What Will Win Battle Roads Thread

What deck do you think will take the most Battle Roads?

  • Vileplume Variants

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Gothitelle Variants

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Magneboar

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Zekrom

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Donphan Dragons

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • Reshiram Variants

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Yanmega/Magnezone

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other Stage 1's

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Something not listed above

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
Mew variants are 2.5 and lower? Mew is easily tier 1.5-2, easily will win BRs that have heavy Gothitelle metagames.
Unfortunately, Mew won't win much else. It's not that it's a bad deck, it's just that there are other decks and even other Vileplume decks that are better. Vileplume basically has to be run in a Twins form, and when you're running 60HP attackers late-game, it's a risk. Mew/Vileplume is still an amazing deck when played right don't get me wrong, I just don't think it's as good as the "big 4" decks.

Zekrom is certainly a good play after the release of Tornadus and Catcher; I have to admit I'm surprised as well it only got one vote.
^Would you like to test that theory with me? I would be happy to battle you with my Mewbox deck (send me a PM or something).
I don't understand why no one else seems to understand why Gothitelle is tier 1. Its only bad matchup is Mew and maybe Yanzone.

Speaking of which, we'll probably see a decent amount of Yanzone. If we're going to do the whole "tier" thing, that shouldn't be so low. It's still good even with catcher, and can reliably do well against a lot of the meta decks.

I agree with pretty much everything else. Mewbox variants are good only in the right hands. It's arguably the most difficult deck in format to play, especially when it gets past 10-15 minutes.
^ Because gothitelle is not good, its mostly only hype. It takes to long to set up and anything that can KO it it loses the game to. Have you ever played it/seen it played?
What exactly KOs it without playing trainers or taking multiple turns to play energy? Getting a Gothitelle up T2/3 isn't too difficult either. Playground w/ Pichu, let it get KOed, Twins for Candy/Gothitelle. Lock.

There are 5 BRs in my area, so I'm going to try a couple different decks. I'll probably play at least a tweaked TyRam, a Stage 1 rush and some other random deck. I can see Vileplume variants doing well though using the Twins engine.
I guess I am undervaluing Goth a little, but there it has practically an autoloss to Magnezone, which is even faster than Goth as it doesnt need to set up a second stage 2 (reuniclus). And on top of that most decks can find a way through trainer lock, especially since Goth doesnt have the best attack.
I know that everyone will disagree with this, but I think that KYJ with zoroark should be considered tier 1. The only thing that it doesn't have a good matchup against is zpst, but I beat a zpst in top 2 today, so the macthup is winnable.
A deck isn't beast because it gets one placement in one battle road. Not to say it isn't beast though.
I've seen Donphan/dragons doing really well. But this dumb format is all about who gets to go first (reason why I got knocked out of top cut...) -sad face-
Going first only really matters if you're playing the Stage 1 deck or Zekrom against another Stage 1 deck or Zekrom. It hardly matters to the prize-a-turn or denial setup decks.
I kind of laughed when I saw your tier placements. You have everything wrong. Reshiram variants, stage 1s, and Yanmega/Magnezone are all definitely still tier 1. Goth and googlebox I say fall at tier 1.5 since in order to get the best builds you need Beach, and most everything else falls at Tier 2.
Well I don't think it's fair to say that a deck is bad because the cards for it are hard to get T_T With Tropical Beach, the deck is Tier 1 and therefore, the deck is tier 1.

Also, both Reshiram and Stage 1's simply cannot beat googlebox or Goth so I'm not sure about your logic for placing those decks higher. Yanmega/Magnezone is a lot less relevant post-Catcher. Magnezone has a huge retreat cost and without Emboar for energy acceleration, that's a huge liability.

Can you explain what your logic is behind your post? It's hard to argue a statement with no logic or reasoning behind it.
Seniors was won with GothIclus without TB,

amphachu said:
I kind of laughed when I saw your tier placements. You have everything wrong. Sorry, but I think you do Reshiram variants, stage 1s, and Yanmega/Magnezone are all definitely still tier 1. TyRam, ok, Stage 1s, I'd agree, but MegaZone? Its gotten worse, and if you run Kingdra or Jiarchi, they;ll be Catchered. Magnezone has a high retreat. At my BR the only MegaZone got 6th out of 10, with uncompetitive or rogue decks that didn't work, (or people who were donked out of cut like me).Goth and googlebox I say fall at tier 1.5 since in order to get the best builds you need Beach, and most everything else falls at Tier 2. google I would agree with, but GothIclus is tier 1
After looking around with results, I've seen MegaZone has won the most so far. The deck is still one of the most consistent around and people are playing what they know is still good. Stage 1s is pretty darn close, but I haven't seen so many Vileplume winning so far, unless they're in Mewbox decks.

Edit: Oh whoops, I didn't even see that thread. I guess the MegaZone players just don't report their results because I definitely know at least three have won. Oh well. I hadn't seen any other decks win an overwhelming amount over three around. The results are mostly varied with a couple here a couple there (Reshi, Zekrom, Stage 1s, etc.). Magnezone seems to be one of the most played Pokemon simply because it has a good matchup against Trainer lock.

dmaster out.
On PG, the win leaders are TyRam and ZPST. Both have overall good matchup, except they both have one bad matchup.
Well I don't think that 3 is enough to say it's a majority.

But yeah, ZPST and Reshiram did take the most it looks like. I said Zekrom would, but Reshiram is interesting. ZPST did well at mine, but Reshiram totally bombed out (I think its best finish was 3-2 or 2-3) despite being the most played deck, so I'm surprised it's winning other places. Either way, I'm going to stand by my list for now; Vileplume has been winning some and so has Gothitelle - they're definitely up there, I'd say in top 5 although I didn't bother to count. The deck isn't seeing as much play as I thought it would.