XY What kind of Gym Types would you like to see in Gen 6?

HoOhLugia said:
Actually, we began discussing it here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-what-kind-of-new-gym-leaders-and-champions-will-there-be
But it doesn't matter, you can do it too I suppose.
But here are my thoughts of a Gym and Champion.

And I think the Elite Four should be like this:
Champion: Multi-Typed Champion (I liked the fact that Cynthia was a Multi Typed Champion!

Bug's been confirmed as 1st, so this list is wrong about that (plus Psychic isn't a good 1st gym type, maybe 2nd or 3rd at the earliest).

And I wouldn't really like that Elite 4 lineup because of Ghost being used a 4th time and because I think there should be at least 2 types that they haven't done before. Also, having Rock and Ground take up slots on the Elite 4 wouldn't be that interesting or challenging since they have similar Pokemon and weaknesses.
jeffreyc96 said:
This is how it should be in my opinion

First gym: Steel. (Reason: make a first gym that would blow everyone off, literally.)
Second gym: Dragon. (Reason: a weak Dragon gym for once; why do dragon Pokemon trainers have to always be powerful?)
Third gym: Ghost. (Reason: from this point, if you have not made a Pokemon party that uses different types this could be a highly difficult gym.)
Fourth gym: Fighting. (Reason: see Third gym)
Fifth gym: Rock. (Reason: we never really see a Rock type gym in the middle anyway.)
Sixth gym: Grass. (Reason: Grass is normally weak, so why not give it a little boost.)
Seventh gym: Fairy. (Reason: Let this FEMALE Pokemon gym leader give us a taste of the new powerful Fairy type [maybe she could help you defeat the villain in every Pokemon game!]
Eighth gym: Dark. (Reason: We never had a a Dark gym leader, so this gym leader will do everything he can to triumph you in a very unpleasant manner [remind yourself of N, but just as a gym leader and maybe add this gym leader with his own theme soundtrack].)

What do you think? :) Feedback!

Unless we can catch Pokemon that are strong again the Steel-type before the first gym, I would not like it to be Steel, since the people who go for Chespin will have a hard time. It resists many types, including the Normal-type that is often available in the beginning. It would be a nice Gym to have after the third one in my opinion. I disagree with you on the Dragon-types, because they state that Dragon-type Pokémon are hard to train, so you must be a good trainer to be successful at it, especially if you're a Gym-leader. I don't mind if there are other trainers in the VG that have lower level Dragon-types, but a Dragon-type Gym-leader should be good at it in my opinion.

I like that you have Fairy in there, since it's a new type and I would like a Gym for it too (doesn't have to be a female Gym-leader for me). The other types look fine with me too.
Bolt the Cat said:
HoOhLugia said:
Actually, we began discussing it here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-what-kind-of-new-gym-leaders-and-champions-will-there-be
But it doesn't matter, you can do it too I suppose.
But here are my thoughts of a Gym and Champion.

And I think the Elite Four should be like this:
Champion: Multi-Typed Champion (I liked the fact that Cynthia was a Multi Typed Champion!

Bug's been confirmed as 1st, so this list is wrong about that (plus Psychic isn't a good 1st gym type, maybe 2nd or 3rd at the earliest).

And I wouldn't really like that Elite 4 lineup because of Ghost being used a 4th time and because I think there should be at least 2 types that they haven't done before. Also, having Rock and Ground take up slots on the Elite 4 wouldn't be that interesting or challenging since they have similar Pokemon and weaknesses.

Okay, but this was just my idea. I guess you were right about the bug type. I wasn't really thinking about that - besides, I just woke up when I wrote this (I took a break for my eyes before that of course).

Bolt the Cat said:
HoOhLugia said:
Actually, we began discussing it here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-what-kind-of-new-gym-leaders-and-champions-will-there-be
But it doesn't matter, you can do it too I suppose.
But here are my thoughts of a Gym and Champion.

And I think the Elite Four should be like this:
Champion: Multi-Typed Champion (I liked the fact that Cynthia was a Multi Typed Champion!

Bug's been confirmed as 1st, so this list is wrong about that (plus Psychic isn't a good 1st gym type, maybe 2nd or 3rd at the earliest).

And I wouldn't really like that Elite 4 lineup because of Ghost being used a 4th time and because I think there should be at least 2 types that they haven't done before. Also, having Rock and Ground take up slots on the Elite 4 wouldn't be that interesting or challenging since they have similar Pokemon and weaknesses.

Okay, but this was just my idea. I guess you were right about the bug type. I wasn't really thinking about that - besides, I just woke up when I wrote this (I took a break for my eyes before that of course).
I believe that Clemont and Grant are electric and rock respectively. This is because 1) Their designs seem to fit with the types, 2) On the official website, it shows them with a yellow and brown colour respectively. These colours are commonly associated with those types. What do you guys think?
DrEspeon said:
I believe that Clemont and Grant are electric and rock respectively. This is because 1) Their designs seem to fit with the types, 2) On the official website, it shows them with a yellow and brown colour respectively. These colours are commonly associated with those types. What do you guys think?

I agree with you... but they seem to be the super obvious choice. Clemont, especially, seems to me like he might be a steel user. If Grant is a rock type user, I hope at the very least that he's upwards of the 4th gym. We've had our fair share of early game rock type gyms!
DrEspeon said:
I believe that Clemont and Grant are electric and rock respectively. This is because 1) Their designs seem to fit with the types, 2) On the official website, it shows them with a yellow and brown colour respectively. These colours are commonly associated with those types. What do you guys think?

I thought it was steel and fighting because, one loves machines and the other loves sports
I don't know why people like the wimpy gym types :[

I personally hate Normal/Bug/Poison gym leaders. Give us something good!
I would love to see a dark gym, even though there was a dark type e4 member last gen. I also wouldn't be surprised if a fairy gym was implemented to promote the new type (they did the same thing with the steel type in gen 2).
Tsukeo said:
I want to see a mixed user. Like two types that helps each other.


like there could be a Ghost/Dark gym that relies on sneaky strategies - Pursuit, Sucker Punch, some kind of sneaky Ghost move.
They'd even switch their Pokemon out. Thinking of giving a Brick Break to that Liepard? Think again! It's being switched for a Mismagius!

And then the leader could use a potential Sableye evo

another thing, have restrictions on gyms - maybe something like 'In this Gym, all your Pokemon need to know Return' or something. Maybe even make it so you couldn't use a Grass or Electric type in this Water gym. (to compensate, they could have a TM for Energy Ball or something close by)
So so far, trusting the rumors, we got Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, Electric. That leaves 3 more gyms in the air.

That's already quite colorful. Taking some wild guesses here with at leats some reasoning:
-Team Flair should be the Fire-focused people in this region: no Fire gym
-NPCs offering sky battles will probably cover Flying well and I'm confident a gym would not limit the battle style to Sky battles: no Flying gym

That leaves: Normal, Water, Grass, Ground, Ice, Psychic, Poison, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, Steel.

The obvious top everyone-and-their-moms favourite out of those is Dark.
I figure they'd put it somewhere in 5-8.

Looking at the map, I see a huge snowflake windmill in a snowy area...yeah, Ice type pretty much given.

so here's my current prediction based on what we know so far:

1: Bug (confirmed)
2: Fairy (trusted rumor)
3: Ice (its not as exotic as dragons and ghosts, but its so weak that it fits an early gym really well and its odd how it made #7 for three different regions)
4: Fighting (trusted rumor)
5: Electric (the solar panel guy cant be much else.)
6: Dark (not in any spotlight. nice casual gym spot for this newcomer)
7: Rock (look at Grant, hes obviously Rock type. the question is just when. Id put him as far back as possible to make up for the fact that Rock had to suck at #1 way too many times. But its definitely not the final gym since I doubt theyd showed him just like that at this point already)

That leaves the final one in mystery... Id say its either Steel or Ghost make tough final gyms (hopefully not Dragon), but Id place my bet on Psychic instead. Haven't seen it in a while.
8: Psychic

Now (assuming they don't reuse some type from gyms like Dragon in GSC/BW2 and Water in E), the left 7 (they wouldn't use Normal there IMO) are choices for E4 and champ:
Water, Grass, Ground, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Dragon.
Ditch one of the simple elements (Water/Ground/Grass) and try avoiding repetition from gen V (Ghost) and it sounds very appropriate:
A: Steel
B: Ground
C: Dragon
D: Poison
E: Grass (with that being the champ, it would follow what they did for Alder, Iris, Steven, where onyl half of their team has the type they focus on and the rest fits some kind of theme.) - in this case, I can see the champ being some nature-loving person who would have 3 Grass pokes, at least 1 serious Fairy and perhaps some Psychic/Normal/Water guy and whatever type the new pseudo-legend ends up being.

Unfortunately, the new pokemon aren't any good clues this generation, as Kalos seems to be filled heavily with non-gen6 pokes which can be used in case of lacking new ones.
Alrighty. I love this topic to death. I'll give a logical and a wishful list.

Logical list -
1 - Bug (confirmed)
2 - Fairy (rumor)
3 - Grass (The trees and vines with the foots prints on the floor seem very gym-like.)
4 - Fighting (rumor)
5 - Electric (city with the lighthouse along the north. This'll be where Clemont is)
6 - Rock (City in the north center most point. This'll be where Grant is)
7 - Ice (Again. The city with the snowflake windmill. It seems too Icirus, but it seems possible it's a gym city anyway)
8 - Water (The city between the two snow towns)


1 - Bug
2 - Fairy
3 - Grass
4 - Fighting
5 - Water
6 - Rock
7 - Ice
8 - Dark

Hopeful E4

1 - Flying (Noivern and Talonflame for example)
2 - Steel (Honedge for example)
3 - Normal (The evolved forms of Litleo and Helioptile for example)
4 - Psychic (That new Meowtic thing and Malimar for example)
Champion - Mixture
MistahFuji said:
A high level fire gym would be nice, never really found Flannery challenging like Blaine.

Really? Flannery is a serial killer in my Nuzlocke. Her Torkoal has always been annoying for me.
Here's a list.

1. Fairy
2. Flying
3. Fire
4. Poison
5. Ground
6. Dark
7. Grass
8. Bug

Elite 4

1. Steel
2. Normal
3. Water
4. Rock
Proceeded said:
Here's a list.

1. Fairy
2. Flying
3. Fire
4. Poison
5. Ground
6. Dark
7. Grass
8. Bug

Elite 4

1. Steel
2. Normal
3. Water
4. Rock

Bug is confirmed as first gym fairy is rumoured second by the leak on this sight fightning is rumoured 3rd on this sight. I agree grass could be one because of that trailer where the PC for boys lost his sunglasses. Grant is definitely rock and Clemont is probably electric or steel. Both of those are gyms so most of your list is probably wrong.
I don't even care about having a dark-type gym as much as I do a fire-type one. What would make it even better is if it was the eight gym... or have a fire-type specialist in the E4 once again. That would be awesome and leaves the eight gym open for a dark leader. Seeing as how many dark types there are already, I'd be surprised if we don't come across a gym specializing in it.

But of course I can't guess. There's so much possibility, and as long as they mix things up this time around, I'll be really happy. I really hope the gym leaders have more than three pokemon, though...
Here's a question:

If there is going to be a Dark type gym leader this game, what city would you fight him in? I'm not seeing anywhere on the map that would fit Dark that well.
zappy80 said:
Proceeded said:
Here's a list.

1. Fairy
2. Flying
3. Fire
4. Poison
5. Ground
6. Dark
7. Grass
8. Bug

Elite 4

1. Steel
2. Normal
3. Water
4. Rock

Bug is confirmed as first gym fairy is rumoured second by the leak on this sight fightning is rumoured 3rd on this sight. I agree grass could be one because of that trailer where the PC for boys lost his sunglasses. Grant is definitely rock and Clemont is probably electric or steel. Both of those are gyms so most of your list is probably wrong.

I don't care what the information says. That's the order I want them in. I can dream can't I?