What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.


This can be in the TCG or in the DS game. You should tell what deck you were playing and at least hint at what you were playing against so we can get a better idea of the situation you were in. I'll start it off:

I was playing luxchomp.

At US Nats I bright looked a palkia lock players bronzong G with 40 HP left and double flashbited it so she couldnt galactic switch to retreat or anything otherwise id take a prize. she had no poketurns left so she had to retreat or let me kill it lol. I flashbited until it died so she couldnt promocroak me.

Gyarados Sudden Death @ Nats
Opponent had a active Dusknoir i had gyarados. and spammed pluspowers and crobat g drops and did a final tail revenge to kill it.
Winning using pure stall against Dragonite / Salamence / Mixape / Mixgross team. This person won't a noob either :D
Hm, probably pulling 4 prizes with ERL for the win at Nats with my GyroBall deck. Although thats kinda what ERL does. Spam knockouts.
I was playing a deck with Garchomp (not C) and Ampharos Prime. He was playing a deck with Tangrowth and Shaymin.

At League, some dude I was playing against whispered "She sucks" to his friend. Well, he's an idiot for saying that because I had three prize cards, he had four. It got down to the point where we were both with one prize card. K, when my Garchomp Lv. X comes into play, I flip three coins. For each heads, I do ten damage to each of his benched Pokemon. I did that, got 20 to all his benched, then next turn he knocked me out, but that was okay. I then used Palmer's Contributation to get Garchomp Lv. X back and shuffled into my deck. I stall with Ampharos doing 30 and Paralyzing Tangrowth Lv. X (his deck set-up and healed by Poke-Powers, there was literally a Poke-Power on each of his Pokemon...stupid Sunflora...and he couldn't use any of them with my Ampharos' Damage Bind Poke-Body :D). My turn again, retreat Ampharos, bring up Garchomp, DRAW GARCHOMP Lv. X!!, evolve, flip three coins, get one head, knock out one benched Pokemon for my last prize! For me, that was EPIC!
TCG:Donking someone's Baltoy with a Monferno DP's Fury Swipes, 2/3 Heads 20x plus 1 pluspower. When I was a NOOB!!! (Not pro, but luck!)
VG: Beating a (Noob) Uber team with Wishbliss and Metagross. (Special Based)
I was playing against my little brother using his flyphan deck and he was using my garsol. He had a Sableye active and an Uxie benched, I had a donphan with a fighting energy active and I forgot what on my bench. I used hunter and then earthquake for the win. That was fun. 8D
SP donk. i had a honchkrow G and a toxicroak G with both of my bats in my hand to his lone treecko. he goes first and gets a energy and grabs Spiritomb. i had no dark energy so i knew it was a long game. i draw into a SP {D} energy. i throw it down along with and E-gain. i throw both bats down and target attack FTW!!!

it's not the most pro move i've made. but it's a good move.
Back at a cities event. I was playing against Sablelock. I had Giratina Lv X on my bench. I brought him active and used his spread attack (30 to all) for 4 prizes! GG.
Im playing Kingdra VS gyarados, and both turn 1 and turn 2 I got double KO's on a sableye and a magikarp.
Dragonzong said:
SP donk. i had a honchkrow G and a toxicroak G with both of my bats in my hand to his lone treecko. he goes first and gets a energy and grabs Spiritomb. i had no dark energy so i knew it was a long game. i draw into a SP {D} energy. i throw it down along with and E-gain. i throw both bats down and target attack FTW!!!

it's not the most pro move i've made. but it's a good move.

How's that even a "pro" move? Your deck was designed to go for quick knock outs and that's exactly what it did. Now if it was something like using Chatter on the Spiritomb (after it came out) while stalling to setup then yeah, that's kinda pro. But just to go "Ooh, dark, gain, bat, bat, I win!" =/ Is that really pro?
im not that pro at pokemon but i double crobat g and then poketurn to k.o a magikarp then i flash impacted for 120 to k.o a belted g-dos( i had lucario gl)
Top cut at cities this season. I was playing salamence sf with garchomp sv. He is playing ninetails mt type trump and has belted ninetails active, and I a salamence sf with 1{R} and 1{W} attached. I draw my card, dce...awesome. Attach dce and belt, level up, then double fall/steam blast for 3 prizes. He brings up another ninetails and attaches a belt in order to ko salamence. I bring up an energy-less garchomp, level up, and restore salamence. He whiffs on an energy and passes. I retreat to salamence, night maintenance, bebe's, level up, attach, and double fall/steam blast for the ko and my last 3 prizes. The game ended 0-5.

He caught on and used bright look to ko my garchomp before I leveled up in the next 2 games. =\

Another situation: Spring BR this season. I'm playing rampardos/machamp with erl. Round 1, he's playing golem ar. He's actually taking a lead on me somehow by ko'ing everything I promote. The prize count is he has 2 prizes left, and I have 4. I have NO way of coming back. I draw into half of erl and have warp point in my hand. I can't pull of the thunder fall this turn, so I let him take a prize. He has 1 prize left, I bebe's for the other half, place erl, warp point, attach lightning, place stark mountain, move fighting energy to erl and thunder fall for 4 prizes and give him 2 prizes. We go to sudden death. My opening hand was machop, rare candy, machamp, energy. AND HE GOES FIRST! YAY!
Both of my top Pro moments were at Regionals this year. I was playing Cursegar and the two matches were against Gyarados and Jumpluff.

For the first match, he was going to get Blissey Prime out on his next turn and heal off the damage I was going to do to his Gyarados. I needed to take a Prize though (it wasn't going to be on Gyara, I couldn't do enough damage). He had two Energy on it IIRC, so Mr. Mime would be pointless if he had the third (can't remember if he did) and he had one Prize left as well. From previous Shadow Skip damage on the Bench from earlier turns, I used two Curse on his Combee on the Bench and then Compound Pain'd for the win on the Combee. I didn't even see that play until my friend passed by me.

Second match vs. Jumpluff is similar. He denied me two Prizes of which I needed to his one (IIRC) so I did some Curse tricks and knocked out his Uxie active and a Hoppip or something on the bench with Compound Pain. Curse+Compound Pain is so win.

dmaster out.
I took 10 prizes with Compound Pain against Jumpluff at States this year because he kept retreating hurt Pluffs. I Cursed damage around to take a ton of prizes.
I was down by 3 prizes from setting this up (I knew that I could only win like this).
When I got out a Shaymin Lv. X paired with Snowpoint and E-Belt against Shuppet. Turtwig had 170 HP dishing out 100 a turn. I won cities with that.
Lunar Wing said:
How's that even a "pro" move? Your deck was designed to go for quick knock outs and that's exactly what it did. Now if it was something like using Chatter on the Spiritomb (after it came out) while stalling to setup then yeah, that's kinda pro. But just to go "Ooh, dark, gain, bat, bat, I win!" =/ Is that really pro?

That doesn't sound to bad to me. I don't know what else he could've done. Bats are overated anyways, let's stop depending on the metagame decks.
All right I'm playing Kingdra and my friend was playing Sablelock. He Dragon Rushed 1 turn ago and can use it again as soon as it is his turn. He has 1 Prize left and I have 2. His Garchomp only had 10 HP left so he retreated to a Crobat G last turn. My bench has like a Claydol an Azelf and a Uxie, Kingdra Prime is my active. I Spray Splash Garchomp Power Spray no surprise. I'm looking at my hand, nothing a Water and a Multi and some SSU's. I try to SSU my bench, no luck. Then it occurred to me. I retreat to Azelf Multi Energy lock up he can't retreat. He pretty much draws and passes. I go one Spray Splash to Garchomp retreat Azelf to Kingdra prime Dragon Steam good game.
I was playing shuppet at regionals and I started out with an Unown Q. My opponent flipped over a lone Hoppip, attached an energy and attacked for 10 damage. With only 20 HP left, I thought I would be Donked, but I drew into a Crobat G! I Flashed Bite, attached an energy card to Unown Q and used the attack Hidden Power for the Donk!