BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

-Character customization
-More gyms
-Half-decent dialogue and plot...they're so tedious to slog through...
-Make HMs into abilities that can only be used outside of battle; this way they won't take up precious moveset space
-New Pokemon types (like the Light type I've been waiting for)
.Ok 120 new Pokémon
.Less evolution from past Pokémon
.A more grown Pokémon game ..its just not 4 kids anymore(like birth and death NOT Stolen and murder)
.New transport like sk8bord or blades
.Ok i want to see the Pokémon that ur surfing on !!!
.I like puzzles maybe add some to Pokémon ??
.If its possible i like to fly 4 real in the game not just press a button and there you are
.Ok we need better Pokémon cry's there the same from red and
.The main story has 2 be really long like i mean REALLY long like Zelda Twilight Princess
.Side guest
.Use or Pokémon 4 other things not just 4 battle
.It be cool if the hero could talk 4 who does't talk???
.Owilfish evolution
Thats it 4 now
Okay here's a part 2 for my wishlist.....sorry I did now about SCIZOR i love that Pokémon but i want another evolution for Scyther....

. You get too choose if you want to battle a trainer in the wild....EXM: (Trainer Billy: Would you like to battle? Yes or No (on the bottom screen) )

. 2 new eeveelutions EXM: (Flying Type: Wingeon Bug Type: Stringeon)

. Customizable Trainers :)

. Your trainer actually talking FOR ONCE !!!! .Lol.
1. A new type of pokemon period, and new form of evos.
2. More side quests, new pokeballs, and pokewalker compatibility.
3. A safari for previous gen pokemon.
4. A longer quest.
5. And for the reward for defeating the E4 being greater than before and correspondingly the E4 being harder
6. HMs to not tale up move spaces and only useable outside of battle
7. pick which pokemon to use at the begining of a battle.
8. To acceot quest from people.
it should be moren advanced, such as 3d moves that look like ones in the show, contst that you can plan move combos, when pokemon use things such as Fly you should jump on the pokemons back and theyll take off.
Okay well this is my part 3! lol....

*Pricler* "The Prince Pokemon" (Bug/Ghost) -evolves from Scyther by learning HM001 Cut and levels up.-
Pricler, is treated like a prince and is the ruler of all the bug type Pokemon. If Pricler was ever disturbed, he is said to haunt you. (name origin: Prince and Slicer) (pronun: Pry-slur)

*Queenyx* "The Fooling Pokemon" (Ice/Psychic) -evolves from Jynx using a light stone-
After using a light stone of Jynx, it evolves into a Queenyx. Queenyx dazzles with anyone's minds who seem to startle it. (name origin: Queen and Jynx) (pronun: Qween-k-z)

*Sparceguard* "The Guard Pokemon" (Normal/Ground) -evolves from Dunsparce at level 37 and learning the move rollout-
Sparcegaurd is used to guard sacred buildings and artifacts, if Sparcegaurd feels as if a Pokemon and or trainer is about to attack it'll send a radio alarm from it's tail to the owner of the building.
(name orgin: Sparce and Body Gaurd) (pronun: Sparce-Gard)
Cortel II said:
I agree with Xous and psyburn's mention of the game's pacing being too slow for the simplest things, but as for what I would LOVE to see are as follows...

1) More Pokemon! like another 150+
2) Some pre-evolutions.
3) Eeveelutions (Mainly, dragon, flying and fighting)
4) NEW Starters. I'm tired of the same three. Fire, water and grass. yeah I know they're a theme but still! lets see some change. like a Dark, Psychic and dragon.
5) New Types! add some more variety to the game, i.e. Light, shadow, void.
7) more Multi evo lines, i.e Gardy/Galade
8) better legendary Pokemon, more classic and cool, like the 3 dogs, Raiku, Sucian and Entai. (Not a pink and blue dinos. i.e Dialga, Palkia.)
9) a better storyline, with NO EVIL TEAMS ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!
10) more challenging E4s (frankly the current ones are WAY to easy.

Shadow = Dark

An evil team that isn't trying to take over the world: Team Aqua/Magma.
And a Pokemon game without them, really has no exciting storyline.

The ultimate soul silver fan said:
A legendary evo, thats (about) all I want.

That would remove their 'Legendary' title.
1)Plusle and Minum Evoulition(AKA Timesle and Divisum)
2)Loooooooooooooooong Storyline
3)Pre-Evoulitions of Skarmory,Miltank,Taurous,Kangaskan and ...Dunsparcence.
4)Not THAT much legends
5)No TM Rock Smash
6)A new Battle Frontier(Maybe the ones from Emerald)
7)Around 120 New pokemon
8)Pokemon follows you around like in HG/SS
9)Keep Pokeathlon Sack Contests
(My first post sorry for the spelling mistakes)
My newest wishlist

.Cosmic/space and light type

.longest story in history

.hard game

.character to actually want to be the pokemon champion

.let the plot twist dpending on what answer you choose (exmple: if u chose to wait to battle the evil team then they will become more powerful)

.let u choose which gym u want to go to. and let there levels change depending on what order u go in.

.region based off america

.final mijumaru evo still kind of cute and NOT FAT
I want to see Bug types get a power boost. You never see them late in the game, with the exception of Aaron. If you do see them, theyre absolutely pathetic! Bug type is one of those types that are usually looked down upon. Also, poison types could use a pwer boost. Sure, they can poison, but they don't have that many strong moves and they don't have very good stats.
The Doctor said:
I think that the thing I would like to see most in the new generation is the ability to travel between all of the regions so far. I loved that in generation II and their remakes that you were able to travel back and forth to Jhoto and Kanto, and I want to see some more of that. Anyone agree? :)
yeah. either that, or a beast hoenn remake in the future. that was always my fav region
I want to be able to choose what pokemon gets sent out at the start of a battle, instead of the head-of-party automatically going.
Stuffs I'd like to see

1. WPA support
2. Pokewalker support
3. More LG/FR style music
4. LESS legendaries than D/P
5. A bad guy team that can actually do something
6. Return of the Underground
7. R/S Secret Bases
8. Wifi style battle settings for Wireless Battles
9. More fun offline multiplayer stuff like contests and the underground
10. Wireless multiplayer overworld roaming
11. A lion, dolphin, sea turtle, and leech styled Pokemons
12. New abilites

JAD210 said:
I want to be able to choose what pokemon gets sent out at the start of a battle, instead of the head-of-party automatically going.
That actually doesn't sound like that bad of an idea just as long as you have the option to turn it on or off.
I want :
New Pokemons
New attacks
New abilities
Pokemon can follow you
A great storyline like Hg and SS have it (Long)
A Medium elite four something like sinnoh
If you beat the Champion you to be the champ and then take challenges
In battles, weather conditions are always showing. For example, if it's raining, the rain should be always showing and not only between turns, because that makes the battle slower. I would LOVE a "light" or "holy" type..
And i would like fire pokemons with complete evolutions, because the only complete fire evolutions we have are starters. And i would like a dragon fire pokemon, and a heracross evolution. :D
Kevinpires18 said:
In battles, weather conditions are always showing. For example, if it's raining, the rain should be always showing and not only between turns, because that makes the battle slower.
I hope that'll be included, it's something I've been wanting too for some years...

Kevinpires18 said:
And i would like fire pokemons with complete evolutions, because the only complete fire evolutions we have are starters. And i would like a dragon fire pokemon, and a heracross evolution. :D
Magby > Magmar > Magmortar?
Pokequaza said:
I hope that'll be included, it's something I've been wanting too for some years...

Kevinpires18 said:
And i would like fire pokemons with complete evolutions, because the only complete fire evolutions we have are starters. And i would like a dragon fire pokemon, and a heracross evolution. :D
Magby > Magmar > Magmortar?

Magby is a baby, and for me that doesn't count.

Magby = baby magmar = basic Magmortar = stage 1

there should be basic, stage 1 and stage 2