XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

They are both from a GF official video, so I'm certain they are the shiny forms of the respective Pokémon.

Edit: It was during the E3 where they were shown to battle/trade the shiny Pokémon.
Bolt the Cat said:
steffenka said:
Regarding shinies I found these 2 (some of you might alredy have seen them)

Skrelp: http://imgur.com/q806spE

Gogoat: http://imgur.com/OVD3NYg

Do you think these are shinies or not, and if not why?

I keep seeing Yveltal being either dark blue or yellow instead of red and Xerneas being either light green or light reddish instead of blue as shinies :)

That Skrelp is almost certainly shiny if that image is to be trusted, the Gogoat is a bit more debatable, but I think it is (BTW, we've seen that image a while ago).

I think it the picture is real but I'm not sure, also on page 4 on the frontpage Skrelp is also seen (the picture seen below). I personally think that the Skrelp on the picture is more red and pink than the official sprites which seems to be more brown and purple. Could that maybe be a beta version or is that the real shiny?


  • pokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-1.jpg
    86.7 KB · Views: 22
steffenka said:
I think it the picture is real but I'm not sure, also on page 4 on the frontpage Skrelp is also seen (the picture seen below). I personally think that the Skrelp on the picture is more red and pink than the official sprites which seems to be more brown and purple. Could that maybe be a beta version or is that the real shiny?

That one looks like a case of poor camera angle/picture quality. Notice how the grass around it is this super gross and saturated lime green as well.

By the way, the "shiny" Skrelp doesn't look so strikingly different in the actual video it's from: http://i.imgur.com/XtwjnpA.png
Still, it does look a little redder and the belly looks periwinkle as opposed to pink. Hard to say.
The Gogoat is 100% shiny.

You don't simply get hues of different colours adjusted differently without manually changing each colour on its own.

Just take the body for example.
The light and dark brown are very close colours.
Even though both are suddenly oversaturated beyond what any "effect" would do, but they shift in opposite directions (light turning yellow, the dark turning slightly reddish)
By the time the bushy part turned to that turquoise shade, the body would be green, the hooves yellow.
To get pinker hooves and reddish brown you'd have to go the other way.

It makes perfect sense for it to be those shades too anyway (from looking at shiny sprites of all pokemon a ~million times, it feels right). But it is because camera angle/photo of screen/etc wouldn't do that.
I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but touchscreen buttons from HGSS are returning.


(ignore the text, not my image)
Rusty Sticks said:
I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but touchscreen buttons from HGSS are returning.


(ignore the text, not my image)

The top round button looks like the rest of the buttons at the bottom (pokemon, options, bag, etc.), so could it be that all selected menus are operated through the touchscreen? so the bottom screen could be changed to show the PSS, the pokemon party, the bag or the options? I don't want to have the PSS always open...
I just wish Pokemon would remove things that don't make sense. Fire, rock and ground type Pokemon should not be able to battle under water. An animal as small as your foot should not be able to fly a half grown person hundreds of miles. Can we just swim please! surfing is so done! They need to fix all Pokemon move sets, why can't certain Pokemon learn certain moves when it's more than apparent that they should be able to. Some one should be available much earlier in the games who can delete HM moves. Please stop having NPC's use 5 or 6 kinds of the same Pokemon; do we really need to fight 6 level 5 magicarps or geodudes?
blackmercy said:
Please stop having NPC's use 5 or 6 kinds of the same Pokemon; do we really need to fight 6 level 5 magicarps or geodudes?

That's why they brought in horde battles, specially for you, so you can enjoy fighting even more low level Magikarps and Geodudes!
Pokequaza said:
blackmercy said:
Please stop having NPC's use 5 or 6 kinds of the same Pokemon; do we really need to fight 6 level 5 magicarps or geodudes?

That's why they brought in horde battles, specially for you, so you can enjoy fighting even more low level Magikarps and Geodudes!

I think you'll find that when you're ev training speed, 6 magikarps are a godsend. 30 with a power anklet, add pokerus and it goes up to 60 per battle
It's silly that you can use Waterfall to go up a waterfall, but not Fly. It makes no sense. Also I would love it if we were able to use Fly and control it ourselves;being able to fly over cities/routes and land where we want (only on places where you can walk though, not on top of a roof, tree, etc., but that is easily taken care of with a "You can't land here" message). If they do this, I think they should give it to you after reaching the Pokémon League, but before entering the room. Maybe another Rival battle before you go in, who then gives you HM Fly after beating him. Being able to land everywhere while you're still traveling through the region and haven't collected all badges yet, would make the game boring, probably.
leecario said:
I think you'll find that when you're ev training speed, 6 magikarps are a godsend. 30 with a power anklet, add pokerus and it goes up to 60 per battle

About 8 horde battles without PokéRus, EV-training just became everyone's daily bussiness. Just wait and see the people still hack their Pokémon..
Even tough it is extremely unlikely, I really hope they return something like secret bases and ball capsules. It would be amazing if they reimplement RSE-style secret bases. They could use online, streetpass and spotpass to make it work. Ball capsules will allow even further customsation, but they really need to remove those letters...
Lanturnman said:
Even tough it is extremely unlikely, I really hope they return something like secret bases and ball capsules. It would be amazing if they reimplement RSE-style secret bases. They could use online, streetpass and spotpass to make it work. Ball capsules will allow even further customsation, but they really need to remove those letters...

I would love for secret bases to come out! When I first got Sapphire as a little kid, I was amazed at Secret Bases and taught every Pokemon Secret Power :p Now I know better, but secret bases were really cool. I was sad to see the feature go.

I'd like to have overworld battles, kind of like how in RSE they had Team Aqua and Team Magma battling Poochyena on Mt. Chimney. It would be awesome (though unlikely) to see trainers feel the effects of moves (i.e. trainers shaking with the ground when their Pokemon uses Earthquake, or get an umbrella if it uses Rain Dance). While it may never happen, just the idea makes me excited. The closest they've gotten to that are the side games.
I've been playing thru my BW2 recently, and I have new demands for small details in X/Y.

1) During sea battles, when you send out your Pokémon, it should make a splashing sound. I'm tired of sending out my Lapras in water and it sounding like I threw it onto a steel grate!
2) I don't think the 4-move per Pokémon mechanic should be abolished, but I do think that you should be allowed to teach your Pokémon 2-3 extra moves, in reserve, that you can substitute at will for your 4 moves.
3) Whatever HMs exist in Gen 6, we should be able to make our Pokémon forget them without the need for a move deleter. At the very least, GF should grant the player the ability to forget HMs around the 3rd or 4th badge.
4) In the post E4 game, I'm tired of the trainers you meet having 1st or 2nd stage Pokémon, regardless of whether the Pokémon are from foreign regions or not. I understand that the game is allowing you to complete your National Dex by doing this, but I find some of the battles become stupid and repetitive. I'm tired of battling Lvl 65 Cubones, Slakoths, Lotads, etc. Its the end-game for crying out loud, the vast majority of trainers should have well-developed, diverse teams. In order to help you complete your Nat Dex, they should just make more foreign Pokémon available in the wild post-E4, or create more Nature Preserve type areas.
5) Drohn made a comment above about modifying the use of Fly outside of battle. I couldn't agree more. Plus, who wouldn't want to do that?
6) Even though it doesn't seem likely, based on the available info, I want the main rival character to be a total jerkwad. To this day, I'll still argue that Blue and Silver were the best two rivals in the games, and its because I took so much pleasure in wiping the floor with them. In the context of X/Y, I'm hoping that, after starting their journey with you and your pack of friends, your rival somehow stabs you in the back and joins Team Flare or becomes a Flare sympathizer.
Rules to Pokemon battle like 1v1 and 2v2, and if you lost the two Pokemon you Pre Select you use the battle. To me it seems unfair that you get 6 Pokemon whilst others have 2.
An option outside of Shift where you don't know the next Pokemon someone will use, but can still switch yours without taking a hit. I find it dumb that for whatever reason, you know what the trainers next Pokemon will be.
I like the idea of weather and season and time of day playing into what kind of Pokemon you see, like at the evening in the summer, lots of bugs, in the morning during sun, lots of grass types, night time, Zubats and Rodents.
Night should be a weather like Sunny.
FT10 said:
6) Even though it doesn't seem likely, based on the available info, I want the main rival character to be a total jerkwad. To this day, I'll still argue that Blue and Silver were the best two rivals in the games, and its because I took so much pleasure in wiping the floor with them. In the context of X/Y, I'm hoping that, after starting their journey with you and your pack of friends, your rival somehow stabs you in the back and joins Team Flare or becomes a Flare sympathizer.

Couldn't agree more. I mean, I took pleasure in wiping the floor with Cheren, but that's because I thought he was a boring twat.

Normally I love going back and replaying pokemon games, but when I went back to B/W I was turned off really fast by all the hand-holding that goes on with Bianca and Cheren and Juniper. I understand GF are trying to emphasize togetherness and friendship in their games, and getting away from antagonizing rivals. But the thing is, those early games really made it feel like you were going on an adventure of your own, just you and your pokemon. The social aspect of the games came from interacting with other players, not the NPCs you're forced to be friends with.
I want to be able to have a FULL 6 VS 6 flat battle with my friend where we can use legendaries with everyone either lvl 50 or 100.
It was so annoying in Black and WHite.
I'd like to have sky battles available in PvP. We have double battles, triple battles, rotation battles, and launcher battles readily available to play with in PvP. Why not Sky Battles?
I've been replying White and White 2 and I have four words that X/Y direly need to take into consideration:
Lower the encounter rate.
I really don't enjoy taking just 2-5 steps and running into yet another wild Pokemon. Especially since BW/BW2 make you stop for like a full second and a half before the battle even starts. Maybe it makes it easier for people who are trying to catch all the Pokemon in an area, but I never minded having to run around between encounters in previous games.
garbodorable said:
FT10 said:
6) Even though it doesn't seem likely, based on the available info, I want the main rival character to be a total jerkwad. To this day, I'll still argue that Blue and Silver were the best two rivals in the games, and its because I took so much pleasure in wiping the floor with them. In the context of X/Y, I'm hoping that, after starting their journey with you and your pack of friends, your rival somehow stabs you in the back and joins Team Flare or becomes a Flare sympathizer.

Couldn't agree more. I mean, I took pleasure in wiping the floor with Cheren, but that's because I thought he was a boring twat.

Normally I love going back and replaying pokemon games, but when I went back to B/W I was turned off really fast by all the hand-holding that goes on with Bianca and Cheren and Juniper. I understand GF are trying to emphasize togetherness and friendship in their games, and getting away from antagonizing rivals. But the thing is, those early games really made it feel like you were going on an adventure of your own, just you and your pokemon. The social aspect of the games came from interacting with other players, not the NPCs you're forced to be friends with.

I never noticed much hand holding in BW; I interpreted more like character development and plot points. BW2, on the other hand, has so much f****** hand holding that it becomes unbearable... it's like, two steps/character aproches/wall of text/item/wall of text/two steps/character approches/wall of text/character does something irredemably stupid (I'm looking at you, marlon)/repeat. The begining of the game it's maddening, I swear. so. much. instructions. so. many. items. so. much. exposition (or lack of it). I wasn't even out of flocessy ranch and I already wanted to throw the game out of the window.

So, that's what I want, just the necessary hand holding and WELL implemented, it has to flow organically with the plot, not be (badly) rushed.

Oh, and another thing: GET IT TOGETHER GAME FREAK! stop with the nonsensical plot holes and the breaching of physics. After defeating marlon, he leaves the gym swimming up north, but the moment after you get out of the gym, hugh comes and talks to you, AND MARLON COMES FROM THE SOUTH. WHERE THERE ARE MOUNTAINS. That's the most stupid and nonsensical thing I ever saw in a pokemon game (except for when he infiltrates alone the freaking plasma frigate and then leaves because he doesn't give a flying f*** about saving unova).