What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

I don't know if this "pro," but whatever.

I was playing my friend's Trainer Lock deck against G-dos. I was ahead 4-2 in prizes, and he had a belted G-dos w/ Rescue Energy w/ 60 HP left. I have an active Gengar, and I had already played my Palmer's(and used all of the cards I recovered again). I had two energy for Poltergeist, and I knew if he had 2 T/S/S in his hand, I would win. I go to draw my card and become nervous. Psychic Energy. :p I know if this doesn't work, he will win because it was my last Gengar. I Poltergeist his 5-card hand. They were all T/S/S. :p I take my last two prizes for the game. :)

Edit: I know I could have used Gengar's Fainting Spell, but I meant if I flipped tails, he would have won.