XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

Mitja said:
I hope there won't be a Dark gym, just to see people freak out for no reason.

I mean, I doubt gamefreak is intentionally leaving it out. They just haven't gotten around to having one yet.
gen 2, gen 3 and gen 5, all had a Dark E4 member, so its not like Dark is exclusive to villains or anything like that.

Also I'm pretty sure the only reason Roxie wasn't Dark was because Grimsley was still there, so Poison was a more interesting option.

One thing I noticed regarding Dark Gyms...
Dark and Steel were both introduced in gen.2. In that gen, Steel was a gym and Dark was e4.
Ever since we've only had Steel gyms and Dark e4, never Steel e4 or Dark gyms.

I know it's probably nothing and just a coincidence, but its still slightly interesting nonetheless.

I was really hoping for a late Bug gym, but since Viola's been confirmed that sucks
Its almost like they want Bug gyms to suck by putting them early on ingame where theres easy access to Flying types, and potentially a Fire type (assuming Fire starter is used).
B/W should've rectified this, there were so many good bugs (there could've even been a double with the leaders using Accelgor/Escavalier).

I was hoping that Fairy would get a good late-game gym, but what with WPM's source it looks like it being 2nd on the list is inevitable.

here's a list of what I want:
-Bug (confirmed)
-Fairy (WPMs source)
-Fighting (WPMs source)

This way it gives the types that haven't had the spotlight the chance to shine (with the exception of Bug, damn you GF for not making the bug gym later on), but still having types like Fighting and Psychic which we all know and love in the mix.
^Even if we had a bug gym late in the game; you'd still have all the time in the world to train many different flying-types, so nothing would change.

Like you said, gen 5 was the perfect opportunity, cross your fingers for gen 7.
Bug being confirmed as an early gym again just shows that gamefreak doesn't think about this topic on a deep level.

They had Rock as first gym for 3 gens before they stopped. And Now when Bug is back for its third time..well no shit its early again.

They choose gym types very simple as they go along creating everything else, like the region itself, deciding what pokemon will be available at what point, and then maybe what types are considered strong/weak etc.... its all those kinds of things, I doubt they ever go "oh look, we've used Ice as the seventh twice, we need to make sure its early this time".
Just look at the 5 generations we have seen. There is no shaking up things happening there, because it doesn't need to. So for all we know the final gym could be Dragon just for the lulz.
Hey Gamefreak: as long as the 7th gym isn't Ice-type we'll be cool.

Mitja said:
I doubt they ever go "oh look, we've used Ice as the seventh twice, we need to make sure its early this time"
So true, but so disappointing.
I'm not terribly upset that Bug is 1st because it's still somewhat fresh, we've never started with a Bug type gym before, so that's still pretty neat.

I think the main things they look at when choosing gym types are regional design and balance, usually the gyms types are chosen based on the environment they exist in and how easy the type is to counter. We always see Bug early on in the game because many Bug types are weak, are encountered earlier on, and have weaknesses to common early game types. On the flip side, stuff like Ice and Dragon is late game because that's around the time where we encounter most of them. So that's why we typically see certain types around the same spots.

That being said, that doesn't mean they can't mix things up a bit, the regional design and Pokemon distribution seems to be causing most of the gym repetitiveness. And that would be something that's tricky to handle because of the way the regions are designed in the first place (analogous to real world areas).

Looking at the way the region is designed, I think the gyms will likely be something like this (and I can't say I'd like this, but this is what I predict will happen):

1. Bug- Santalune City (confirmed)
2. Dark/Fairy- Lumiose City (the way I believe we'll be progressing through the region, the next city after Lumiose is very far away, so I don't think we'll be skipping Lumiose for later)
3. Electric- the dome city in Coastal Kalos
4. Water- the beachside city in Coastal Kalos
5. Steel- the lighthouse city northwest of the desert
6. Fairy/Flying- the clocktower city north of Lumiose City
7. Ice- the windmill city in Mountain Kalos
8. Psychic- the city in Mountain Kalos with the purple hand

Elite 4 (less sure about this, but this seems somewhat reasonable):

pokemeister899 said:
Personally I would like to see a dark gym finally, and they should also start with the normal type being the first gym again like they did in B2/W2.

The first gym is bug type, meaning you may want to leave your grass starter in the party and use Fletchling or its evolutions.

Also I agree that I would love to see a dark type gym. We had a gym with three gym leaders who specialized in a different type each depending on your starter (people say the trio was cheating but lets be honest would you rather overcome your starter's type weakness via strategy or would you want to go the easy route and just slaughter the type it is strong against?)
Raptor9229 said:
The first gym is bug type, meaning you may want to leave your grass starter in the party and use Fletchling or its evolutions.

Actually, Chespin is shown to be able to learn Rollout by the time you reach the gym (Lv. 9 IIRC?). So you can use it if you want. Fletchling is probably going to be very helpful against Viola, though.
Bolt the Cat said:
Raptor9229 said:
The first gym is bug type, meaning you may want to leave your grass starter in the party and use Fletchling or its evolutions.

Actually, Chespin is shown to be able to learn Rollout by the time you reach the gym (Lv. 9 IIRC?). So you can use it if you want. Fletchling is probably going to be very helpful against Viola, though.

True but Rollout is not one of the best attacks, sure it can be helpful (Darn it whitney), I would rather use a fire or flying type on a bug type gym leader, or both at the same time if the opportunity presents itself.

I also hope we get a Dark type gym this generation because every type (Except Fairy obviously) but Dark has had a gym. Remember that the duty of a gym leader or duty of gym leaders are to test a trainer's strategy and planning. Take the Striaton trio for example, they decided on your opponent based on your starter, of course you could go in guns blazing and use your starter or you could go in guns blazing and use an elemental monkey.

A dark type gym would be no different, go in guns blazing and use your starter or go in guns blazing and use the dark type's weakness, and just for added fun the gym leader could have a Spiritomb on their team.
Raptor9229 said:
True but Rollout is not one of the best attacks, sure it can be helpful (Darn it whitney), I would rather use a fire or flying type on a bug type gym leader, or both at the same time if the opportunity presents itself.

Well again, you'll probably have Fletchling as an option as well, who will undoubtedly be helpful. Especially if he gets Flame Charge early enough.
I just want a 2nd, 3rd gym like Whitney's, sure I hated her guts but I felt I done a good accomplishment after I beat her on my 3rd try.
CyberCat5555 said:
I want a dark-type gym really bad. Also, if there is a electric gym leader/E4, they better be based off Daft Punk, seeing how gen6 is based off France, where they are from, and they make electronic music, it would be awesome :D
...adding to that, the gym should be a double battle gym (something we have never had) and they could be in the Effie tower thing in Lumiose city, seeing how it has a yellow gym logo in front (it only fits the electric type), and that they are from Paris, where Lumiose is supposedly based off. I could expand on this theory if anyone wants.
CyberCat5555 said:
CyberCat5555 said:
I want a dark-type gym really bad. Also, if there is a electric gym leader/E4, they better be based off Daft Punk, seeing how gen6 is based off France, where they are from, and they make electronic music, it would be awesome :D
...adding to that, the gym should be a double battle gym (something we have never had)

No one remembers the psychic twins...
Raptor9229 said:
Bolt the Cat said:
Actually, Chespin is shown to be able to learn Rollout by the time you reach the gym (Lv. 9 IIRC?). So you can use it if you want. Fletchling is probably going to be very helpful against Viola, though.

True but Rollout is not one of the best attacks, sure it can be helpful (Darn it whitney), I would rather use a fire or flying type on a bug type gym leader, or both at the same time if the opportunity presents itself.

Wait, Rollout isn't THAT bad.
The first time its power is 30, which is weak indeed, but it doubles every successful use.
If you get to the 4th turn, whatever pokemon the gym leader throws at you at that point would get one hit KOed.
Since we get a new type, the Fairy-type, I think it will be nice to have a gym for it. I would also like to see a Ghost/Dark-type gym and a Fire/Electric-type gym.
Drohn said:
Since we get a new type, the Fairy-type, I think it will be nice to have a gym for it. I would also like to see a Ghost/Dark-type gym and a Fire/Electric-type gym.

Or a dual fire and electric gym V.I.A double battles.

Basically a gym version of the tag battle against Volkner and Flynt, even though they really could not defeat me (Earthquaked them to death, poor Barry)
Raptor9229 said:
Or a dual fire and electric gym V.I.A double battles.

Basically a gym version of the tag battle against Volkner and Flynt, even though they really could not defeat me (Earthquaked them to death, poor Barry)

It will be nice to have to battle two gym leaders in a double battle, like in generation 3 (the Mossdeep gym I believe).
Drohn said:
Raptor9229 said:
Or a dual fire and electric gym V.I.A double battles.

Basically a gym version of the tag battle against Volkner and Flynt, even though they really could not defeat me (Earthquaked them to death, poor Barry)

It will be nice to have to battle two gym leaders in a double battle, like in generation 3 (the Mossdeep gym I believe).

Yup, and a teamup like that would make you think twice about bringing water types into the battle (Damn you Volkner) Same with how Tate and Liza taught me that maybe bug types were not the best things to use against them (My Ninjask still won but my Sceptile was the one that took down their Xatu [Ironically enough, then again it was packing strength which is a decent attack anyway])