What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

Warp Point Uxie out for Machamp SF with a DCE (Machamp Prime benched with a DCE) attatch to Machamp Prime, Fighting tag (I know he doesn't have a spray because of Portrait), Champ Buster, and KO a Toxicroak G. IDK if it's pro or not, but my opponent thought it was a nice move.
Totodile triple pluspower, switch wailord, knock out blaziken FB LV.X after it used jet shoot. Of course, I lost the match horribly.
Turn 1 I go second 1 energy department store girl for an expert belt, attach both to my Ponyta for ohko his hopip :) win on my first turn
maybe not pro but just funny-
Last year vs. Groudonk w/ machamp @ spring br.
He goes first gets decently setup.
I go machop candy machamp DCE, hurricane punch 4 heads. So LOLZ
yeah i almost did that this weekend :p
missed garchomp c donk by 10 in mirror even though i went through about half of my deck, my 4 e-gain, 4 poke turn, 4 cyrus and expert belt were my bottom 13 cards, no joke, needless to say i lost....
If this was the Worst Move You Ever Made thread, I can assure you someone would have posted "Well, it was in the Regional Championships, me playing Sableock and my opponent was playing Charizard. I go first and Impersonate for a Black Belt."

Anyway, at league at 9pm, I was playing against this Master that's my friend. So I am first, and I had WORST HAND EVA. I used Copycat second turn and still nothing significant. I PONT and get T-Tar Prime + Rare Candy and I already have a Larvitar on Bench. So evolve, Warp Point, I bring up T-Tar with Special Darkness Energy and Expert Belt. He only has one thing on his Bench. Sunkern. Darkness Howl KO. His other thing was useless and he had a jacked up hand. His deck is kinda bad though (it's a grass type deck, no Landmin, Skymin, or Leafeon). So yeah, it was an okay game. I was just lucky to get the Energy, because I don't run many and getting it was total luck.
At Cities last Saturday I was playing Charizard and was up against Chenlock I think.

It's mid game and my opponent has a Garchomp C Lv X with DCE and Egain on their bench along with a Blaziken FB.
Their active pokemon was a sableye.
My active pokemon was a Charizard fully powered up. I had a full set up and one of which was a Charmeleon on my bench.
I start off by playing Seeker and pick up my Spiritomb. He picks up the Blaziken FB. I then Warp Point and bring up Charmeleon only to retreat it for Charizard again. He is now forced to bring up that Garchomp C X. I burning tail for 120 or 130, KO.

He had been saving his Garchomp from the beginning for a "perfect timed" dragon rush. Smart, but I got a lucky combo here. :D
^TKing, I think you mean Black Belt. And that's the point, you don't Impersonate for a Black Belt because, if you do, well, good luck...
No, I meant Expert Belt.

So evolve, Warp Point, I bring up T-Tar with Special Darkness Energy and Expert Belt. He only has one thing on his Bench. Sunkern. Darkness Howl KO.

You can't Darkness Howl for 40 to the bench because Expert Belt only adds to the active Pokemon.
she left out the part where Sunkern is the thing that got brought up via the Warp Point
Tking, I said I already used Warp Point. I know Expert Belt only applies to the active. I'm not a n00b.
I clearly stated I Warp Pointed! Can we not see?
I'd say the best thing I've ever done is kill a Empoleon Lv.X with a Misdrevus SF. And I also once killed a Torterra X with a Rain form Castform. :D
Lol it seems you're upset :p I read the post, though I did not make the connection from words to cards. It's all in understanding, you see. I thought you either mistyped or did not notice the fact. A lot of people make that mistake (Adding Pluspower, Sp. Dark, E belt, etc. to the bench).

Also, this wasn't a pro move that I made, but this was in Spring BRs last year--The prizes were 1-1 I was playing Mightyena against PLOX (Yea I know, I actually pulled it off) and he leveleled up, Telepassed to a different Pokemon, Warp Pointed Gardy, and all my Pokemon were just in KO range of what he brought up :p

This is why the contest of Switch, Warp Point, and Warp Energy is won by Warp Point unless you run Vileplume :D