What other old mechanics do you wish to see again?


Local Eevee/Eeveelution Addict lawl
We've already seen Rain Dance brought back to the game via Feraligatr Prime, even expanded to fire energies via Emboar. Gust of Wind is being brought back via Pokemon Catcher. Prehistoric Power via Archeops. Trainer lock via Vileplume. Baby mechanics in a nerfed form. The list goes on, and if the trend continues, we'll see many more old mechanics brought back. If said trend does in fact continue, what do YOU wish to see come back from the graveyard of the olden days?

I personally wish to see the Black Star promo Eevee's Chain Reaction power make a return. For those that don't remember what it does, see below:


I personally see this mechanic alone capable in making Umbreon Prime MUCH more playable. That 90 damage cap (not including any special Darkness Energies) becomes very easy to achieve and makes it a turn 2 threat. Evolve any one of those Eevees, and you got your instant Eevee army. I really hope that the Chain Reaction power mechanics makes a return with the Eeveelutions. I'll settle with the Energy Evolution power from the Ex Unseen Forces era, too. I miss that. Neither is broken to the point where it could unbalance the metagame. I believe it would further enrich the format with more competition, even if it might not be top tier.

So, what do YOU wish to see make a return? Please be sure to state where the original mechanic comes from, and how it might affect the metagame.
i want to see the return of dark pokemon. and alot of people will say "WAIT ISNT THAT JUST SP?!?!" no...you actually have to evolve.

also blain's quiz because those were by far the funnest cards ever made :D
yo I'd love to see blaine's quiz come back...I love the idea behind that and it makes casual play so much more exciting.
I'd love to see Fossil Muk's ability in Garbodor. Would even fit nicely into format's balance too. :D

^:O ignore all abilities?! that would be maniacal...and evil :p

so many decks would be stopped in there tracks by that. reshiboar, archeops oh man i hope it doesnt come out *cowers* lol
catutie said:
^:O ignore all abilities?! that would be maniacal...and evil :p

so many decks would be stopped in there tracks by that. reshiboar, archeops oh man i hope it doesnt come out *cowers* lol
It is evil, but as i took if it just stops abilities it won't stop powers nor bodies. If it doesn't take in mind bodies and powers then it balances the game nicely so HS set cards would get some little more power.

Correct me if i'm wrong.
Zhaituki said:
catutie said:
^:O ignore all abilities?! that would be maniacal...and evil :p

so many decks would be stopped in there tracks by that. reshiboar, archeops oh man i hope it doesnt come out *cowers* lol
It is evil, but as i took if it just stops abilities it won't stop powers nor bodies. If it doesn't take in mind bodies and powers then it balances the game nicely so HS set cards would get some little more power.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

If I remember correctly, anything that effects poke powers or pokebodies will not effect an ability (example, umbreon), but anything that effects an ability will also be effective to powers and bodies.

Basically older cards are less effective on newer cards, giving the newer cards bigger advantages.

And to stay on topic, I would actually like to see an original ditto again.

The ditto that we have right now that limits the bench is nice, but with only 40 hp he is nothing but bench bait.
We need another ditto that can copy attacks and HP, and have the ability to make his energies anything he needs them to be. He would be amazing <3
catutie said:
i want to see the return of dark pokemon. and alot of people will say "WAIT ISNT THAT JUST SP?!?!" no...you actually have to evolve.

also Blaine's Quiz because those were by far the funnest cards ever made :D

Lol I love that card!!

The only reason that I wouldn't use it is that it would count as a supporter.

But I want that card back.

I don't know any "mechanics" because I started collecting at PL and competitive playing at HS, so ya.
epic aki said:
Zhaituki said:
catutie said:
^:O ignore all abilities?! that would be maniacal...and evil :p

so many decks would be stopped in there tracks by that. reshiboar, archeops oh man i hope it doesnt come out *cowers* lol
It is evil, but as i took if it just stops abilities it won't stop powers nor bodies. If it doesn't take in mind bodies and powers then it balances the game nicely so HS set cards would get some little more power.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

If I remember correctly, anything that effects poke powers or pokebodies will not effect an ability (example, umbreon), but anything that effects an ability will also be effective to powers and bodies.

Basically older cards are less effective on newer cards, giving the newer cards bigger advantages.

And to stay on topic, I would actually like to see an original ditto again.

The ditto that we have right now that limits the bench is nice, but with only 40 hp he is nothing but bench bait.
We need another ditto that can copy attacks and HP, and have the ability to make his energies anything he needs them to be. He would be amazing <3

we already have zoroark for that :p but another card like ditto from LA would be awesome.

another one is lass

takes care of catcher :D
Zhaituki said:
catutie said:
^:O ignore all abilities?! that would be maniacal...and evil :p

so many decks would be stopped in there tracks by that. reshiboar, archeops oh man i hope it doesnt come out *cowers* lol
It is evil, but as i took if it just stops abilities it won't stop powers nor bodies. If it doesn't take in mind bodies and powers then it balances the game nicely so HS set cards would get some little more power.

I have to agree with Catutie on this. I would REALLY hate to see a another power/ability stopper in the format again. Have we not felt this pain long enough during the SP era? Just for ONE format, I'd like to be able to spam any abiliting/powers I wish without worrying over whether or not a tech will completely shut me down. In a HGSS-on format, it might not have a HUGE impact, but the impact would be felt by Japan players, whom will be in a BW-on format soon if I've heard right. Seeing as each new set is made with the format in mind over there, I really doubt that a Fossil-Muk-like card will actually come out.

Something that I WOULD like to see is the return of the Quick Search Pidgeot:


It's a stage 2, and with Catcher in the format, it's not really broken. You'd need to run Vileplume to protect it. I'd love to have a chance to live in the Quick Search days, as I wasn't competitively involved in the game back then as I am now.
sillykyle! said:

Good times. :D

See zoroark...just with a different typing, 30 more HP, and an extra energy the attack...

I think they should make the Holon Engine again, or something like it. I know that they've already reprintied most of the Supporters from Holon Engine during HGSS (Holon Mentor is Collector, FSL is Farmer, Engineer's Adjustment is a watered down Adventurer, and interviewer's question is like lass) though they're missing the most important component of the engine, Holon Transiever. Though them remaking that is slim and non pretty much...
^No one would ever use that... ;P

I want to see Gust of Wind and Base Set Alakazam wait, nevermind.

I also want to see Selfdestruct return (like here). I haven't seen that for awhile, but I want to see something with Selfdestruct that could be a good deck. You never know, it could happen.
I would like to see more interesting cards. Cards with more interactivity. Challenge was a wonderful card, as was that Team Plasma one that made you play Rock-Paper-Scissors. It may seem gimmicky, but the format needs something gimmicky. THey should aways keep it fresh.
^The problem with rock-paper-scissors (Team Galactic's Wager) is that some people are simply better at it than others. RPS does take some skill, and I don't understand why one's ability in that game should affect the outcome in Pokémon. It's like telling people to arm wrestle to determine a card's outcome; it favors certain people.
no...we dont want speed decks i agree...we want consistant decks...so please claydol :D