XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

FT10 said:
If the rumors are true, and there is indeed a second Pokémon professor who will give you one of the Kanto starters at some point, I want it to happen before the E4. I'm tired of getting previous gen starters once I've already beaten everything!

I cannot agree with you less. Giving people foreign starters pre-national dex basically makes it so you don't really look forward to beating the game after beating the league as much. The only way they would ever pull off making post-national pokemon even receivable in-game before the elite 4 is if they made the elite 4 post-national dex only. That wouldn't be too fun, would it? That's like RSE ending after you beat the team leader, DPPt ending after you beat Cyrus, or B2W2 ending after you beat Ghetsis.
I agree with pretty much everything others have said especially wild pokemon you can see like the bridge you got underwater at and NPCs moving around or pitching tents at night.

I just noticed a post that said eggs having patterns and stuff so cool if they made that for eggs besides Manaphy.
FloodBadge said:
I cannot agree with you less. Giving people foreign starters pre-national dex basically makes it so you don't really look forward to beating the game after beating the league as much. The only way they would ever pull off making post-national pokemon even receivable in-game before the elite 4 is if they made the elite 4 post-national dex only. That wouldn't be too fun, would it? That's like RSE ending after you beat the team leader, DPPt ending after you beat Cyrus, or B2W2 ending after you beat Ghetsis.

I actually think they could get away with that, the whole badge quest is usually pretty weak when it comes to plot.

Pre-National Dex starters do kind of ruin the game, though.
I don't think pre-national starters harm the pre-game at all. They're just starters its not like they'll sweep everything on the way.
I had an idea about pokemon in general being more rare. It would increase game length and actually create the experience of the type of hype when I was younger. "Whoa you have...?! I haven't even seen one!" trading could then become more interesting.
But come to think of it people would then cheat more often to get those pokemon. :(
ryter78 said:
I had an idea about pokemon in general being more rare. It would increase game length and actually create the experience of the type of hype when I was younger. "Whoa you have...?! I haven't even seen one!" trading could then become more interesting.
But come to think of it people would then cheat more often to get those pokemon. :(

Yea, people would definitely cheat for pokemon, but I would personally like it to get harder since I already have all the pokemon up to gen 5.

[private]Edited for grammar *Drohn
yea ppl would definately cheat for pokemon but i would personally like it to get harder since i already have all the pokemon to gen 5
What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random eve

I've just noticed in the screenshots from the game that the shadows seem to change angles... Could this mean that the sun is dynamic!? D:

EDIT: I mean like in the way in which the sun is in a different place corresponding to time of day?
I'd really like to see an improvement on the AI in general, in regards to wild pokemon AND trainer battles. Things like a pokemon not using scary face on you over and over once your speed is already lowest, or really low. Gen V had some good battles with trainers with high level pokemon and good held items/competitive-ish movesets, but i'd like to see it increase further.
I don't know if this counts as a "smaller detail", but I hope that the story (eight badges, beating Team Flare and E4) lasts longer than its lasted in Gens 1-5. Usually the story takes me somewhere between 25-30 hours. I'm hoping it could at least take upwards of 40 hours in X/Y.
Something I would really like to see in the games is Pokémon being able to learn more than 4 moves. I know it will change the entire competitive field, but since they're doing that with the Fairy-type now anyway, they might change this too. I don't think or expect it to happen, but I would love it.
Drohn said:
Something I would really like to see in the games is Pokémon being able to learn more than 4 moves. I know it will change the entire competitive field, but since they're doing that with the Fairy-type now anyway, they might change this too. I don't think or expect it to happen, but I would love it.

considering we've already seen some Pokemon's moveslots and there doesn't appear to be room for more than 4 moves, this may have a lower chance of happening.

altho I have to say a hypothetical 6 move possibility would be frightening.
take Arcanine for example. in one moveset it could have
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
-Morning Sun
-Close Combat

it has Flare Blitz which is crazy powerful, good, strong, coverage with CC, Crunch and Wild Charge, good priority with E-Speed, and reliable recovery.

and Arcanine is kinda subpar in competitive lol.
I wouldn't mind 6 moveslots per pokemon, there are already plenty of pokemon that have so many different combinations of good moves, and usually, giving coverage to a pokemon means missing out on plenty of great STAB moves, which I don't particularly like (yeah, I'm of those suckers that give their pokemon almost all STABs or different typed moves they learn naturally).

I can see it already:

-Double team/Substitute
-Calm mind
-Dream eater
-Stored power

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The world will be ours, gardevoir!
professorlight said:
I wouldn't mind 6 moveslots per pokemon, there are already plenty of pokemon that have so many different combinations of good moves, and usually, giving coverage to a pokemon means missing out on plenty of great STAB moves, which I don't particularly like (yeah, I'm of those suckers that give their pokemon almost all STABs or different typed moves they learn naturally).

I can see it already:

-Double team/Substitute
-Calm mind
-Dream eater
-Stored power

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The world will be ours, gardevoir!

you could try and rule the world with that Gardevoir....
me and my Inkay will stop you in your tracks.
hmmm... a moveslot reinvention could be one where each pokemon has 8 move memory points, and all moves require a certain amount of points.
Ember - 1
Flamethrower - 2
Flare Blitz - 3
Trick Room - 1
Rain Dance - 1
Swords dance - 2
Sleep Powder - 2
Spore - 3
Quiver Dance - 3
Recover - 3
Rapid Spin - 1
Stealth Rock - 3
Hyperbeam - 1
Aqua Tail - 1
Razor Shell - 2
Scald - 3
this way there could be a certain balance, where you could either have 8 crappy weak moves, or 2 that are huge damage, powerful effects, game changing moves, or extremely good buff moves etc.

Higher cost as power rises (unless accuracy drops noticeably to even it out), for any noteworthy additional effects etc.
Status moves that require very specific situations, hard to set up, etc would have very low cost, so you could have them on your sets for those just-in-case scneraios, while crucial and straightforward useful things like direct recovery would be very costly.
I think it would be cool story-wise if the Elite Four were connected to the evil team. Or at least the Champion was the leader. It would make for a good story, and it would bring in some information about the politics of the games. For example, if the Champion is evil or misuses his powerful pokemon, would his title be taken away?
That would also make way for one of the Rivals to become Champion, or maybe an N-esque character.
I would like the movepool to be increased for your pokemon, and by this I mean still keeping the traditional four moves known at one time during battle, but when your pokemon would learn a new move (either from leveling or by TM/HM) it would remember it and keep it in a reserve area so you could easily swap out the old moves for the ones being used in battle.
P.DelSlayer said:
professorlight said:
I wouldn't mind 6 moveslots per pokemon, there are already plenty of pokemon that have so many different combinations of good moves, and usually, giving coverage to a pokemon means missing out on plenty of great STAB moves, which I don't particularly like (yeah, I'm of those suckers that give their pokemon almost all STABs or different typed moves they learn naturally).

I can see it already:

-Double team/Substitute
-Calm mind
-Dream eater
-Stored power

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The world will be ours, gardevoir!

you could try and rule the world with that Gardevoir....
me and my Inkay will stop you in your tracks.

Darn! foiled again! I'll be back with my ariados, P. DelSlayer! And I will have the last laugh!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough* *cough* BWAHAHAHAHA.... Oh, screw it.

But yeah, that point system is waaay better than just 8 moveslots, and it would give place to more varied strategies, But the "heavy" moves like thunder, outrage, etc should take 4 or 5 memory points each, so pokemon can't go out fully stocked of high-power and great coverage moves as of now, also, same type moves could have a "discount" in the memory required, say... 1 or 1/2 a point.

Wait! fairy-type moves! We still have a fighing chance, gardevoir! Come on, P.DelSlayer, mano a mano!
professorlight said:
But yeah, that point system is waaay better than just 8 moveslots, and it would give place to more varied strategies, But the "heavy" moves like thunder, outrage, etc should take 4 or 5 memory points each, so pokemon can't go out fully stocked of high-power and great coverage moves as of now, also, same type moves could have a "discount" in the memory required, say... 1 or 1/2 a point.

Most of these high power moves have a drawback already, having low accuracy and PP.

The PP are an indicator of how "strong" or "special" a move is supposed to be.

So the memory point system could focus solely on balance instead.
There would be no reason to have a Thunder (that can easily miss or that you'll only wanna use in certain conditions like rain) use up like half of the moveset when you could pack much more reliable and better coverage by getting both Thunderbolt and Ice Beam for those points for example.

Its when you get reliable high power moves that the costs would rise, like Draco Meteor and Close Combat.

Lots of gimmicky moves would face similar problems. For example all those Hyper Beam variations are certainly powerful moves..but the forced recharge makes them a useless gimmick that made them fall into the "only a noob would use this" category, which is why I would assign those with low cost, so you can put them on the moveset for the lulz or in case u get a finishing blow, without having to waste half of the moveslots.
oneofpanda said:
I would like the movepool to be increased for your pokemon, and by this I mean still keeping the traditional four moves known at one time during battle, but when your pokemon would learn a new move (either from leveling or by TM/HM) it would remember it and keep it in a reserve area so you could easily swap out the old moves for the ones being used in battle.

I like this idea a lot actually. It makes no sense that you have to go to a special NPC in the game to remember moves, when they could just cut down the PP available depending on the PP of the move replaced- Ala TMs/HMs in BW. I mean c'mon, youre a TRAINER! Why do you need some old spacey dude to help your Pokemon remember moves?