What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

PikachewTofu said:
Do you rig your coins or something? I can't even get three heads in a row much less 13. Is there a trick or technique you can learn so you can get heads? Because gettting 13 heads in a row seems a bit impossible.
If there is some sort of technique or trick one could learn to be able to pull off this feat it would result in cheating if they were caught, which could get you in serious trouble. So my advice, don't try finding a technique to flip more heads.
Lunar Wing said:
If there is some sort of technique or trick one could learn to be able to pull off this feat it would result in cheating if they were caught, which could get you in serious trouble. So my advice, don't try finding a technique to flip more heads.
Umm...yeah. I was joking.
I was playing Palkia Lock against a Tangrowth deck. My opponent had landed with a Belted Tangela active (At that point I only had 1 Psychic energy in play and Skuntank G, so it was a safe play for him) to my active Skuntank G (Yes, we both had pretty horrid starts). I then draw into a card...Collector. Looking at my hand, I see Psychic Energy sitting pretty...as well as Poketurn and a stadium. I Collector...and then realize that with Mespirit, I got something fun up my sleeve. So I get Mespirit, Bronzong G and Crobat G, drop them, G Switch the energy to Mespirit, Poketurn Skuntank and put him down, play the stadium, play Crobat, my hand was exactly the same size as his so Extrasensory for 70, in between poison, KO. He promotes his next Tangela, becomes a Tangrowth that smacks me for 20, then he passes to me again. I draw into a Bebe, get Uxie off it, which nets me Expert Belt, Poketurn and my second Crobat G. 2x Crobat and a belted Extrasensory later it was game.
PikachewTofu said:
Do you rig your coins or something? I can't even get three heads in a row much less 13. Is there a trick or technique you can learn so you can get heads? Because gettting 13 heads in a row seems a bit impossible.

Lol, I wish, but no.

I just have luck with coin flips in Pokemon, and I still do to this day.

Yesterday at my league, I managed to draw 8 cards with Speed Stadium out(I use it in my shuppet donk deck). I have also never failed a Cyrus's Initiative before either. This luck only goes as far as coin flips however. I have horrid luck on like, everything else ;_;...
Lemres said:
Lol, I wish, but no.

I just have luck with coin flips in Pokemon, and I still do to this day.

Yesterday at my league, I managed to draw 8 cards with Speed Stadium out(I use it in my shuppet donk deck). I have also never failed a Cyrus's Initiative before either. This luck only goes as far as coin flips however. I have horrid luck on like, everything else ;_;...
Maybe I should start using coins for flips and not dice.
Tickle Donk....
I was running Tangrowth and my opponent stallgon. He gets a baltoy start and goes first. He never played a basic and passed. I attached an energy to my tangela brought out BTS went to claydol drew into rare candy and sceptile and played it. attached energy attached E-belt and Tickled for 50 (Baltoy has grass weakness)

Porygon-X said:
This was the last match in the Southern Regional Tournament I won this year.

I was playing Shuppet, and he was playing Jumpluff

I was on the losing side, 4 to 2 prizes, even after KOing one or two (Can't remember) of his pluffs. One of them had three energy on it, and he burned his only Night Maintenance on Pokemon, so he only had 2 energy he could access for the rest of the game. I revive Mime, (He KOed it, and I only ran one, at the tine) and put him in the active. Yay! I won! Or so I thought. He runs Luxray, and KOs one of my bench. 4 to 1 prizes. I had two Uxie, and two Crobats. I had conveniently two Turns, so I pick up my Bats. I draw like mad, and find two SSUs. One of them works, so I only have one Uxie on the bench. My opponent has one prize left, and everything he needs to Luxray again. Dang. I lose. Or so I thought! Free retreat Mime, energy to Uxie, Psychic Restore, and leave Mime to sit there with that wonderful Unown Q. All I had to do was wait!

IDK if that was the most pro move I ever made, but it won me 1500$, so it seems sufficient to me.:D

Well, while I would normally be like " dude you played shuppet which is pretty much autopilot.dek" You definitly did a good job of examining the situation and thinking about what needed to be done to assure victory. so good for you on that one =)
alright, cities have started and this thread hasnt been touched in a while, so who wants to get it started again?

nvm i'll start (note its not so much a really pro play but it hindered my opponent quite a bit):

so this is the first cities of the season, im playing garchomp tool-box, playing against someone who is playing BLG/ERL (it sounds weird, but he's a very skilled player and makes it work. in fact he won a cities 2 days later). he got out smeargle and tried to use portrait (i had just called for more SP's so I could use the power spray I opened with, and I had a cyrus in hand, so i sprayed it) then he does something and passes. I get out my roserade GL and poison bind his smeargle so he cant retreat it (he had unown q'd it last turn) and he couldnt use portrait. this ended up hindering him quite a bit, as he wasnt able to do much with his bench, and I was able to set up snipes with garchomp. I ended up winning the game by 2 prizes i believe.
I'll leave this open because it has potential discussion now that Cities are starting.
Most Pro Move....

In one battle against Machamp(I was using Luxchomp), They had their Machamp active and a Machop benched. I leveled up Luxray, Used Bright look to the Machop, Used Seeker (Machamp was the only Pokemon on their bench), and used Flash Bite for game!
Bench shuppet. Attach e-belt to shuppet, attach psychic energy. Use opponent's BTS to evolve to banette PL. Use it's power to discard 10 cards and put 100 damage on myself. Use it's first attack for final KO to belted mamoswine. Pretty epic.
BRs game playing Gigas:

Against PalkiaChomp, he Splashing Turns, switches, Gigaton Punch, Ko active, 20 to the bench, next turn I Judge AND Giga Blaster and he had a great start, but because he switched he couldn't set up from there.
lol, idk if you played that card right. you switch the damage counters that are on the defending pokemon with the damage counters on banette, not simply move them onto it. im sure a belted mamoswine would have more than 100 hp lol
Not much a pro move but:
Having DCE in hand with a Expert Belt and Garchomp C active. What flips he over? A giratina.
Or having Smeargle active, opponent has Garchomp C you attach DCE to Smeargle you flip, you get 1 tails..
Remove Losting my opponent's Pokemon repeatedly with 2+ heads a pop against SPs.
Top-decking a Poke Turn, Turning my Active Belted DGX with only 20 HP left. (I wanted to topdeck a Cyrus so I could search for the turn, but that worked too)
Top-decking an Uxie with no cards in hand.
Repeatedly using Meganium MT's Ultra Powder and getting 3 heads a lot (or 2+ heads, rather).


I was playing some insane Tyranitar+locking deck, and I was using Regigigas. I had been trying to keep myself alive for the longest time, and both of us had only 1 prize left. I notice there's a Sableye on the bench with full HP, and I realize I have the means to make a surprise KO and win the game. TTar is active, and I have a Gigas X active. I drop a DCE and a Belt onto a benched Drag Off with 1 energy on it already, pop 2 Pluspowers on it, retreat my Active Gigas. That would make Drag Off do 50 damage if I account resistance.

Then I dropped a Bat before Dragging Off.

I know I have others but those are the ones I remember.
So...where are the pro moves? Cuz I ain't seeing any outplaying being done here, just "I did what my deck is supposed to do. Oooh I turned a Dialga with 20 HP left, durrr....I topdecked an Uxie when out of cards, thats such a skillfull move..." (No flame to you DNA, your examples just fit perfectly)

This format has no room anymore for real skill plays.
Playing Gyarados VS. a Gengar toolbox deck, and he sets up a Gengar Prime on the bench with an energy. I warp energy to Luxray, Bright Look it, Poke Turn, play 2 more Poke Turns and Flash Bite it twice, belt Gyarados and Tail Revenge for the KO.
@Lou, and where's your "pro" moves? Because I sure don't see any on here. I just see you here arguing about everything. This format has plenty of room for skill players, no one ever builds different decks to test out anymore. It's all meta this and meta that.
(No flame to you DNA, your examples just fit perfectly)
Don't worry, no offense was taken. Most of what I do is really just lucksacking (like my 90% heads ratio on Fainting Spell).
Alright Tofu...
Using Houndoom, having no Slowking out yet vs Luxchomp. I know he probably has Power Spray, but he doesnt know I have Collector and Communcation on hand (Slowpoke already on field). I drop Azelf, get sprayed, drop Uxie, get sprayed, then Collector + Communication gets me Slowking out and the lock got in place. I KO his Luxray X, he manages to revenge KO but I had dug into TR Trickery so he got nothing anymore after that but SP Radars and the works.

With Steelix, I have a 5-energy-Steelix in my active spot that has 120 damage on it. Since I lack the double Healer or Moo Moo Milk, I cannot heal Steelix enough. So, I attach DCE, manually retreat (A friggin STEELIX PRIME) it by paying that DCE and 2 metals and proceed to heal 20 with Blissey, offering Azelf as price snack. Azelf gets KO'd, I send up Steelix again, get Engineer, Conductive Quarry a Metal back to use Engineer and voila, 2nd Healer, Steelix energized enough to pull a Gaia Crush and gg from there.