What Pokemon are stalking you?

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DP: Floatzel, Lopunny, Beautifly, Dustox
MT: Whiscash, Glalie, Slaking, Sudowoodo
SW: Jynx, Gastrodon(Both West and East), Raikou, Electrode, Sharpedo, Jumpluff
GE: Exploud(Had 9 of them at one time!!), Claydol :D, Kingler, Primeape, Milotic
MD: Didn't really buy many packs for this set..
LA: Same as MD..
SF: Nothing is stalking me, yet
I just bought 2 stormfront boosters. The pulls were decent, but both reverse holos were bidoof. I got a regular bidoof in each pack, and a bibarel in one of the packs.
When I bought my first SW booster box, Gastrodon East Sea stalked me through at least five packs. Although that is not when I fell in love with slugs, it did spark that love a little. (I used to play Gastrodon last year, and now I play Magtran with Magcargo as attacker instead of Magmortar as a joke, but only because Magcargo is so randomly awesome!) Competitively / Seriously, the deck I use is a secret until I can reveal it at a cities soon enough. Many of you on Redshark have already seen it works it's magic. Sorry for getting off track there. ^_^
oh yeah i forgot about this: i was stalked by 4 rev. holo rivals from DP and then another one when i won a random pack...
I'm being stalked by:

Swalot LA( I have like 20 of them ATM)
Rayquaza LA ( I have 5 or 6 and that's a good thing for me)
Cynthia's Feelings ( I have 4 or 5 ATM)
Deoxys Normal Forme LA (I have like...10)
TM TS-1's ( I have like...10 or 20...)

And yes, I DO have a restraining order. :p
I am currently being stalked by a Ninetales
I have 10 of the cards, I can't sleep at night
So...looks like Magnezone is leaving me alone for a while. Now it looks like Driblim is stalking me - I've gotten 4 in the last 2 days. Not convinced this is a sign though.
I'm stalked by many Pokémon that carry over 200 Potions and Energy Searches.
Seem's Shinx is for me - Darn peice of crap!

I have 155.
SW Arcanine

SW Electrode

LA Heatran metal

leave me alone!!!! I don't need a 6th Arcanine or another Heatran when I want almost 10 other LA or SW rares! Arrrgh!
Hmmm... SF Machamp. I've only got 1 right now, but I've already traded 3 away. I'm not complaining... I get to trade them away for stuff I need! But yeah, now I've pulled 4 total.
^^^Oh, yeah. All of Magnezones pre-evolved are stalking me too. (STAY AWAY! PERVERTS! STALKERS! LEAVE ME ALONE!)
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