What Will Win Battle Roads Thread

What deck do you think will take the most Battle Roads?

  • Vileplume Variants

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Gothitelle Variants

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Magneboar

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Zekrom

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Donphan Dragons

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • Reshiram Variants

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Yanmega/Magnezone

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other Stage 1's

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Something not listed above

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
Perhaps the people in your area didn't play a good list for Reshiphlosion?
Well I know all of them and they're all great players. I don't have their lists - I've seen them but my memory isn't good enough to remember, but I trust that their lists were good. But I'm pretty sure that at least 2 of them were using the same list that won Seniors.
I honestly think that TyRam will win just because of so many people playing it. But G/R is fully capable of doing a great job. My friend got second with it in a BR already, only losing to Mewpluff, which he said would've lost to any TyRam/Donaphan varient.
Well it seems like an okay play, but it's just another triangle deck - it does well against the other Vileplume variants and for the most part it does well against the Magnezone and Reshiram decks, but it has a horrible Zekrom matchup and Stage 1's is pretty bad too.

If I wanted to play a triangle deck I'd play Stage 1's or Zekrom because those won't lose on time nearly as much.
Add in 30 +3 and it has a bad matchup against anything non-Vileplume - especially Magnezone where you need 6 turns to pull off the stunt with Aipom. I suppose the Stage 1 matchup isn't horrible as long as they don't run Lanturn, 4-4 Yanmega and/or Rescue energies. Really the way I've found the matchup to play out is you each end up swarming Yanmegas and they'll usually outswarm you if they play smart and bench 1 Zorua/Chincou at a time and don't evolve it until it becomes active or if they run Rescues. As long as they keep their bench small, Mew loses the prize exchange too and they usually also get the prize lead. Really the only way Mewbox wins is if they can't draw into their Yanmegas because you get out Vileplume so early they can't Communication.
Reshiphlosion isn't as good as some decks lol, people just like the idea of getting a load of tin promos in a deck ;)
wiggledog said:
Reshiphlosion isn't as good as some decks lol, people just like the idea of getting a load of tin promos in a deck ;)

Banned because I won with my Reshiphlosion build today. I went 5-1 with it in Swiss then won top cut without losing any games. I almost forgot to mention that I faced two Gothitelle decks today.
One of my techs helps the match-up a lot. I don't plan on sharing the list.
Okay so Battle Roads are almost over, I might as well do a little recap.

After Battle Roads, looking at the results alone the tier list would look like this:

Tier 1:
Zekrom/Pachirisu/Shaymin [with Tornadus] (~31 wins)
Reshiram/Typhlosion [or Emboar] (~30 wins)

Tier 1.5:
Stage 1's [lots of combinations] (~18 wins)
Reuniclus/Gothitelle [or Vileplume] (~16 wins)
Yanmega/Magnezone (~14 wins)

Tier 2:
Kingdra/Yanmega/Jirachi (~5 wins)
Vileplume/Yanmega/Mew (~3 wins)
Magneboar (~3 wins)

Tier 2.5 and lower:
Everything else

Really my only big miss was Reshiram, but I still stand by the deck not being that great despite its huge number of wins. I rated Magneboar and Reuniclus, a .5 tier high, and Zekrom and Yanmega/Magnezone a .5 tier low. Stage 1's really is Tier 2 since calling the deck that doesn't do it justice - if the results were accurate enough to divide it between DD, Rush, Weavile, Mew, etc they would all be Tier 2 or worse.

So what will be the play for Regionals? I haven't tested based on these results enough, but I think it's safe to say it will be Zekrom, Reuniclus or Magnezone. These three cards really represent the format now - Zekrom is the best fast deck that beats Magnezone, Magnezone is the powerful deck that beats Reuniclus and Reuniclus is the lock deck that beats Zekrom.

Seeing as Zekrom plays really well in 30 +3, I'd be tempted to say that at first. However, Reuniclus plays much better against most of the other "random" decks that are on the list or managed to sneak in one win. Of course, it auto-loses to random stuff like Blastoise and Mew while Zekrom auto-wins a lot of random stuff like Blastoise and Gengar. Magnezone has more 50-50-ish matchups with the random stuff, so if you're not going to base your decision on playtesting or comfort with a deck, you have to base it on what tables you think you'll be playing at, how much you dislike random auto-loses and how fast you play. Try to tech for Mew if you're playing Gothitelle!

As much as I dislike it, I suppose Reshiram deserves a little bit of a mention. It's a "middle ground" deck. It's not quite powerful enough to beat Reuniclus unless paired with Emboar and/or RDL (or Kingdra lol). It has an okay Zekrom matchup and it does well against some Magnezone variants (Yanmega/Magnezone) while curling up and dying against others (Magneboar). Basically, it's capable of standing up against the fast decks and the power decks, but can't beat the slower lock or power decks.