What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

Im playing Luxchomp/ERL against Gyarados before Triumphant, he takes a 5 prize lead, and then I finally have all the resources to Bright Look his Registeel. He can't hit his last Warp Energy so he's attatched 3 of the 4 energy he needs to retreat (me taking bench prizes this whole time). So I now have 4 prizes left, and then just before he can retreat his Registeel I Bright Look his benched Regice, and use Psychic Restore for 20, sending it under the deck. The next turn, I ERL for 3 prizes FTW.
I play James Hartlock and Crobat g Flash bite, Attach energy to Uxie Expert belt and donk his uxie and i was playing Dchomp with 1 Belt and 1 Basic metal
^That's not exactly a pro move, but it just goes to prove how scary Gigas can truly be. Now if only the people at my league were all scared of my Gigas like that.
It wasn't exactly pro, and it wasn't something I did, but something funny as hell that my cousin did. My cousin was playing an Aggron deck and I was using Regigigas. I had the LvX active, and he one shots it with Aron RR using Iron Head.
I was against DialgaChomp, and had one prize left. Warp Pointed his 100% tanked up DGX away, and he sent out Dialga G. I use a junk arm to get back an E- Belt, attach it, GG.
Field opponent:
Uxie (30 HP left)
Crobat G (80 HP left)
Gyarados (90 HP left)

My field:
Kingdra Prime (130 HP left)
Belted Kingdra Prime (20 HP left)
Kingdra Prime (30 HP left)

He had attached Rescue Energy to Gyarados the turn before. I draw, smirk and go "Triple Spray Splash on Uxie, take prize, Seeker belted Kingdra (and by extension his Crobat), replay Kingdra Prime, Spray Splash on Gyara, Belt to active Kingdra and boom.
Im playing Gyrados, they are playing some random deck. they start with an energy and an attack for 20.
I play crobat G and bounce/replay him 7 times for the 1st turn Win.
I was at league and I was running Gallade/Raichu SP. He was running some sort of Shuppet/Mewtwo deck. It's really late in the game and we're 1-1 with prizes. He switches out to get his Mewtwo Lv.X out and at this point I'm freakin' out. I keep my cool however, and make this move.. I draw a warp point!!! I switch his Mewtwo to a Shuppet and I bring out Sableye. Sp. Dark and Overconfident for the KO. I take the last prize.
my opponent: charizard
her bench: ninetales, ninetales, charizard,
active: cynthaquil

my deck:gatrzone w/smeargle
my active:smeargle
bench:smeargle, magnemite, totodile

i use portrait with my active smeargle. she had a seeker, prof oaks, flowershop. i choose seeker. her ninetales back to hand.
then i retreat my active smeargle for my benched smeargle and portraited her seeker again. i take up my smeargle benched. her other ninetales go back to hand
i put back down the smeargle i took with seeker smeargle and used super scoop-up on my active smeargle. it worked.
i bring up my benched smeargle, i use portrait to seeker again. her charizard goes back to hand

shes left with just a cynthaquil....
totally destroyed her set up. i end up winning the game
Mine was just a donk against the new mewgar deck :

mew prime
Oponnent starts:

1 psychic....sends gengar prime to lost zone. Ends turn.

second start:
rare candy-donphan prime
attach1 fighting energy, e belt...and game :p
It wasn't exactly a pro move, but it was just awesome. My opponent has an awful start playing Regigigas, and I'm playing DialgaChomp. He just keeps getting nothing, but he eventually gets a Regigigas X out, but always just before he has enough energy to attack I Remove Lost them all. When I am just about to KO his lone Expert Belted Regigigas X, he Sacrifices himself XD
Once I started with a Garchomp and I think a DCE. My opponent had a hoppip and I was like "ugh...I can't kill it it has 30 hp..I look at Garchomp's attacks and one does 30 for 2 colorless. :D Attach DCE, Claw Swipe(or something like that) 30 damage to Hoppip, game. The person's expression was just :)o
Situation: dusknoir lv. X/tyranitar deck vs. LuxChomp. I have 5 prizes left, my opponent has 1 left.

I draw my card: E-belt. I use cyrus's for some random supporter and a dark energy. I belt my t-tar, attach the 4th energy and make a come back w/ megaton tail.
None of two posts above me are pro in any way, shape, or form. Way to get off-topic. I Seeker'd my opponent's Azelf and used Take Out on his Mew Prime.
Situation: My opponent has an Expert Belted Gyarados with a Rescue Energy that has 10 HP left, I have a full bench no Crobat G on my bench a SSU in hand and a Pokemon Rescue with a Crobat G in the discard pile and a Gyarados on my field

I begin the turn by thinking for a bit and eventually (after about 10 seconds) remember the Crobat G in my discard pile which I Pokemon Rescue, and then I attempt to SSU one of the Pokemon on my bench, I flip heads, Flash Bite my opponent's belted Gyarados drawing 2 prizes and also killing his recovery. I KO my opponent's next Pokemon with a Tail Revenge and unable to recover Gyarados I end up knocking out the Pokemon I need for my last few prizes.
RaichuPrime VS Venausaur Tank

She had just switched back her secound venasaur and put up a masquerain for draw power/defense. on her bench she had Landmin X, Venausaur belted 120/200 hp x2, Skunktank G, Hypno (flip for sleep). i had a poisoned raichu prime with no energies (just discarded 3 for 120) and 20 HP left (at the end of my turn im dead) on the bench i have an LA Raquaza (flip untill tails, attach energy from discard to raquaza) she had like 2 prizes and my Raq. cant attack (no fire in the deck)

I start my turn with 10hp left , in my discard i have to many energies (late game) and 4 prize cards left. I have a fisherman and 1 energy in my hand. I draw a Raichu lv x. I flip for raquaza and get 2 heads and then a tails, 2 energy attached! I lvX raichu, play my energy for the turn use raichu primes pokepower and move the 2 from raq. to raichu. then I play a fisherman and get 4 energies into my hand. I attack by discarding 2 and sniping venasuar for a KO, then attack again with the LvX's Poke-body and discard the last 2 for an 80 snipe KO on the other! 4 prize card win :)
PSIMaster64 said:
remember the Crobat G in my discard pile which I Pokemon Rescue, and then I attempt to SSU one of the Pokemon on my bench
Wait... you Rescued, THEN SSU'd? Why not the other way around? Wouldn't that have been even MORE "pro?"
Anyways, I don't think there's anything really "pro" that you can do in Pokémon. Most of these stories are just luck, and only a couple take some thought. You know what would be "pro?" Someone that had to use some knowledge of probability to determine the most likely way to win in a given situation, and then doing it, and later finding out that if they had taken the second option, they would have lost. For example, someone that has only 1 bench space left and has to decide whether they'll play down Uxie and try to get an E-Belt with Set Up, or whether they'll play the Crobat and get the KO, but get revenge-killed the next turn. Or something like that, where knowing what gives them the best odds of winning, and doesn't JUST rely on getting blind luck. [/rant]
Scizorliscious said:
Wait... you Rescued, THEN SSU'd? Why not the other way around? Wouldn't that have been even MORE "pro?"
Looking back at what happened I guess I that's what I should have done and save a resource for later in case my plan failed although my plan did work out in the end. A minor mistake in sequence that subtracted from the overall "proness" I guess.