XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

Ysmir said:
No it wouldn't. The only one with a problem would be Grass types.
Fire pwns steel and most Steel types are Rock/Ground which means weakness to water. Grass if the Steel type has a secondary type would do normal damage. I could see it. Besides Pokemon needs to up the ante with gyms....and badge earning/progression in general.

I was thinking more along the lines of if someone decided to not use their starter, then Steel resists pretty much everything you have at the beginning of the game and have ridiculously high Defense stats. But that's kind of true of Rock as well (albeit to a lesser degree) so, yeah, it's probably doable. I just don't see it as a Pokemon that you'd encounter that much in the early game, I'd expect something a little more basic like Grass, Bug, Flying, or something.

1st Gym: Bug
2nd Gym: Water
3rd Gym: Normal
4th Gym: Fighting
5th Gym: Flying
6th Gym: Ghost
7th Gym: Dragon
8th Gym: Dark

And the Elite 4 would be:

1st room: Fire
2nd room: Electric
3rd room: Steel
4th Room: Poison
What if there were more than 8 gyms, and we could choose?
Maybe have Normal as Gym 1, so no advantages/disadvantages, and then each town/city could have a gym?
So it goes like this:
1: Normal (levels 11-13)
Then there would be a Gym for every type excluding E4 types for obvious reasons, and they could have difficulty levels based on how strong your Pokemon are. Gym 2 could be 15-18, Gym 3 could be 22-24, Gym 4 27-29, Gym 5 32-34, Gym 6 38-42, Gym 7 44-49, and Gym 8 52-55? Just because most Pokemon are fully evolved by that point.
e.g. A Rock type gym for Gym 3 could have Boldore, Graveler and Larvitar, but as Gym 8 it would have Gigalith, Golem, Rhyperior, Cradily and Tyranitar.

And then the Elite Four could be starting types:
-Electric (Just because I find it's commonly seen with the starting types) or Dragon (just because Dragons)
And the Champion could be like Cynthia, with Pokemon from different types.
Ysmir said:
most Steel types are Rock/Ground
I don't think so. :p

For Gyms...

I think we might know more than just Bug gym.


Those purple signs look a lot like the gym statues you see when you walk into a gym, or at least the ones from Black and White. This is pretty clearly a Psychic-type gym, with so many levitating objects.


hi bug type gym. how's it going?


I'm 90% certain this is a Fire-type Elite Four room. Looks too small to be a gym imo.
MistahFuji said:
A high level fire gym would be nice, never really found Flannery challenging like Blaine.

To append to this thought, also more fire types this gen, the past couple generations have been quite lacking in terms of fire type imo.

With the point in the trailer where the PC is on the web with dew on it, I would have to guess that that would be a bug gym. The one with the flaming pillars would very much be a fire gym, or perhaps elite four room?

Dark gym is a must, and if gamefreak neglects it, that'll be a sad ball for it drop...
Always fun to guess these. Assuming the observations on Bug/Psychic Gym and Fire E4 are true, here are my predictions:

1. Ground
2. Bug
3. Ice
4. Poison
5. Dark
6. Psychic
7. Grass
8. Ghost

E4: Fire, Electric, Steel, Flying
I don't care about gyms. I hope there are many pretty ladies though as leaders, like Elesa. 8) I don't get why people like Skyla so much.
Teal said:
I don't care about gyms. I hope there are many pretty ladies though as leaders, like Elesa. 8) I don't get why people like Skyla so much.

You're kidding, right? Skyla have the most shortest short and she revealed a lot of her skin.
Aquapulse said:
Teal said:
I don't care about gyms. I hope there are many pretty ladies though as leaders, like Elesa. 8) I don't get why people like Skyla so much.

You're kidding, right? Skyla have the most shortest short and she revealed a lot of her skin.
So what? Sehe looks derpy and her "wings" don't really impress me. xP Her overall style just sucks.
Actually, what if they had a multitype gym? One that maybe has a mix of trainers that have types that you didn't see in the other gyms. I would also would like to see a gym/e4 league with no dragons at all, they've been getting too much attention imo.

Gym 1: Normal
Gym 2: Electric
Gym 3: Steel
Gym 4: Psychic
Gym 5: Water
Gym 6: Bug
Gym 7: Dark
Gym 8: Multitype(and by my list of types I guess it would consist of ghost, ice, fighting, ground, and poison. also no dragons)

Elite 4:


Champion: Multitype(again I know, but i think champions are better when they dont stick to a type. also once again, no dragons)
I want a dark-type gym really bad. Also, if there is a electric gym leader/E4, they better be based off Daft Punk, seeing how gen6 is based off France, where they are from, and they make electronic music, it would be awesome :D
By the pattern presented by the previous games, we will get a Psychic, Ghost, or Fighting gym or Elite 4. I really want a Rock-type gym in the latter part of the game. And another Poison-type or another Steel-type gym would be greatly appreciated.
The best thing ever would be if they would finally add in a Dark-type gym. This would be the best news to learn from these games.
Normal Type first,
Water type second
Grass type third,
Rock type fourth,
Dark type fifth,
Ghost type sixth,
Psychic type seventh,
New type eighth. If the don't make a new type, then fighting.

Elite four,
Flying, but with some really strong and unique twists.
There better not be ANOTHER Water-Type Gym is this game. We already have 4-6 of them.


Blob55 said:
There better not be ANOTHER Water-Type Gym is this game. We already have 4-6 of them.

That may be true, but water is also a staple type. You may argue that there are too many fire gyms, electric gyms or psychic gyms. All of which we have 4 of. Seems like nobody minds those, and also, there are only like 16 types and 12-13 gym leaders, elite four, and sometimes champion, without repeating types. And with a type as staple as water, it's hard not to have the 4 water gyms we have today.
Zoroark316 said:
Blob55 said:
There better not be ANOTHER Water-Type Gym is this game. We already have 4-6 of them.

That may be true, but water is also a staple type. You may argue that there are too many fire gyms, electric gyms or psychic gyms. All of which we have 4 of. Seems like nobody minds those, and also, there are only like 16 types and 12-13 gym leaders, elite four, and sometimes champion, without repeating types. And with a type as staple as water, it's hard not to have the 4 water gyms we have today.

We really have 6 Water Type Gyms. Misty, Wallace (Ruby and Sapphire)/Juan, Crasher Wake and Cress (Black and White)/Marlon.
BTW, there are only 2/3 Fire Type Gyms (Blaine, Flannery and Chili (BW only)) and 2 Psychic Type Gyms (Sabrina and Tate and Liza (They share the same Gym, so it only counts as 1)). Where did you get 4 from?

Also, there are 17 Types and E4 Members don't count as Gym Leaders.
Blob55 said:
Zoroark316 said:
That may be true, but water is also a staple type. You may argue that there are too many fire gyms, electric gyms or psychic gyms. All of which we have 4 of. Seems like nobody minds those, and also, there are only like 16 types and 12-13 gym leaders, elite four, and sometimes champion, without repeating types. And with a type as staple as water, it's hard not to have the 4 water gyms we have today.

We really have 6 Water Type Gyms. Misty, Wallace (Ruby and Sapphire)/Juan, Crasher Wake and Cress (Black and White)/Marlon.
BTW, there are only 2/3 Fire Type Gyms (Blaine, Flannery and Chili (BW only)) and 2 Psychic Type Gyms (Sabrina and Tate and Liza (They share the same Gym, so it only counts as 1)). Where did you get 4 from?

Also, there are 17 Types and E4 Members don't count as Gym Leaders.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's another water-type gym. In reality, ocean's a big world, use your imagination. But, to be honest, I don't think we'll get a water-type gym in this generation since it's based on Paris and Paris don't have any bodies of water except a river--a long, big river.
Aquapulse said:
Blob55 said:
We really have 6 Water Type Gyms. Misty, Wallace (Ruby and Sapphire)/Juan, Crasher Wake and Cress (Black and White)/Marlon.
BTW, there are only 2/3 Fire Type Gyms (Blaine, Flannery and Chili (BW only)) and 2 Psychic Type Gyms (Sabrina and Tate and Liza (They share the same Gym, so it only counts as 1)). Where did you get 4 from?

Also, there are 17 Types and E4 Members don't count as Gym Leaders.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's another water-type gym. In reality, ocean's a big world, use your imagination. But, to be honest, I don't think we'll get a water-type gym in this generation since it's based on Paris and Paris don't have any water bodies except a river, a big river.

I still don't know why it's based on Paris. What about London? It's like if instead of doing NY in BW, they did LA or Chicago.
I know Paris has the Eiffel Tower, but London has Big Ben, The London Eye, The River Thames, London Bridge ect...

BTW, anyone else surprised that in BW there's no Statue of Liberty? I know there's Liberty Peer, but no Statue.