(Queen\King\Opera singer)
I'm not gonna make a list but I hope the 8th gym is something unique and not overdone like dragon or water. Fire and dark would be ideal but anything that hasn't been done before is my main wish.
> Dragon Gym
> Overdone

2/5 generations...

Maybe there are no Dark gyms until now because Dark is Evil in japanese and maybe they think that Evil Gym leaders are not fitting. They should just make the leader actually evil *cough* Giovanni *cough*. (I know that Dark has been represented in the E4 though.)
Dark. Type. Gym. <3

No, seriously, considering we never had one and dark is one of my favorite types, damn, I'd love one. Also would like to see these:

-Bug (stuff like Nincada and Surskit)
-Ghost (almost wrote Goat xD)

Pretty much those. Also, a trainer class called Dragon Hater would be proper for fairy trainers. xD
Teal said:
> Dragon Gym
> Overdone

2/5 generations...

Maybe there are no Dark gyms until now because Dark is Evil in japanese and maybe they think that Evil Gym leaders are not fitting. They should just make the leader actually evil *cough* Giovanni *cough*. (I know that Dark has been represented in the E4 though.)

I said overdone as the 8th, if it was originally 7th like in B2/W2 then i wouldn't of even mentioned it. Something else can have the 8th spot, something not so easily swept but still hits hard.

The evil gym leader could just be a rehash of giovanni but instead of being a crime boss, they could be a gym leader in a bad part of town. A cliche corrupt politician if you will.
Imma try this again:

1. Bug (confirmed for Santalune City)
2. Electric (Lumiose City)
3. Fighting (giant dome city in Coastal)
4. Grass (beachside city in Coastal)
5. Steel (lighthouse city northwest of the desert)
6. Fairy (clocktower city)
7. Dark (windmill city)
8. Psychic (purple hand city)

Elite 4:

Champion- Multitype
I'd like to see Fairy, Fire, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, and Grass.

With gym leaders like:

A model (fire), french noir (ghost), an inventor/artist (dark). =o
Maybe a beauty and the beast(s) theme for a Dragon type gym leader.
And a couple inspired from a painting as Electric type gym leaders.

Also, a trainer class called Dragon Hater would be proper for fairy trainers. xD
Or Dragon Hunters ;)

Maybe there are no Dark gyms until now because Dark is Evil in japanese and maybe they think that Evil Gym leaders are not fitting.
There are Dark type elite 4 members though. :/

I like the idea of a prince. ^^ Maybe a Fairy type gym leader? Since princes are so often in fairy tales. With a little Flabébé on his shoulder. ^^