Mitja said:professorlight said:But yeah, that point system is waaay better than just 8 moveslots, and it would give place to more varied strategies, But the "heavy" moves like thunder, outrage, etc should take 4 or 5 memory points each, so pokemon can't go out fully stocked of high-power and great coverage moves as of now, also, same type moves could have a "discount" in the memory required, say... 1 or 1/2 a point.
Most of these high power moves have a drawback already, having low accuracy and PP.
The PP are an indicator of how "strong" or "special" a move is supposed to be.
So the memory point system could focus solely on balance instead.
There would be no reason to have a Thunder (that can easily miss or that you'll only wanna use in certain conditions like rain) use up like half of the moveset when you could pack much more reliable and better coverage by getting both Thunderbolt and Ice Beam for those points for example.
Its when you get reliable high power moves that the costs would rise, like Draco Meteor and Close Combat.
Lots of gimmicky moves would face similar problems. For example all those Hyper Beam variations are certainly powerful moves..but the forced recharge makes them a useless gimmick that made them fall into the "only a noob would use this" category, which is why I would assign those with low cost, so you can put them on the moveset for the lulz or in case u get a finishing blow, without having to waste half of the moveslots.
But the fact that the move is not of the same type than the pokemon using it is in itself an advantage (coverage duh), which, as you said, would have to be costly.
Which would be more versatile/useful: a gallade (psycho cut/zen headbutt/slash/swords dance), or that same gallade (psycho cut/night slash/leaf blade/close combat)?
maybe there shouldn't be 8 total points, maybe it should be like 10 points:
1 MP: weak moves, unreliable status/buff moves.
2 MP: regular moves, good status/buff moves.
3 MP: mid tier moves, hyper beams.
4 MP: hi-crit moves, outrage/petaldance/thrash
5 MP: beams, strongest moves.
-1 MP to stabs.
Or something like that; it would take a lot of math and mathematical models to check the balance of the system, but is doable.