DPPt/HGSS What was your First Game?


Mijumaru <3
Mine was Yellow version.

I got it Christmas day and must have restarted it like 10 times that day, 'til I learnt how to save :)

Also means my first Pokemon was technically pikachu :)
RE: First Game

My first game was Blue. I remember me and my brother arguing around whose turn it was to play it ;). Also, technically both our first Pokemon was a Charmander.
RE: First Game

My first game I got was Diamond for my DS. I had Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby but they were roms.
RE: First Game

Crystal. I remember getting the GBC+Crystal package vividly. Amazing game.

dmaster out.
RE: First Game

Played Gold first for a little while, had Red on lend, switched it to have Gold on lend, and then I owned both. So I guess Gold.
RE: First Game

Borrowed my freinds gold and gameboy chose cydiquil, had to give it back. then that christmas BOOM!!! great grandma got me gameboy advance with gold version, yeah!!!!! A year later my bday, ds lite with emerald!!!!! torchik adament
RE: First Game

got my blue version passed down from my older cousin when i was four.
I didn't know how too play it until i was six and got emerald and a few more games in between.
Now im 14 and i still love it
RE: First Game

Silver, and my first Pokemon was Chikorita. I got it as part of a Sam's Club bundle package with a GameBoy Color and a Nintendo Power guide book in the summer of 2001. Surprisingly the internal battery hasn't died and I still have my first game file (the only time I hadn't reset any of my Pokemon games until Platinum), and that same Chikorita is still the Level 100 Meganium it was when I stopped playing it back in 2003.
RE: First Game

MIne was daimond. I got it with another star wars game along with m first DS. I ignored it for a week, thinking hat it would be boring. One day, I tried and loved. Henceforth, I own Daimond, Platinum, Soulsilver, Emerald, Trozie, and Ranger 2
RE: First Game

My first was Red version. It came bundled with a clear purple GameBoy, case, and a link cable. Awwww the memories.
RE: First Game

My first game was FireRed. I wanted a Pokemon game so my Uncle got it for me. My first Pokemon was a Charmander. Ah, I remember the days of the wireless adapter and the cords needed to connect to the gamecube.
RE: First Game

Either Yellow, or Gold. Both were my brothers games, but he passed them down to me.
RE: First Game

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Red, which I played on Pokemon Stadium's GB Tower feature because I didn't have a Game Boy at the time. I was going to choose Blue version, but my brother got that version and I didn't want us to have identical versions, so I opted for Red. My first Pokemon was Squirtle, and since then it's become one of four of my favorite starter Pokemon ever. :D
RE: First Game

As far as "Versions" go, my first was Pokemon Silver (up until that, Pokemon Stadium and, I think, Pokemon Snap). I chose Chikorita as my starter Pokemon. The first Pokemon I ever captured was Sentret. I got Pokemon Red a year or so later.
RE: First Game

Leafgreen and Dino the Bulbasaur. Still plays it. I meant to get a Charmander and name it Coal, but I missed and pressed A too much.
