What kind of object would you save if your home was hit by a hurricane (or tornado, depending where you live)? Or burned down? Or was destroyed by a (insert person/animal/weather here)? This is a lot like the "Which card would you choose?" thread, but this thread lets you pick a object or person to save from a raging disaster- and it can be any item, game console or person. Is there anything you would bring in the case of a disaster? Something you value a lot? Or multiple objects?
Remember, you can choose it your way. I'd definitely save my 3DS, Skylanders and the game for Wii, valuable Pokemon cards, and a Ty dragon doll. (What? I thought everyone had a doll they loved. )
Remember, you can choose it your way. I'd definitely save my 3DS, Skylanders and the game for Wii, valuable Pokemon cards, and a Ty dragon doll. (What? I thought everyone had a doll they loved. )