What other old mechanics do you wish to see again?

Machamp SF's "Take Out", that needs to be brought back IMO, I'm not a fan of basics that have 130HP and make a mockery of Stage 2s. "Take Out" should be rebalanced so it's not used to donk poor Weedles and Caterpies, adjusting the energy cost should suffice. I wanted to say it shouldn't KO Legends as well, but it could be of low priority since it's a retired mechanic.
Machamp isn't gonna destroy the meta game if it gets brought back. First off, Zekrom/Reshiram can revenge KO Machamp with a PlusPower, and they can be set up a lot quicker. Magnezone might fall apart to it with Machamp Prime in the deck as well, but it can recover just as fast, if not quicker.
Yes it should be brought back, probably with a new Pokemon since Machamp already has its Prime, and the new Pokemon will probably have more than 130HP.
And yea i just remembered another thing,we need 0 nergy attacks back please(not the pathetic flippy baby thingy),i mean like chatot md....
How is Chatot easier to search out? They are both standard basics...and i you want something with draw and the ability to attack, there is Manaphy...even if Chatot were in this format, it wouldn't see that much play...
i meant getting chatot is easier than copycat >.>...and yes chatter locks the defending pokemon so yeah...it was useful...
cessation crystal+catcher would make a beautiful format. Still the single card I want back most in the format.

p.s. tda how long are you going to have that quote in your sig? jesus i don't even remember saying it
@esperante: lol i really havnt been here for a while,and yeah you did say it way back when charizard was released in japan :p,anyway ill remove it once i get something good enough to replace it :p :p,getting back on topic,we need something like DGX to lock abilites :D or that pokemon tool which locked pokepowers be changed to lock abilities...
Basics...like base set zapdos, who needed 4 energy to do 60 damage, and you risked hurting yourself 30, and it was still a good attack....
Dark Void said:
Basics...like base set zapdos, who needed 4 energy to do 60 damage, and you risked hurting yourself 30, and it was still a good attack....
Or 100 but need to discard all energies, was good finishing move back then. :p

Tho this one was used in HayMaker:

Thank you! We need a format where Haymaker-esque cards can be good... I want to see higher energy, lower damage, lower HP, higher retreat cost.