Pokemon What species of Pokemon have not been created yet?

What is your favorite type of Pokemon?

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That would be nice. You should draw it or something and post it. I made a whole pokedex full of made-up Pokemon. Only about 90 to be exact. I think Pokemon have to be more like objects now than creatrues now that Nintendo has made so many. :)
post a link to some of them id likt to see them sometime

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa270/magicmason/untitled.jpg <--- Heres another pokemon I made it was suppose to look like a clock but it came out looking evil (sry thats its so small)
You can see one of them I made on my creation workshop. Look at my threads and you'll find the workshop. Don't post on it though. It's been over two weeks. I drew a legendary on MS paint but my actual drawing is better. It'll be an attachment. Check it out! :)
Wow! :O These are a lot of posters. Thanks, this is so cool! What other things can these
forums do!! :D
mewmew's a new member. This is his first actual thread he told me. :)

Anyways, if they make a new line of Pokemon for a new region, what legendaries should they have? :)
Hmm...how about another pure Steel legendary (like Registeel) or unique legendaries like a Poison or Dark-type legendary...
I think there should be a poison legend. That would be cool! There's never been a legend like that.
Does anyone know if there was a pokemon that was a legend and it's type was poison? I don't think I've seen one. :p
Sweet Dawn said:
Poison is a type not commonly used. So, it's probably not going to get a legendary
Tentecruel is commonly used (KG uses it)

There's no cockroach pokemon...
I mean if they don't any good ideas, they should start creating Pokemon ideas from other things (like computers for instance)
What about a Jelly Fish Pokemon? Is there such thing? :)

MOVESET- It could know different type moves (Water, Poison, Electric, and even Psychic! :O)
Poison Sting
Water Pulse
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