What thing would you save?


Aspiring Trainer
What kind of object would you save if your home was hit by a hurricane (or tornado, depending where you live)? Or burned down? Or was destroyed by a (insert person/animal/weather here)? This is a lot like the "Which card would you choose?" thread, but this thread lets you pick a object or person to save from a raging disaster- and it can be any item, game console or person. Is there anything you would bring in the case of a disaster? Something you value a lot? Or multiple objects?

Remember, you can choose it your way. I'd definitely save my 3DS, Skylanders and the game for Wii, valuable Pokemon cards, and a Ty dragon doll. (What? I thought everyone had a doll they loved. :p )
Going by objects (excluding people/pets) I'd probably try to save my tablet, some of my most prized awards and my xbox 360+skyrim :3
Persons? Seriously? Of course I would save my family before everything else.

Objects: At least my Fakémon folder, wallet, DS:s.
I feel like if I lost my house, the first "object" I would try to save would be the most important stuff. I'm talking about things like money, credit cards, important papers, etc. Much more important than anything else .-.
In order, descending importance.

Important papers - stocks, bonds, insurance - though they are in a fire-proof safe.
Data files

Sorry safariblade, your autographed card did not make the list.
Forgoing people:
  • 3DS (Ambassador status)
  • Pokemon Emerald (Sentimental save file)
  • DPPHGSSBW (all have irreplaceable events)
  • Ranger 2 and 3 (same reason as above)
  • Main laptop (All my data is backed up, this is mainly to avoid theft. If I couldn't save it, I'd smash it)
  • Sentimental blanket
  • Mechanical pencil (Very dear to me, I've had it for over five years)
  • Miscellaneous valuables

If given a bit of time (30 minutes), I'd pack up other stuff like all my games (cumatively very valuable) in two bags.
I'd save my family and pets above all else. I'd get the shotgun that my father pawned to my great-grandpa (before my father died) who gave it to my grandpa who gave it to me of course, but the rest of our guns and important papers are in a fire-proof safe. I'd grab a certain stuffed bear (extremely sentimental) and my grandma's, sisters', grandpa's, and my wallets, mom's jewelry box, the vehicles (at least the ones we keep in the garage, since we keep the others outside and in the pole barn). I'd break windows and try to get the most expensive items out. Honestly, I'd chuck my pokemon cards' binders out the window and hope they remain okay while I get everything else. I'd get my paintball equipment, since it's explosive.
After people, probably my 3DS and all of my DS games. All of my other data is replaceable, like Xbox data for example is stored on a cloud. There's nothing really else I have that cant be replaced. I might save some of my piggy banks too lol (DON'T JUDGE ME). I have a huge collection of about 24 or so and I wouldn't want to lose them.
Supposing my family is safe, I would save as much money as I could because it is all in one place. That way we wouldn't starve between the time of the fire and when we get the insurance money. After I got the money, I would take anything I thought insurance wouldn't cover (Pokémon cards, starting with my decks, etc) and my computer.
Main things I would save:

  • Family
  • Necessary documents
  • Important computer files
  • Pokemon/YGO cards
  • Game consoles (including all my games)
  • Pikachu and Oshawott Plush (had the pikachu plush for over 8 years)
  • Computer/Laptop
Family, kinda' goes without saying.

Then anything I think may be able to sell so that we would have something to make money with to eat. Laptop, systems, cards, etc.
Besides family & my dogs, I would probably save my laptop, several pictures, my binder of Primes/FA, my wallet, and some important books (not my Math Textbook, that thing can get owned).
My Jacket.

Everything important on my computer/games are backed up. I don't own anything of sentimental value.

My Jacket.
My Jacket cannot be replaced. I really love that jacket.

Oh and my Mass Effect 3 pre-order receipt.
I really don't have anything I would want to save( Aside from my family and pets, and even then maybe).
My family (no matter how annoying my little sister is :p) And then I would dump out my school stuff from my backpack and stuff that and some plastic baggs full of my pokemon cards, Xbox (with Skyrim :)), my laptop, and my super sentimental stuffed bunny (my grandma got it for me at MY babyshower before I was born).