What primes will be ran after the rotation?


The great snake rules forever!
Discuss what primes do you think will be ran after worlds, and the rotation.

-Do you think any of them will be good?
-Do you think some will have potenial?
I think that both Kingdra and Donphan will both be very good playable primes now and after the rotation
Fast primes like donphan and kingdra will probably be run more. Also typhlosion because it combos with ninetales, which is one of the better draw power cards. Slow primes like Feraligatr will probably take a back seat.
I think Crobat will be seen more often. 80 damage for 1 energy! donphan is good too but it's a bit overrated...
I think crobat prime will show up or atleast a rogue deck.

because it forces them to retreat or have to use something to counter. It's a free prize if they let the poison sit for 3 turns.

120 damage ><!.

Though they are lux food QQ. *azlelf lv x ^^.
I think Feraligatr will still see play in the League department, not sure competitively though. Donphan will still see play, I see Gengar Prime dominating SP's in the near future which makes sense for the rotation being MD-On IMO.

TTar's okay just seems kinda slow, even though I don't run Grass anymore Celebi Prime shows promise as you can play 2 {G} a turn like with Leafeon Lv. X.


Maybe T-tar, maybe.

Feraligatr still has potential, just not right now.
Crobat Prime is a decent rogue deck already, a buddy of mine ended up teaming it up with a pl Dugtrio tech. 20 dmg just for retreating.

Kingdra and Donphan are already seeing plenty of play and will continue to see it.

Tyrannitar will see some play as a luxchomp counter if ran correctly with a pl ampharos.

Typhlosion, Feraligatr/Lanturn, and Ampharos will see rogue play.

other wise the other primes just don't seem playable unless I'm forgetting one.
Typhosion is not that bad, I think it will be seen in a few fire decks. What I think will be big is Crobat, and Kingdra.
Ampharos Prime can be a interesting tech in a couple of decks. Feraligatr/Lanturn is one of those underrated cards, though. So is Ursaring Prime. You can deal for 90 T2 with his body, which is really good. You can attach a Rainbow Energy to get a damager counter or him, or simply run Unown P.
Ofc the Toolbox fire (Typhlosion Prime) more Donphan aswell as Kingdra. Maybe Steelix, and also Celebi when he comes out.
Donphan, Kingdra, and Scizor. These are really the only good ones IMO that are fast and hit hard in the Meta Post-Rotation.

dmaster out.
I think that Ursaring and Crobat will see some play at first,but they will see less play as people see that they really don't work too well. Unfortunately I think Kingdra will AGAIN see the metagame in its hand, donphan will be played, yet, like always, trumped by kingdra
I really don't see how Ursaring is going to be good, it is not that good. I am woundering if Blissey going to be seen in any decks.
Well I think that kingdra will be the big one, along with donphan, and probably scizor and t-tar but to a lesser extent.
How about the new umbreon and espeon. And i'm thinking of making a raichu deck when raichu prime comes out
Raichu Prime doesn't seem that interesting to me. Umbreon and Espeon...maybe rogue, very rogue. Absol Prime will be a very interesting rogue lock deck, depending on how fast it can set up; Metagross may help. Collectors certainly will, to get it and Skarm FB out. Of the current primes, Donphan is obviously the best card printed in HGSS and in a block metagame may warrant a ban (assuming a good rules maintenance team, who knows, maybe we'll see some firings). Kingdra is very overrated, and will see rogue play but that's about it. Honestly, other than Donphan...there really isn't anything epic at all.

Tier 1 Primes: Donphan
Tier 2 Primes: Typhlosion (maybe, I think zard will catch on a lot in the new format due to draw power), Tyranitar, maybe Kingdra
Rogues: Nothing else is so bad you can't build a rogue deck around it.