XY What Pokémon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Current Team / Ideas Here!

RE: Your X&Y Team?

Right now:
<insert Fairy type here>

Past that, I don't know. I'm hoping that I'm going to play this game without knowing most of the new Pokemon, so I'm just winging it.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

I only play with my absolute favorites, which only make a vaguely usable in-game "fun" team, but that's all I play for anyway.

My top six pokemon in order are:


So far, nothing revealed for sixth gen really appeals to me except Skrelp, which I like almost as much as Gloom, so whatever it evolves into would, sadly, bump Muk off my favorites team for the first time since the first gen.

I'm so sorry, Muk :(

I'm hoping this gen might have a fly or cockroach pokemon, which would also be a must-have for me...though it'd be hard to part with Parasect and Weezing.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

There haven't been enough Pokemon revealed for me to make a complete team yet (I would like to start out training only XY Pokemon), but I do know that I want to try out Pancham and his evolution. I really hope its stats are good, on par with Scrafty, or even better. A higher HP version of Scrafty would be sweet.

The other 5 would be:
Either Fennekin or Froakie. Haven't made up my mind yet.
Litleo if I choose Froakie. Either Skrelp or Clauncher if I have Fennekin.
Gogoat, until I get sick of it or realize that it doesn't evolve, which it probably doesn't
Eevee (might give Sylveon a try, otherwise, Jolteon or Umbreon)
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Bogleech said:
I only play with my absolute favorites, which only make a vaguely usable in-game "fun" team, but that's all I play for anyway.

My top six pokemon in order are:


So far, nothing revealed for sixth gen really appeals to me except Skrelp, which I like almost as much as Gloom, so whatever it evolves into would, sadly, bump Muk off my favorites team for the first time since the first gen.

I'm so sorry, Muk :(

I'm hoping this gen might have a fly or cockroach pokemon, which would also be a must-have for me...though it'd be hard to part with Parasect and Weezing.

Glad you have your favorites but that team might be leaving you open to a lot of weaknesses. With most of them being poison type all you really need are either ground type or psychic type attacks and a solid ground type pokemon could just go and use smack down on Elektross and then use earthquake.

Paras has a 4x weakness to both flying and fire, both of which seem to be faster than a Paras. Gloom also has a weakness to flying and fire, as well as ice just as Paras does too. I wouldn't say that it is the best team but it does seem to have less weaknesses than the one that had mostly starters.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Yeah, but in-game opponents are traditionally kind of stupid. Once I get up to a certain level I've always been able to handle most NPC trainers with any silly team I throw together. They might be upping the AI this time around, though...they seem to be raising the in-game challenge already.

When I fight friends, none of whom are very fiercely competitive but still tougher than in-game, I switch out 3-4 of my usuals for some stronger, more varied ones that I still like a lot, like Tentacruel, Scrafty, Reuniclus, eviolite Dusclops or Gliscor.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Probably Vivillon (I play for fun so I don't worry about getting the best pokemon)
Sylveon ('Cause I really like it. IT'S MANLY :D)
I'll just go with it. Maybe Helioptile if he evolves into something cool.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Pokewiz1999 said:
Probably Vivillon (I play for fun so I don't worry about getting the best pokemon)
Sylveon ('Cause I really like it. IT'S MANLY :D)
I'll just go with it. Maybe Helioptile if he evolves into something cool.

If Yanma is in this game I might add it to my team and if possible hack fly onto the thing with action replay (Yes I know, I am a cheap shot like that when it comes to Yanma but the reason I hack fly onto it is because of Yanmega who despite being able to carry a full grown adult and fly can not learn fly)

If Yanma is not back then I will stick to using Talonflame who may be the main flyer over Yanmega even if it is back. I had so much fun using a Yanmega that had fly in Platinum and even White 2, so much fun indeed. That said the team so far is still the regional starter (Which may be fennekin) and Talonflame (which despite being a fire type is also a flying type so it counts as a flying type for the team rather than another fire type) Sylveon may or may not be on the team fully as it may or may not be in the rotation slot.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

CyberCat5555 said:
Xerneas (Only if it is a Fairy/Electric or Fairy/Steel type. If it is Fairy/Grass, I won't use it. Fairy type can be replaced with Psychic)

What if it's pure Fairy?

...It's perfectly viable that it could only have a single type.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

So far, I want Noivern on my team.

Still waiting to see X/Y pokes. ;)
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Raptor9229 said:
Bogleech said:
I only play with my absolute favorites, which only make a vaguely usable in-game "fun" team, but that's all I play for anyway.

My top six pokemon in order are:


So far, nothing revealed for sixth gen really appeals to me except Skrelp, which I like almost as much as Gloom, so whatever it evolves into would, sadly, bump Muk off my favorites team for the first time since the first gen.

I'm so sorry, Muk :(

I'm hoping this gen might have a fly or cockroach pokemon, which would also be a must-have for me...though it'd be hard to part with Parasect and Weezing.

Glad you have your favorites but that team might be leaving you open to a lot of weaknesses. With most of them being poison type all you really need are either ground type or psychic type attacks and a solid ground type pokemon could just go and use smack down on Elektross and then use earthquake.

Paras has a 4x weakness to both flying and fire, both of which seem to be faster than a Paras. Gloom also has a weakness to flying and fire, as well as ice just as Paras does too. I wouldn't say that it is the best team but it does seem to have less weaknesses than the one that had mostly starters.

I once beat Ruby with just a Seedot. Many people have done things crazier than that though, just an Unown or a Sunkern. Ingame teams don't have to be good, the AI usually isn't that great, and they aren't EV-trained.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Pikachu, definitely. I'm getting a Pikachu, if only for the simple nostalgia it brings. Watching the anime and rooting for Pikachu, or walking around and battling with your own Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow. I just can't pass it up now that its in the game. He'll take the starring role of the Main Character in my team.

Lucario, as the main offense. If I remember correctly, it had an particularly good offense being a fighter, but its defense needed some work, at least for the particular Lucario that I caught. It'll be in the second slot, as a supporting character for Pikachu. Whenever I encounter a normal or a tough enemy, Lucario takes the lead!

Fennekin, starters are a necessity and Chespin and Froakie just didn't appeal to me. A fire fox, thats been done before by Ninetales, but I decided I should give it a try. After all, a fire fox sounds fun!

Sylveon- I really think this is a Fancy Pokemon. Bows are really classy. Jokes aside, if I remember correctly from the rumors, its good against Dark, Dragon, and Ghost. Dragon fights can be really messy, so I'll just throw out Sylveon whenever I encounter a Dragon and let it faint the Pokemon in style.

The other slots will be reserved for any interesting pokemon I decide to catch while I'm out exploring the new region. Well, thats my team! I know it could be a lot better as far as balance and stats go, but I'd rather have this bunch of pokemon. And I don't think I'll have to change it up, it shouldn't be too adverse.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Fancy said:
Pikachu, definitely. I'm getting a Pikachu, if only for the simple nostalgia it brings. Watching the anime and rooting for Pikachu, or walking around and battling with your own Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow. I just can't pass it up now that its in the game. He'll take the starring role of the Main Character in my team.

Lucario, as the main offense. If I remember correctly, it had an particularly good offense being a fighter, but its defense needed some work, at least for the particular Lucario that I caught. It'll be in the second slot, as a supporting character for Pikachu. Whenever I encounter a normal or a tough enemy, Lucario takes the lead!

Fennekin, starters are a necessity and Chespin and Froakie just didn't appeal to me. A fire fox, thats been done before by Ninetales, but I decided I should give it a try. After all, a fire fox sounds fun!

Sylveon- I really think this is a Fancy Pokemon. Bows are really classy. Jokes aside, if I remember correctly from the rumors, its good against Dark, Dragon, and Ghost. Dragon fights can be really messy, so I'll just throw out Sylveon whenever I encounter a Dragon and let it faint the Pokemon in style.

The other slots will be reserved for any interesting pokemon I decide to catch while I'm out exploring the new region. Well, thats my team! I know it could be a lot better as far as balance and stats go, but I'd rather have this bunch of pokemon. And I don't think I'll have to change it up, it shouldn't be too adverse.

Playing yellow made me feel that Fire Red and Leaf green should have been a mix of Yellow version and the respective version of the game. (I.E. start with Pikachu, get all the starters, get eevee, get Lapras, version exclusive wild pokemon, also the ability to catch Pikachu other than the one you started with in order to get Raichu's pokedex entry, and Pikachu following you)

Sorry that my first set of comments were off topic but I agree with you. Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu for me will probably be in the rotation slot of my party anyway, damn Pichu was beast against Misty in Heart Gold (Yes I beat Misty with a Pichu which generally does not get much action on my teams until it becomes Pikachu but hey, what can you do?)

Another pokemon that will be on rotation slot is, well there are actually two of them with the first being Growlithe/Arcanine and the second being Vulpix/Ninetales. Growlithe/Arcanine is a main team member in my current White 2 Playthrough and that thing is a complete monster with Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Flame wheel, and Flame burst.

Vulpix/Ninetales are not on my team but were on one of my FR/LG teams and like Growlithe/Arcanine was also a complete monster, even when put up against water types.

Yet another rotation slot member will be a Nincada/Ninjask with fury cutter and wide lense, so much fun can be had with that combination, so much fun indeed.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

My team would be -
Froakie (At first I wanted Fennekin but then I found out about all the fire types in this region , I may choose Chespin depending on the evolutions.)
Ralts (I would love to have a beautiful Gardevoir on my team.)
Vivillon (I would want her to be a female)
Helioptile (If it evolved into Mawile which is unlikely , I would want a female , if not then I don't really care what gender.)
Pancham (An adorable little panda , I don't care what gender but I'm leaning towards having a male.)
Talonflame (I need a flying type for the sky battles plus fire type , it's pretty cool , again I don't care what gender.)
RE: Your X&Y Team?

DenisBlitzle said:
My team would be -
Froakie (At first I wanted Fennekin but then I found out about all the fire types in this region , I may choose Chespin depending on the evolutions.)
Ralts (I would love to have a beautiful Gardevoir on my team.)
Vivillon (I would want her to be a female)
Helioptile (If it evolved into Mawile which is unlikely , I would want a female , if not then I don't really care what gender.)
Pancham (An adorable little panda , I don't care what gender but I'm leaning towards having a male.)
Talonflame (I need a flying type for the sky battles plus fire type , it's pretty cool , again I don't care what gender.)


The only thing I can think of when I see Pancham XD
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Yeah, I decided it. I'm 100% certain of it now. I'm gonna get a Glaceon. :3 And I'm gonna start with Chespin in X, and with Fennekin in Y.

And btw, everybody, name your Pancham Po. And your Noivern Skrillex. :p I'm a genius, aren't I?
RE: Your X&Y Team?

P.DelSlayer said:
CyberCat5555 said:
Xerneas (Only if it is a Fairy/Electric or Fairy/Steel type. If it is Fairy/Grass, I won't use it. Fairy type can be replaced with Psychic)

What if it's pure Fairy?

...It's perfectly viable that it could only have a single type.

It is pure fairy, also Noivern might make a spot on my team at some point, it may or may not have a pre-evo but since the games are not out yet we have to wait until they are to see but it might be one of the pokemon on my team of pokemon and if I am up against dragon types it will be the back up of my main dragon slayer or it may be the main dragon slayer and Sylveon might be the backup.

I have rotating team slots for a reason.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Right now I'm still at Froakie and Litleo. Considering the cotton candy Pokemon.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

Jakeremix said:
I love how people are already deciding on their teams when they don't even know the availability, move pools, evolutions, or even the complete pokedex.

I love how you are bashing on us for planning ahead of time, just remember that these can still change and I tend to use the regional bird on my team anyway so I think it would be obvious that Talonflame would be on my team.
Above hidden since the other post is unapproved *Drohn [/private]
Also Xerneas or Yveltal will be on my team at some point (the legendary Mascot always manages to make its way onto my team at some point) Its nickname will be M. Savini which was found in France although Xerneas looks more like it would be M. Obscurus.

Talonflame will be the team flier

The starter will be the team lead

slots 4 and 5 are undecided right now

slot six will be for rotating team members.
RE: Your X&Y Team?

As up of this far, I personally want a Fennekin (and its evolution line, of course), Sylveon, Fletchling, Litleo, and Yvetal on my team. I like the others, but not enough to have them on my dream team.