XY What Type might Sylveon be?

RE: What type is Ninfia???

^@Bolt: My point is exactly the contrary... The other guy was saying it is too pink to be normal-type. I said that's not a reason for it to not be Normal-type, specially because there are a lot of pink normal-types. I'm not saying Pink = Normal-type...
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Well Kingdra is literally a sea dragon / sea horse but I digress.

I think Ninfia is going to be a Normal type tat evolves through some accessory. The bows don't look organic, so I'm guessing its some item the trainer will get.

It might be a Flying type I guess, but the other options don't seem to be very plausible imo.

If it is a Normal type as expected, I'm betting it will be able to use moves like Flamethrower, Ice Beam, etc. like many Normal types do (unlike how other Eeveelutions cannot learn moves outside of their type like Espeon with Thunderbolt).
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Teal said:
New evolutions in general are always added so that it is impossible to fullfill the evolution requirements in an older game just to see the Pokémon not evolving. That's why stuff like Dawn and Shiny stones exist in the first place. So no. There will be a new method or item. Maybe "bonding" to show off the new feature.
Not true. Swinub could learn AncientPower, and Lickitung Rollout, before Gen IV.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

^That's really the only exception (Pokémon that evolve when they learn a specific move)...
RE: What type is Ninfia???

The Pink Bow (back from Gen 2) and Polka dot Bow are both Normal type boosting items that could be used to evolve Eevee into Ninfeon.

I think that's the most obvious answer, outside of a new item of course. Things like the Shiny or Dawn Stone don't really have anything to do with giving pokemon Fashion sense.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Going by that logic, it could also be a legendary, and/or space type.
Everytime I see a bow tie, I generally think of Doctor Who.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

I'm a bit annoyed at this eeveelution: I just can't tell what the blazes it's typing is. The most logical answer might be Normal, but I don't want Eevee to evolve into a Normal type, the
whole point of Eevee is that it evolves out of Normal and into every other type.
It's scarf-thingies could look like butterflies, but I'd prefer my Bug eeveelution to be a green Espeon with eight eyes, fly wings, and a mosquito mouth-thing. The only thing I can think of is the speculated Light type.

Haunted Water said:
Everytime I see a bow tie, I generally think of Doctor Who.
Agreed, bow ties are cool.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Bolt the Cat said:
And then there's Flying. Flying is possibility, it could be wind themed (which fits the pattern for other Eeveelutions which are based on elements). And the ribbons make it look somewhat aerodynamic.

But there's more, first of all, if you look at the screenshot at the top, it looks like it could be using some sort of wind based attack. Furthermore, its name provides a clue. Ninfia could possibly be translated as Nymphia (meaning its English named could be something along the lines of Nympheon or something). Which would make sense, this thing looks fairy-like in its appearance. Therefore, I think most likely Ninfia is Flying, with Normal being the second most likely. None of the other types really fit it that well based on the information we've been given.

I think you're right.

Well, scratch that.

I hope you're right.

I also don't think that they will name it Nympheon due to Pokemon's insane amount of censorship.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Kecleon-X said:
I also don't think that they will name it Nympheon due to Pokemon's insane amount of censorship.

And what exactly is inappropriate about that name?
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Kecleon, your mind may be thinking dirty thoughts. A nymph is a mythological being.
And that doesn't put up any sort of type argument.
RE: What type is Ninfia???

A nymph is a mythological female spirit, or the immature stage of certain insects. If they kept Cofagrigus I doubt "nymph" is going to raise any eyebrows.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

I bet it is going to be a Fire-type, because of its pink body, and pink looks like red! Also, the negative image of Ninfia has red eyes (= Fire), and do not forget about the ribbons which can be used to light its Fire even more. I bet they are going to introduce every type of Eeveelution again!
RE: What type is Ninfia???

Bolt the Cat said:
Mitja said:
I don't see even a remote chance for Ninfia to be Flying.
Not even any of the birds that are actually airborne was "Flying" enough for them to justify a primary Flying type.

And yet stuff like Gyarados, Mantine, and Jumpluff are. The Pokemon that can fly that aren't Flying have two other more interesting types to use instead (Flygon, Hydreigon, etc.)

I can definitely see Ninfia using its ribbons to ride wide currents kind of like Gliscor.

My point was that
None of them are "Flying"-specialized enough to be primary Flying.
Hence Ninfia is even less qualified than all of those.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

People people people. Why on earth would a new Eeveelution be a normal type? Eevee is the normal type in the evolution pool. I'm not going to say that it's not possible that Eevee will evolve into a normal type (because obviously water types evolve into water types etc. etc.) but I think it would be a ridiculous move for them to make it a type already represented by Eevee itself. What a let down that would be to have another normal type. Eeveelutions have been fundamentally characterized as taking on other elements. And if they are going to have multiple normal types, then they might as well start making Sparkeon, the second electric type evolution, which would be kinda pointless and would consequently take away what's special about the Eeveelution pool. Again, that is not to say it won't be normal, cause it could very well be, but I think it would be pretty silly and it wouldn't progress the line any further.

Its facial features seem buggish to me, especially its eyes, which remind me of the spider's eyes in Charlotte's Web. The rest of its body could be anything really.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

Could you imagine if Ninfia was dual-typed? Oh god, the butthurt from fans would be off the charts.

But hey, if the magazine is strongly hinting it's Normal, then Normal's what we're gonna probably get. Welcome to NU, Ninfia!
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

My guess is it may be normal type and the bow reminds me of th ruby and saphire contest so they bring them back and have it be evolved with max beauty
or it could be an new type like light.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

Elite Stride said:
People people people. Why on earth would a new Eeveelution be a normal type? Eevee is the normal type in the evolution pool. I'm not going to say that it's not possible that Eevee will evolve into a normal type (because obviously water types evolve into water types etc. etc.) but I think it would be a ridiculous move for them to make it a type already represented by Eevee itself. What a let down that would be to have another normal type. Eeveelutions have been fundamentally characterized as taking on other elements. And if they are going to have multiple normal types, then they might as well start making Sparkeon, the second electric type evolution, which would be kinda pointless and would consequently take away what's special about the Eeveelution pool. Again, that is not to say it won't be normal, cause it could very well be, but I think it would be pretty silly and it wouldn't progress the line any further.

Eevee is not the Normal-type equivalent of eeveelutions, hence a Normal type eeveelution is just as valid. (an eeveelution has 525 total stats, with one stat even at a whooping 130)

Why they would do a single special extra cute Normal eeveelution?
Because maybe they realized that it has finished its job of exploring what elemental powers it could gain. Maybe they don't feel confident with the types that are left.

As I've speculated since forever... what better way is there to slow down the neverending eeveelution-fan-demand than by making a single "cherry on top" Normal evolution?

Personally I don't want Eevee to get overdone with unfitting types for the sake of obliging silly fan wishes, so I'm very glad the eeveelution hype did turn this way after all.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

Mitja said:
As I've speculated since forever... what better way is there to slow down the neverending eeveelution-fan-demand than by making a single "cherry on top" Normal evolution?

Personally I don't want Eevee to get overdone with unfitting types for the sake of obliging silly fan wishes, so I'm very glad the eeveelution hype did turn this way after all.

This, this, this!

I don't think it's a bad move, Eevee was always said to have unstable DNA. But what if it evolves during the one time that the DNA IS stable? Makes perfect sense to me that there has to be a form for Eevee that hasn't been altered by the elements.
RE: What Type might Ninfia be???

I was hoping the normal type Eeveelution would be brown. But instead, we get this disaster. I want it to be Poison Type just for spite.
PLEASE don't let it be OU! I'm sick of my fav Eeveelutions being NU/RU. :(

Articuno144 said:
Mitja said:
As I've speculated since forever... what better way is there to slow down the neverending eeveelution-fan-demand than by making a single "cherry on top" Normal evolution?

Personally I don't want Eevee to get overdone with unfitting types for the sake of obliging silly fan wishes, so I'm very glad the eeveelution hype did turn this way after all.

This, this, this!

I don't think it's a bad move, Eevee was always said to have unstable DNA. But what if it evolves during the one time that the DNA IS stable? Makes perfect sense to me that there has to be a form for Eevee that hasn't been altered by the elements.

What about evolving to have Ribbons means "Stable DNA" to you? Why would it evolve that way?