BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

Well, for one, i'd like better pacing between simple actions. For example

"This rock can be moved.
"Use Strength?"
"Ampharos used Strength!"
"Ampharos's strength made it easy to move boulders around"
*Rinse and repeat everytime you enter a room.*


"It's a berry tree"
*shakes* *Berry falls*
"A berry fell"
"You got an Oran Berry!"
"You put it in your berry pocket in your bag"

There's to much dialogue for every action you do that it slows the game down to an annoying crawl. This combined with the fact that using HM's causes a cutscene showing the character hold up a ball and have a ticker tape special effect with the pokemon in the center, then have it dissappear, and then the action is performed, makes going through dungeons a little more annoying than usual, especially since you have incredibly slow and random battles popping up every 2 seconds.

I also think that an evil team should be omitted for a better storyline.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Because? Were you having problems with any of the E4s, ever? Seriously?
What I'd really like to see is a harder Elite 4, have the game be more of a challenge.

Or more seriously, a complete overhaul, back to basics. A region, with only its own Pokémon (which hopefully look better than Zoarckwhatshisface...), simple, less than 10 legends (and not over-the-top, make them special, mysterious, and not in-your-face gigantic super-monsters like we've seen in the last 2 gens), a logical storyline (preferably as little "gods" and "destroy the entire planet/universe"-plots as possible) and competent team (if we even need one, something new wouldn't hurt here).

What gen 5 needs to be (but probably won't be) is not another Pokémon game just to be a Pokémon game. Either go back to the basics and figure out what went right there (and build from there, we don't need another RBY), or start anew and stop using the checklist which they've been using since RSE. The latest Pokémon games have simply been a parody of the originals, it's time for the franchise to take itself seriously again and start innovating in a positive way.

That's it, really, all I want from the gen5 is to surprise me in a positive way and I'll be happy. It's not like I'm asking for much, right?

This. This sums up pretty much what I want from the Fifth Generation.

I would really enjoy having the main game, you know, HARD for once. Johto was a breeze for the most part, and I only struggle against the E4 if I use a team of more than four. (And even then, you can sometimes just set-up in their faces, and easily win. (Read: Absol with 3 SDs + Sucker Punch = Easy win)) I'd love for the games to be more challenging. As said Smogon, I'd also like more "Fighting Dojos" and "Rivals" to be implemented. The Dojos should let you level up without grinding so much, and could also utilize a more intelligent AI. As for more Rivals, it would make the game feel more like you were really trying to stand out, and have them also collect badges. This would make you feel like you actually had some competition. Currently, outside of your rival, the Trainers in the game don't seem like they are trying at all to be a "Pokemon Master". Again, for these Trainers, they could give you further EXP, and could add more difficulty to the game.

Another idea besides the E4 is to have Trainer come and challenge you for the spot to become the new Pokemon League Champion. Even as a kid, I wondered this never happened, as it was clearly implied that there had been many more Champions before you. And yet somehow, you would never lose your spot as Champion. If you lost in these battles, then you would have to battle through the E4 again and try to reclaim your spot as a Pokemon Master.

As Spoon also pointed out, we certainly need less Legendaries. I hate the feeling that DPt give off about capturing "over 9000!" legends. Aren't these Pokemon supposed to be, you know, RARE? Let's make it like RBY, where they were hardly involved at all, or GSC where they were, you know, legends. A couple over-the-top Legends are OK, but making 86834094 of them is flat-out annoying.

We also need a far better plot. I'd actually like to see an evil team which actually makes you want to beat them. Make them actually "evil"! Or better yet, make the games in a time period where the evil team has already taken over. I'm not sure of any more ideas on this, but I'm sure they can do better than "battle-battle-super cool legendary-battle" plots like they've been doing since RSE.

Generation V needs to have the same appeal as RBY/GSC had, and not follow RSE like every game except HGSS has followed recently. I think a lot of things went wrong in R/S:

- They inability to catch 180+ of the Pokemon, mostly from older generations which most people found were their favorites.
- NO after story at all. There was only the Battle Tower to do after the Champion....not an entire new region like in GSC.
- The general "over 9000" legendary plot was used...albeit this was for the first time. (and they should have stopped after that)
- Several good features added in GSC were downgraded or eliminated completely.

I hope this upcoming "reboot" isn't going to be a horrible won like the R/S one was. (Let's face it, RS was a bit of a reboot...and not for the better), and instead makes it feel like a true sequel to Gold and Silver....which haven't had yet. Build off of GSC, much like GSC was built off of RBY.

But as Spoon also mentioned, it's probably going to be the same game as RS and DP....with 8000 new legendaries, a silly plot, and have a difficulty level of Easy. All for the sake of the 8 year-olds.
Because? Were you having problems with any of the E4s, ever? Seriously?

Well, it isn't like they were all a cake walk on the first try. That and I doubt it's impossible for everyone to have had no trouble at all with them unless they read spoilers or walkthroughs before deciding on their teams.

If they do bring back a feature to listen to music, I would want them to allow you to keep listening to it as well. None of this enter a route, building, or a single room which resets the music to a default track. constant replays of the selected track regardless of where you go would be nice.

If they bring back the VS seeker or radar, could we stop the requirements of needing to walk to charge them up? It's quite frustrating when you walk 100 steps to fight someone, just to have them refuse, and you have to charge it again to use it a second time. The game pace is slow enough as it is.

Grinding should also be easier to do. A lot of pokemon cannot reach their true potential until they hit their late 70s or so. Trying to level your pokemon to reach those levels are without a doubt, a hassle when it comes to wild pokemon. The levels are far to low to suffice with training. That and if HGSS was proof of anything, trainer battles are incredibly rare once you've beaten the game, and would have to rely on once a day battles to get decent experience. I'm not saying make it easy so you can clock one pokemon to 50 in 20 minutes, but to give players adequate training areas so that they can train without gaining below 1000 exp points because they used up their opportunities for better exp for the day. And no, I do not care about EVs and IVs.
Blue Thunder said:
This. This sums up pretty much what I want from the Fifth Generation.

I would really enjoy having the main game, you know, HARD for once. Johto was a breeze for the most part, and I only struggle against the E4 if I use a team of more than four. (And even then, you can sometimes just set-up in their faces, and easily win. (Read: Absol with 3 SDs + Sucker Punch = Easy win)) I'd love for the games to be more challenging. As said Smogon, I'd also like more "Fighting Dojos" and "Rivals" to be implemented. The Dojos should let you level up without grinding so much, and could also utilize a more intelligent AI. As for more Rivals, it would make the game feel more like you were really trying to stand out, and have them also collect badges. This would make you feel like you actually had some competition. Currently, outside of your rival, the Trainers in the game don't seem like they are trying at all to be a "Pokemon Master". Again, for these Trainers, they could give you further EXP, and could add more difficulty to the game.

Another idea besides the E4 is to have Trainer come and challenge you for the spot to become the new Pokemon League Champion. Even as a kid, I wondered this never happened, as it was clearly implied that there had been many more Champions before you. And yet somehow, you would never lose your spot as Champion. If you lost in these battles, then you would have to battle through the E4 again and try to reclaim your spot as a Pokemon Master.

As Spoon also pointed out, we certainly need less Legendaries. I hate the feeling that DPt give off about capturing "over 9000!" legends. Aren't these Pokemon supposed to be, you know, RARE? Let's make it like RBY, where they were hardly involved at all, or GSC where they were, you know, legends. A couple over-the-top Legends are OK, but making 86834094 of them is flat-out annoying.

We also need a far better plot. I'd actually like to see an evil team which actually makes you want to beat them. Make them actually "evil"! Or better yet, make the games in a time period where the evil team has already taken over. I'm not sure of any more ideas on this, but I'm sure they can do better than "battle-battle-super cool legendary-battle" plots like they've been doing since RSE.

Generation V needs to have the same appeal as RBY/GSC had, and not follow RSE like every game except HGSS has followed recently. I think a lot of things went wrong in R/S:

- They inability to catch 180+ of the Pokemon, mostly from older generations which most people found were their favorites.
- NO after story at all. There was only the Battle Tower to do after the Champion...not an entire new region like in GSC.
- The general "over 9000" legendary plot was used...albeit this was for the first time. (and they should have stopped after that)
- Several good features added in GSC were downgraded or eliminated completely.

I hope this upcoming "reboot" isn't going to be a horrible won like the R/S one was. (Let's face it, RS was a bit of a reboot...and not for the better), and instead makes it feel like a true sequel to Gold and Silver...which haven't had yet. Build off of GSC, much like GSC was built off of RBY.

But as Spoon also mentioned, it's probably going to be the same game as RS and DP...with 8000 new legendaries, a silly plot, and have a difficulty level of Easy. All for the sake of the 8 year-olds.

Why choose the names white and black if they were aiming it at eight-year-olds? I think (hope) we might just get what spoon was saying...
The GB Sounds was an ingenious idea. Maybe they can bring it back and allow to listen to a medley of sounds from the previous 4 generations.

It'd probably be difficult, but hey. Nintendo could easily attempt to do it.
I agree with psyburn's mention of the game's pacing being too slow for the simplest things - I'd love to see it faster in the coming generations. I understand it's probably slower so that the children can keep up, but some of it is just unnecessary.

I also agree with psyburn about the level grinding needing to be easier. I found Platinum's level grinding possibilities to be the best of any game (though the Secret Bases in Generation 3 were fantastic) - Vs. Seeker and being able to rebattle Gym Leaders / storyline trainers daily (unlike HGSS's "only if you call them on the right day at the right time every week") definitely made it much easier to train Pokémon. I really hope they make Black and White like that, or else I'll be in the same spot I am now in SoulSilver - struggling to get anything on my team over level 60 without trading them over to another game. Also, can Lucky Egg double Exp. again instead of just 1.5x? Please?

I'd like to see the music quality demonstrated in HGSS carried over into Black and White - this includes the ambient noises, such as water running. While some of the tracks in HGSS aren't what I'd call my favorites, they all seem to have a huge amount of depth to them (at least in my opinion), especially the Pokémon-specific battle themes (such as Ho-Oh's). And the ambient noises really help the game's settings feel believable.

I'd like to see the PokéDex include every possible change to a Pokémon's appearance in the "Forms" section, should that return. Things like shining coloration and Type change colorations (Arceus) really need to be included - if the player sees it, it should be there for them to look back on.

Since the battle system is finally moving to full body back sprites, I want to see the Pokémon move more often than just when it's sent out. Movement when it's idle or when it uses attacks is what I mean. (By movement I mean having a second frame sprite, not simply moving the same sprite side to side, up and down, etc.)

I'm sure there are more things I'd like to see in Generation 5, but I can't think of more right now. xP
Just because the names are colors again (Black and White) doesn't necessarily mean they WILL make it as hard as the original games (although I wouldn't mind this). They could pretty much make it like the rest of the games with a new bigger Region, more 3D, and back sprites and think "this is enough" lol. I wouldn't put it past them tbh after all these games they've made...

dmaster out.
I also hope that you can choose what Gender the Rival is... It is getting so boring, with just male Rivals. Also, I hope that the Rival starts out nice, and doesn't call you a wimp/weakling whenever you beat him (Silver says hi).
Lance and Salamence said:
Why choose the names white and black if they were aiming it at eight-year-olds? I think (hope) we might just get what spoon was saying...

So many flaws here....

First of all, the names have hardly anything to do with anything, besides the color scheme of the box mascot. And why can't a game named Black and White be aimed 8 year-olds? Because they're "racist"? Old-fashioned? And don't just go off of WPM's speculation as fact, either. (As I see some people do around here, when it is only mere speculation)

And second of all, there is a gaping flaw in your post - those 8 year olds are Pokemon's biggest demographic!! Without them, Pokemon would not sell nearly as much. As I said, the reason they have many things they way they are, are to keep the younger groups buying the game. If they games were too hard, the young kids would be hard-pressed to complete them. If they didn't have a ton of legendaries, they might not appeal to them. If they did a more "evil" plot, it would be deemed "inappropriate" for the 8 year-olds. In Japan, that demographic isn't as huge, but in USA, a good two-thirds of buyer are under age 12.

Finally, when was the last time Game Freak listened to us? The last time I can think of is when the nuked Psychic backed in Gold/Silver.

EDIT: And I agree the GB Sounds was the best item ever put in a Pokemon game. We need more things like that. ;]
If they did a more "evil" plot, it would be deemed "inappropriate" for the 8 year-olds.

How evil are we talking? Murder? (technically occurred in RGBY) Stolen? Anything beyond take over the world?
Perhaps evil was the wrong word to use. I meant more as in "you can join up on the bad guy's side" or "a more darker plot". (i.e one the would get a T rating or so.) Not as far as in Stolen or murder.

However, "teaching" 8 year-olds that they can win by joining the bad guys could be deemed "inappropriate" for them. You know how crazy people are these days. ;]
-A long game, with a lot to do after E4...
-Light type
-decent looking & more Fire-type Pokémon (I don't see one since gen 1 with the exception of starters, legendaries & magmortar)
-A dual Fire/Dragon pokémon (since they failed with Charizard)
-more gigantic super power legends (sorry heavenly spoon but I really like the Dragon trio, they actually look "legendaries")
-hoping they keep the games similar as they are nowadays cuz I don't like much changes...

Oh, and that thing about the plot being very easy, and should be harder... That's bull****! If people liked hard things they wouldn't try to get easy money from everything!
Blue Thunder said:

However, "teaching" 8 year-olds that they can win by joining the bad guys could be deemed "inappropriate" for them. You know how crazy people are these days. ;]

Yeah. Some people in the world can be a little hypersensitive at anything. Heck, the only reason we got Voltorb flip was because of complaints about it in Europe. Course, it would've been fine had they not disabled the buying of coins.

That reminds me of the issue with Jynx being blackface or something like that.
a harder E4, all the regions plus the new one, I think we have enough legends for now to satisfy us so no more legendaries. maybe all the teams going at each other for supremacy so you may have to join a team to fight, or you join the police to stop them. Maybe you can get a job in it like join the as a member of the E4 and kick the other guy out. More pokemon obvs, more side quests, and levels going higher than level 100 seeming there are more regions.
Blue Thunder said:
So many flaws here....

First of all, the names have hardly anything to do with anything, besides the color scheme of the box mascot. And why can't a game named Black and White be aimed 8 year-olds? Because they're "racist"? Old-fashioned? And don't just go off of WPM's speculation as fact, either. (As I see some people do around here, when it is only mere speculation)

And second of all, there is a gaping flaw in your post - those 8 year olds are Pokemon's biggest demographic!! Without them, Pokemon would not sell nearly as much. As I said, the reason they have many things they way they are, are to keep the younger groups buying the game. If they games were too hard, the young kids would be hard-pressed to complete them. If they didn't have a ton of legendaries, they might not appeal to them. If they did a more "evil" plot, it would be deemed "inappropriate" for the 8 year-olds. In Japan, that demographic isn't as huge, but in USA, a good two-thirds of buyer are under age 12.

Finally, when was the last time Game Freak listened to us? The last time I can think of is when the nuked Psychic backed in Gold/Silver.

EDIT: And I agree the GB Sounds was the best item ever put in a Pokemon game. We need more things like that. ;]

Because the names are so much simpler. They are not fancy names. I mean look at the remakes... instead of calling it "Pokemon Gold/Silver DS" like most ds remakes they call it "Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver." They clearly felt that in order to sell the old games to a new audience they had to spice up the names. The idea of naming the game after gems is the same idea. However they aren't calling these games "Pokemon Pitchblack/Palewhite" or something silly like that, they're calling them black and white.
Gold and Silver are considered by many to be the best Pokemon games. The heart and soul, if you will. It pays homage to the GBC games. I would hardly call it simply "spicing up" their names.

Also, I'd like to see everything in this game implemented ASAP :)
PMJ, your mawile is so tiny. D:

Anyway.. personally, I'd also like it if they made the games more challenging.. or just a more lengthy region. I don't know about you.. but I generally get through the game pretty quickly, though perhaps that's because I play it like.. non-stop. :3
The fact that they've chosen the names black and white may be indicating that their trying to go back to their roots and go all out for these games.. I hope so.
Could have something to do with a whole light/dark theme.. in which case, I wouldn't mind seeing a light type. :>

Also.. some pokemon really need an expanded evolution line. :/
..Kangababy. :D
- Fighting/Flying Type
- Dunsparce Evo
- Banette Evo
- Fire Priority Move
- Auto-Gravity/Fog Ability
- Fire/Dragon type
- Fully evolved Water/Bug

Pretty much it.

I'm hoping Zoroark is like the gen-5 Equivalent of Lucario; in the sense that it's viable for OU:)
PMJ said:
Gold and Silver are considered by many to be the best Pokemon games. The heart and soul, if you will. It pays homage to the GBC games. I would hardly call it simply "spicing up" their names.

Also, I'd like to see everything in this game implemented ASAP :)

You misunderstood me. I love gsc more than any other game in the series. They really are the heart and soul of pokemon. But Nintendo didn't need to kill that point by puting that in the title. As if that alone was enough to make us buy the games. As if that alone should make us buy the games. Now make no mistake, if all nintendo had done to those games was port them to the ds so they could use the recharble battery, with even giving them dpp compatability, I would still have bought that game. Just like I bought Chrono Trigger DS (I'm aware that SE added "new" content but it wasn't any good). The fact is that Nintendo slapped the fact into the title and now it's a "good" game is the problem. Furthermore there's the issue with FRLG. Again, it's true that the red is for fire, but that not why they called them that. They called the game Firered so that it would sound "better." But it didn't, it just sounded like a new way for nintendo to make more money (and it worked). The names black and white don't try to do that.
I'd like a better "team" to fight against, Galactic was a step in the right direction, but you can only fight Zubats for just so long...give a more diverse pokemon pool for the evil corporations, or a batch of commanders, they were the most fun battles :D

I know this won't happen, but 2 v 2 battles (perhaps as a choice) could be fun. Could...
Either enhance or reverse starter triangles:
Example of enhance triangle

Reverse Example:

Infernape totally got the upper hand with superior speed and Close Combat to 1-up empoleon, and if Torterra survives Flare Blitz, Earthquake wrecked Infernape.

List of Pokemon that could evolve:
Houndoom ----------Houndread/Houndeath/Cerberex
Dunsparce ----------Into a Normal/Dragon Type
Rapidash -----------Fire/Flying Type - Pegasus like
Luxio --------------Diverent Electric/Dark type
Absol --------------Need I say more?
Banette ------------Dusclops got one, we need more ghosts, maybe a dual type
Corsola -------------It could happen
Eevee --------------At least 2 new eeveelutions, I'd hope for Ghost and Steel
Electrode -----------Electric/Fire type...Yeah.
Pineco--------------Divergent, maybe more tree like, like Exeggutor
Shellos/Gastrodon---New look
Golduck-------------Water/Psychic. Please.
Illumise/Volbeat-----Baby Form?
Miltank/Tauros------Baby Form?
Jynx----------------If this happens, give it a less annoying call!!
Kadabra------------Psychic/Dark Divergent
Kangaskhan---------Baby Form!
Kecleon-------------Another possible Normal/Dragon
Riolu----------------Divergent - Fighting/Dark something
Mawile--------------Steel/Dark :D
Mr. Mime------------Mime Sr. or Mastermime
Vulpix---------------Baby form with like, 2 tails, it'd be so cute!
Qwilfish-------------Some other killer Blowfish
Sandslash-----------Some Dual Type, Ground/Dark?
Zangoose-----------Normal, but immune to burn too
Skarmory-----------Already pretty cool, evo or prevo would be cool
Solrock/Lunatone----Baby Form?
Sunflora-------------Grass/Fire...totally possible
Tangela-------------Baby Form?
Tentacruel-----------Awesome Squidevolution on youtube

I'd say that's plenty. Only 35 demands.....I'd be perfectly happy with just the 1st one...:D