BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

Well, Kangaskhan's pre-evolution won't happen. It would be weird to have the baby evolve into a Kangaskhan with a baby. Of course, they could change the sprite to only be Kangaskhan, but that sort of removes the desire to even have a pre-evolution.

I like the auto-fog/gravity ability ideas, but I really think they should give Castform some new tricks. He's now not the only pokemon who changes awesomely in the weather (granted Cherrim only works in the sun), but now 8 other Pokemon have Weather Ball! A harder game would be really nice, but considering the target audience... In the pictures, I remember seeing roads, so running over wild grass in a car would be great fun. :D
Well its super awesome that you can walk in 3d instead of the grid that you used to! I would also really like it if you could have more choices of starters-more types than {G}{R}{W}, like {P}{L}{F}{F}. that would be awsome. i think that the new vehickle is different depending on character: boy-skateboard, girl-scooter.
I'd like to see these:

-A Dark/light based Legendary pokemon in there respective games (light being of a female gender and Dark being a male)
-Flygon to be able to know Dragon Dance
-An evolution for Zangoose and Seviper (mainly just Zangoose because its just awesome but they're "rivals" so can't have one without the other)
-Dark type pokemon (having all neutral weaknesses apart from against Light types)
-Light Type Pokemon (having all neutral weaknesses apart from against Dark types)
-Weather/Season changes
Cybernetic Cinnamon said:
Well, Kangaskhan's pre-evolution won't happen. It would be weird to have the baby evolve into a Kangaskhan with a baby. Of course, they could change the sprite to only be Kangaskhan, but that sort of removes the desire to even have a pre-evolution.
It is weird for it to evolve and have a baby, but it is not weird for it to hatch from egg and have a baby? I am just saying this....

I believe that a light type is quite probably. It makes much sense for the legends to be dark-type versus light-type.

My list:
-Light and sound types
-Pokémon follows as in HGSS
-Bad guys are not cult ;)
-Interesting type combinations: bug/dark, fire/water, normal/steel, et cetera
-Long and good story as in GSC
-Many else

I agree with Xous and psyburn's mention of the game's pacing being too slow for the simplest things, but as for what I would LOVE to see are as follows...

1) More Pokemon! like another 150+
2) Some pre-evolutions.
3) Eeveelutions (Mainly, dragon, flying and fighting)
4) NEW Starters. I'm tired of the same three. Fire, water and grass. yeah I know they're a theme but still! lets see some change. like a Dark, Psychic and dragon.
5) New Types! add some more variety to the game, i.e. Light, shadow, void.
7) more Multi evo lines, i.e Gardy/Galade
8) better legendary Pokemon, more classic and cool, like the 3 dogs, Raiku, Sucian and Entai. (Not a pink and blue dinos. i.e Dialga, Palkia.)
9) a better storyline, with NO EVIL TEAMS ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!
10) more challenging E4s (frankly the current ones are WAY to easy.
IDK I think it would be suffice just to have maybe 120 new pokemon. A lapras pre-evolution would be cool. A skarmory pre-evolution would be cool to it would compliment the mantyke-mantine evolution line. And is anyone looking at the possibilities of qwilfish or shuckle evolutions? And I like the consistency of the starters.

I would love a harder game overall. And make the villians in the game more of a threat. Someone you could lose to.

More varied locations and like 2 annoyingly hard to find and catch super uber legends (though I don't use legendaries myself itwould be cool).

And an awsome chiahuaua looking pokemon. But, I myself enjoyed the Ruby/Sapphire, Pearl/Diamond game formats.
Empoleon67 said:
IDK I think it would be suffice just to have maybe 120 new pokemon.

Proper grammar in this sentence is "I think it would be sufficient just to have maybe 120 new Pokemon."
Old item evolutions of new Pokemon. The Metal Coat and ThunderStone have been unused since gen 2. The Fire Stone is pretty much exclusively used in gen 1.

I would like to see more Feebas-esque evolutions; that is to say, evolution via a method not related to battling (like Feebas requiring near-max Beauty to evolve).

Also, while it might send the message that mistreating your Pokemon is the only way to make it stronger, I'd like to see a hatred-based evolution. Then again, the fact the move Frustration exists at all and is powered up by mistreating your pokemon could be used as grounds for a hatred evolution, so whee! \o/

More unique evolution methods in general (Mantyke).

No more legends with Pressure or Levitate.

No Psychic legends. PLEASE.

A competitive Ice/Fighting pokemon.

Bug/Flying legendary.

Mach Rock and First Burst. \m/
-New types
-Fire/ Dragon type Pokemon
-Eveelutions (trade) Steel, Dragon, Ghost, Ground...
-Fighting/ Electric and Ice type Pokemon
-2 regions (Sinnoh or Hoenn)
-Small Pokemon ride on your shoulder or head instead of following you
-Customizable trainer (to a certain extent)
-Customizalbe Pokeballs (Changing the colors)
-Someone accompanies you on your journey (pseudo-rival)
-More doubles battles with your rival/pseudo-rival (not against)
-An ability like Static, but freezes
-A better Dark type move
-Pokemon can hold 2 items (Not Basic[unless it has no Evos])
-More LM's (Like Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Frenzy Plant, and Draco Meteor)
-An egg move (similar to Volt Tackle) for Riolu

And A New Wii Game (Like Battle Revolution) That's Compatible, or even a full- fledged Pokemon Wii RPG w/ BR- Style battling, and a new Poketopia
newer evolution's for alot of long standing basic's (like chatot and absol), 2 more eeveeon's, 3-4 region's (2 region's is good but it kind of get's old, even if they had access to one or two of the older gen area's after you beat the game would be awesome), more battle type pokemon like toxicroak and lucario, a classic system with some new feature's (i felt 4th gen took away from the first and second which is why they redid those 2 but remake's suck compared to a classic style with new element's, which is not what they did), a different battle system altogether (the card game included), a few more newer pokemon element's and type's would be fun, hold off on the remake's let's get some new card idea's. I just want a barand new concept for pokemon, those are my thought's though. cya
Something similar to the Pokeathlon, that was awesome. Lot's to do after the main storyline, and more pokemon compatibility. I loved being able to talk to my pokemon in heartgold. Also some crazy physics. I love the 3D aspect of the the game, but I want more. Lots more. I want to walk normally, like, not in straight lines. No one in real life walks like that. One more thing, I want an actual protaganist. No more cinquering the world, just a simple mafia-style team, that has no real goal, but is intent on causing destruction.
For what I want to see in Pokemon Black and White:

* Bring back the Vs. Seeker. The PokeGear sucks for EV Training.
* Backwards compatibility with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and HeartGold/SoulSilver.
* Include a Berry Master or an easier way to get Stat Reducing EV Berrie's much easier than from a Berry Master daily.
* Include the GS Battle feature where Lv. 100's and lower can battle as Lv. 50's evenly like on Battle Revolution.
* Change the Starter Theme, like a Dark, Steel, Ghost type instead of the usual Grass, Fire, Water like in every other generation.
I would like to see more lightning types, there are just... not a lot of those.
- The Abra-Kadabra-Alakazam line (damn you Mr. Geller!), Maybe in an alternate way to avoid the Kadabra-debacle
- Lighttypes
- Eeveelutions
- Faster gameplay
- Baby-pokémon
- +/- 120 new pokémon
- New Burmy&Shellos formes
I really want a Light-Type but meh I can live without. More gender and shiny variations. And for this to come true:
I would like a companion character
GO TO KANTO in the same game
Companion pokemon
A different timeline
Companion pokemon