BW/BW2 What will Zekrom/Reshiram's second type be?

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I want to apologize to The Flaming Ho-Oh for making fun of his username. The advice I posted was not very kind advice, so I have deleted it. I'm sorry if I offended The Flaming Ho-Oh in any way, and I promise I will never flame again.

I want Zekrom because electric types are cool!
I really think Reshiram will be fire. Just me though.
I think Reshiram could relate to clouds and Zekrom could relate to {L}thunder storms{L}, I'm positive about Reshiram :) but not sure about Zekrom:(
Rumors say that Zekrom will be Dragon/Electric and Reshiram Ice/Dragon but they can change types which is kinda odd i think :/
Wow. Reshiram Dragon/Fire? Never saw that coming. I personally thought it was gonna be the speculated Light-type, but whatevs. I don't think their second types are integrated into their designs at all...
Yeah, I guess a flame on the tail and a lightning bolt on the head isn't enough. _-_

dmaster out.
It's official!

Zekrom (The Black Yin Pokemon): Dragon/Electric
Reshiram (The White Yang Pokemon): Dragon/Fire

end of speculation :(
Pokequaza said:
Also, a Light type hasn't been revealed yet. It's pretty unlikely it will be.

Dragon/Electric is still the best guess for Zekrom.

If so, Reshiram is probably going to be Dragon/Fire then.

Well it was a bit obvious after all..
Reshiram, obviously <3
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