XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

Mitja said:
professorlight said:
But yeah, that point system is waaay better than just 8 moveslots, and it would give place to more varied strategies, But the "heavy" moves like thunder, outrage, etc should take 4 or 5 memory points each, so pokemon can't go out fully stocked of high-power and great coverage moves as of now, also, same type moves could have a "discount" in the memory required, say... 1 or 1/2 a point.

Most of these high power moves have a drawback already, having low accuracy and PP.

The PP are an indicator of how "strong" or "special" a move is supposed to be.

So the memory point system could focus solely on balance instead.
There would be no reason to have a Thunder (that can easily miss or that you'll only wanna use in certain conditions like rain) use up like half of the moveset when you could pack much more reliable and better coverage by getting both Thunderbolt and Ice Beam for those points for example.

Its when you get reliable high power moves that the costs would rise, like Draco Meteor and Close Combat.

Lots of gimmicky moves would face similar problems. For example all those Hyper Beam variations are certainly powerful moves..but the forced recharge makes them a useless gimmick that made them fall into the "only a noob would use this" category, which is why I would assign those with low cost, so you can put them on the moveset for the lulz or in case u get a finishing blow, without having to waste half of the moveslots.

But the fact that the move is not of the same type than the pokemon using it is in itself an advantage (coverage duh), which, as you said, would have to be costly.

Which would be more versatile/useful: a gallade (psycho cut/zen headbutt/slash/swords dance), or that same gallade (psycho cut/night slash/leaf blade/close combat)?

maybe there shouldn't be 8 total points, maybe it should be like 10 points:

1 MP: weak moves, unreliable status/buff moves.
2 MP: regular moves, good status/buff moves.
3 MP: mid tier moves, hyper beams.
4 MP: hi-crit moves, outrage/petaldance/thrash
5 MP: beams, strongest moves.

-1 MP to stabs.

Or something like that; it would take a lot of math and mathematical models to check the balance of the system, but is doable.
A fairy-type plate for Arceus. Arceus is the god of all Pokemon, and can change to any type. Honestly if there is no Fairy plate, than this just breaks the lore of Pokemon.
NoDice said:
oneofpanda said:
I would like the movepool to be increased for your pokemon, and by this I mean still keeping the traditional four moves known at one time during battle, but when your pokemon would learn a new move (either from leveling or by TM/HM) it would remember it and keep it in a reserve area so you could easily swap out the old moves for the ones being used in battle.

I like this idea a lot actually. It makes no sense that you have to go to a special NPC in the game to remember moves, when they could just cut down the PP available depending on the PP of the move replaced- Ala TMs/HMs in BW. I mean c'mon, youre a TRAINER! Why do you need some old spacey dude to help your Pokemon remember moves?

I like this idea as well. Maybe you can only do a time or two before going to a Pokémon Center otherwise you would be able to change moves between each Elite Four member to better your chances, for example.
Dragon Tamer Rhaegar said:
I think it would be cool story-wise if the Elite Four were connected to the evil team. Or at least the Champion was the leader. It would make for a good story, and it would bring in some information about the politics of the games. For example, if the Champion is evil or misuses his powerful pokemon, would his title be taken away?
That would also make way for one of the Rivals to become Champion, or maybe an N-esque character.

I still wonder how Giovanni became a gym leader...

Equinox said:
A fairy-type plate for Arceus. Arceus is the god of all Pokemon, and can change to any type. Honestly if there is no Fairy plate, than this just breaks the lore of Pokemon.

That's guaranteed- it's not something you have to hope for. lol
Jakeremix said:
Dragon Tamer Rhaegar said:
I think it would be cool story-wise if the Elite Four were connected to the evil team. Or at least the Champion was the leader. It would make for a good story, and it would bring in some information about the politics of the games. For example, if the Champion is evil or misuses his powerful pokemon, would his title be taken away?
That would also make way for one of the Rivals to become Champion, or maybe an N-esque character.

I still wonder how Giovanni became a gym leader...
One word. Money. Oh wait... that sounds familiar
I want to see the return of Pokemon Contests! I can earn pokemon ribbons all over again! Not only that, but I would like some things to return from 5th generation. Things like the Movie Theater. I enjoyed seeing the goofy scripts of the movies and letting my pokemon play in the lead role. It would be amazing to see it in 3D as well. Can't forget Musical Shows! That would be fantastic in 3D as well, and to actually have fluid animations on the pokemon in the roles (however a large part of me doubts that they would continue the musical shows, at least with fluid animations from the 3D models since that would take some time to animate.)

These smaller details made the game a lot more enjoyable for me since we had something to pursue other than beating all the other trainers (which I do like), and conquering the elite four. It gave us relief from all of that while we could still at anytime rejoin our journey and be off with our pokemon.
Id like abilities to have animations on the same scale as moves. This doesnt need to apply to all abilities, obviously some are less obvious or not quite as clearly depicted, and i'm aware it would be time consuming.

Some examples:

Iron Barbs: animated spikes grow out of the Pokemon briefly

Multiscale: a flash of rainbow scale patterns are shown when the Pokemon is hit at full health

Volt/Water Absorb etc: the Pokemon glows blue/yellow/green and shimmers as it is hit by the affected move type (move animation should still play imo)
One small thing that would be nice would be to still see attack animations even if they miss.
(obv. not the whole thing, but a condensed version would be nice nevertheless)
I wish they'd bring back the secret bases from RSE, although, with a little more use than just an "asthetic make-your-own-home for lulz." I thought it was a pretty cool implementation.
A few minor things I would like to see:
  • Bring back L=A mode, at least as an option. (Even better, automatically disable L=A mode while using the PC, because L and R are useful when changing boxes. That's unlikely to happen though.)
  • Touch screen menu like HGSS, or Pokétch functionality like DPPt, or something else useful. Anything would be better than the C-Gear, really (for me at least). The clock on the lower screen in BW was nice though.
  • Retain the ability to turn off attack animations in battle.
  • Faster walking, or automatic running shoes like HGSS.
  • Some method of trading between a physical copy and a digital copy of the games on a single 3DS system. Similarly, transfer pokemon from BW to a digital copy of X or Y (assuming they figure out how to migrate from Gen 5). If this is possible I might get a physical copy of X and a digital copy of Y (or vice versa).
I hope that the pseudo legendary for this generation isn't part dragon type. Don't get me wrong, I love dragons, and Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon are really cool. But, I find that Tyranitar and Metagross are two of the most original and impactful Pokémon that exist, and we could use another non-dragon pseudo in that vein to even out the numbers.

Also, I hope that other than the regional early-game mammalian Pokémon and the early flying type (probably Fletchling), another 1 or 2 unusual Pokémon are also available. In Sinnoh, Shinx was available. In B/W, it was Blitzle, and in B2/W2, there was also Riolu and Mareep. It just makes it so that when you replay the game, you can truly take another direction as a trainer.

Lastly, I really want the fishing rod of this generation to be available earlier in the game; like, when you get the Surf HM (if it even exists anymore).
FT10 said:
I hope that the pseudo legendary for this generation isn't part dragon type. Don't get me wrong, I love dragons, and Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon are really cool. But, I find that Tyranitar and Metagross are two of the most original and impactful Pokémon that exist, and we could use another non-dragon pseudo in that vein to even out the numbers.

Yeah, unless there are two like gen 3, I really hope it's not.

I made a team of pseudo-legends the other day and kept getting comments about my "dragon team" lol.

So we've had:

Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight
huge visual change in last stage

Rock / Ground - Rock / Ground - Rock / Dark
godzilla inspired non-dragon. Rock as main type was quite exotic, with some Dark for badassery.
evolution employs metamorphosis (middle stage being cocoon-like).

"Lets make another one"
Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight (but with more detailed backstory relating to that)
twist: now the dragon one employs metamorphosis

"rock was hardcore...lets go a step further"
Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic
more abstract/unique design
twist: instead of Dark for the tough pseudo, go for the "bright" side, Psychic.

"dragon-time again...flying is getting cliche...how about the opposite?" (LOL)
Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground
land-shark based instead of typical dragon design

"another dragon won't hurt...but lets make it more subtle"
Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon
twist - mainly sinister creature with extra dragon for badassery.

I'd personally like to see the following (some types that don't have uber badass pokemon yet could use some pseudo-legendary love):


--a combination of two from these 5
--a combination with Psychic or Steel is still fine
--heck Dragon would be fine by me, since any of these would give exotic combos
Mitja said:
FT10 said:
I hope that the pseudo legendary for this generation isn't part dragon type. Don't get me wrong, I love dragons, and Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon are really cool. But, I find that Tyranitar and Metagross are two of the most original and impactful Pokémon that exist, and we could use another non-dragon pseudo in that vein to even out the numbers.

Yeah, unless there are two like gen 3, I really hope it's not.

I made a team of pseudo-legends the other day and kept getting comments about my "dragon team" lol.

So we've had:

Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight
huge visual change in last stage

Rock / Ground - Rock / Ground - Rock / Dark
godzilla inspired non-dragon. Rock as main type was quite exotic, with some Dark for badassery.
evolution employs metamorphosis (middle stage being cocoon-like).

"Lets make another one"
Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight (but with more detailed backstory relating to that)
twist: now the dragon one employs metamorphosis

"rock was hardcore...lets go a step further"
Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic
more abstract/unique design
twist: instead of Dark for the tough pseudo, go for the "bright" side, Psychic.

"dragon-time again...flying is getting cliche...how about the opposite?" (LOL)
Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground
land-shark based instead of typical dragon design

"another dragon won't hurt...but lets make it more subtle"
Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon
twist - mainly sinister creature with extra dragon for badassery.

I'd personally like to see the following (some types that don't have uber badass pokemon yet could use some pseudo-legendary love):


--a combination of two from these 5
--a combination with Psychic or Steel is still fine
--heck Dragon would be fine by me, since any of these would give exotic combos

Given the 5 types you listed, I would be super-excited to see a ghost/fighting pseudo-legendary. If I'm not mistaken, that typing doesn't exist yet. The only problem is, what would it be? For now, I can only see it becoming a haunted suit of armor. In that case, Honedge would probably have to be the first stage in the pseudo-legendary line.

^look what pokemon is on the palace gate :O

the game seems to allude to previous generations a lot, the serperiors on the palace and the snivy and oshawatt on Pro.Sycamores wall, also,
has anyone else noticed that grant's hair has a ruby shappire and emerald?
Sslie Zoommo said:
the game seems to allude to previous generations a lot, the serperiors on the palace and the snivy and oshawatt on Pro.Sycamores wall, also,
has anyone else noticed that grant's hair has a ruby shappire and emerald?

Emerald is green, that'd be topaz.

But I guess this could be more evidence for RSE conspiracy theorists.
Sslie Zoommo said:

^look what pokemon is on the palace gate :O

the game seems to allude to previous generations a lot, the serperiors on the palace and the snivy and oshawatt on Pro.Sycamores wall[/img]

I expected this to be the "second non-japanese region"... which it technically still is, but I expected it
-to make references to Unova and BW more than any other
-rely on gen V pokemon to fill casual roles (Frillish instead of Tentacool for 5th time, Woobat instead of Zubat, Patrat instead of Rattata etc etc)
-have legendaries that seem more related to gen V ones than previous
-evolve and give baby evos to mostly gen V pokemon

most trailers even seem to feature more gen V pokes than other ones.

but the more we see, the more it also seems to reference gen I a lot (especially if the extra starter rumor is true).
What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random eve

Mitja said:
FT10 said:
I hope that the pseudo legendary for this generation isn't part dragon type. Don't get me wrong, I love dragons, and Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon are really cool. But, I find that Tyranitar and Metagross are two of the most original and impactful Pokémon that exist, and we could use another non-dragon pseudo in that vein to even out the numbers.

Yeah, unless there are two like gen 3, I really hope it's not.

I made a team of pseudo-legends the other day and kept getting comments about my "dragon team" lol.

So we've had:

Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight
huge visual change in last stage

Rock / Ground - Rock / Ground - Rock / Dark
godzilla inspired non-dragon. Rock as main type was quite exotic, with some Dark for badassery.
evolution employs metamorphosis (middle stage being cocoon-like).

"Lets make another one"
Dragon - Dragon - Dragon / Flying
typical dragon gaining flight (but with more detailed backstory relating to that)
twist: now the dragon one employs metamorphosis

"rock was hardcore...lets go a step further"
Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic - Steel / Psychic
more abstract/unique design
twist: instead of Dark for the tough pseudo, go for the "bright" side, Psychic.

"dragon-time again...flying is getting cliche...how about the opposite?" (LOL)
Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground - Dragon / Ground
land-shark based instead of typical dragon design

"another dragon won't hurt...but lets make it more subtle"
Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon - Dark / Dragon
twist - mainly sinister creature with extra dragon for badassery.

I'd personally like to see the following (some types that don't have uber badass pokemon yet could use some pseudo-legendary love):


--a combination of two from these 5
--a combination with Psychic or Steel is still fine
--heck Dragon would be fine by me, since any of these would give exotic combos

I'd like to see more love with Poison and Bug in the Pseudo side of things. Maybe a Dragon/Bug or Dragon/Poison? Or, ignoring the dragon altogether, maybe they'll do something with Fairy? Fairy/Poison or Fairy/Bug could be interesting... I'm fed up with Steel/Bug so I hope that doesn't happen though. xD
Mitja said:
-evolve and give baby evos to mostly gen V pokemon

Disagreed here, I don't think many 5th gen Pokemon need evolutions or babies, but I can think of plenty of past gen Pokemon that desperately need them.
Bolt the Cat said:
Mitja said:
-evolve and give baby evos to mostly gen V pokemon

Disagreed here, I don't think many 5th gen Pokemon need evolutions or babies, but I can think of plenty of past gen Pokemon that desperately need them.

I don't either.
That wasn't my wishlist, it was what I thought gamefreak would likely do at that time.