What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

My Pro Move would have been at battle roads. I ran Arceus vs Luxchomp. I when first, started with Fire Arceus. Attached a non- fire basic energy. He setup a Garchomp on the bench with DCE. Then I LvX'ed, played colorless arceus, attached DCE and used omniscient to snipe the garchomp. Completely unbalanced the game. I've been told he stopped playing that deck because of getting beat by Arceus.
Alex(charm)ander said:
I battled this girl at Cities once. She was pretty new and was running a KingGar deck that her boyfriend made for her. Halfway through the game she says that she isn't going to win and that she quits, grabs the slip and circles "lost". I told her to be patient and play the game out (I had a crud set up thus far). On her next turn she plays Bebe's Search for two Water Energies and attaches them both to a benched Pokemon and passes. I was a little taken aback by such a pro move, I mean, Bebe for two energy!? Why didn't I think of that? On her next turn she plays a Gastly to her bench, evolves into Seadra, then into Gengar, then Rare Candies into Gengar X on the bench and Level Down's my Sableye into my deck. At this point I'm like, "...No." On my next turn I draw, think of my next move, pick up my deck and start going through it. She argues my move, "POWERSPRAY", I play two Garchomp C active, level them up, attach four DCE and Dragon Rush four times at once for game. GG.
LOL I think I'll sig this why because my sig is boring.

I remember facing my friends LuxChomp with a Raticate donk deck and I charged up a Rattata with an Expert Belt and 3 Pluspowers. Instead of evolving my Rattata to Raticate for the guarantee knockout I decided to use lunge I flip a coin...heads and donk his lone Luxray GL.
Is that PRO I don't know but I just thought of it.
Afro-G said:
LOL I think I'll sig this why because my sig is boring.

I remember facing my friends LuxChomp with a Raticate donk deck and I charged up a Rattata with an Expert Belt and 3 Pluspowers. Instead of evolving my Rattata to Raticate for the guarantee knockout I decided to use lunge I flip a coin...heads and donk his lone Luxray GL.
Is that PRO I don't know but I just thought of it.
Why wouldn't you evolve?
Bebes for top of ERL, play ERL, play zong g, galactic switch electric energy from lux x to ERL, attach fire energy to ERL, retreat lux x and thunder fall for 4 prizes and the win. I also sprayed the uxie drop his turn before which gave me my 4th target.
gamerCNSK said:
Bebes for top of ERL, play ERL, play zong g, galactic switch electric energy from lux x to ERL, attach fire energy to ERL, retreat lux x and thunder fall for 4 prizes and the win. I also sprayed the uxie drop his turn before which gave me my 4th target.

I'm getting tired of everyones pro move being Thunder Fall. A tech doing what it is supposed to isn't that pro. I've seen people perform very long and complicated turns just to fight for one prize. THAT is pro.
OK, i'm playing this pretty good guy @ my league, using Flychamp while I was using Sablelock. We were playing a match (3 games). First game, I forgot my prize cards, so we scoop up the game (it got messed up), and count it as a win for him. Next game, I end up with a Sableye in my hand and SP Dark energy in my hand. He starts with only Trapinch (50 HP). I attach SP Dark and use Overconfident for knock out. Then, next game, I start with only a Sableye. He starts with only a Trapinch again. I though "hmph. I can't donk him..... I was wrong, I start, and DRAW A SP DARK ENERGY! So I attach it and Overconfident for the win AGAIN. He was really mad after the game, so he just stomped away after that. LOL. That always seems to happen to me. I draw into the card I need most of the time (I don't rig my decks, either).

Another time I was playing against a Gengar deck (both SF and AR Gengar), with Sablelock as well. It was the last game being played in the round of the tourney, so everyone was watching. We each had 1 Prize card left, and if I didn't get the card I needed, it would be game over. He had a belted Gengar LV.X on his bench with 150 damage on it, and I needed the final 10 damage to KO it. I didn't have Garchomp C LV.X/Honchkrow G out, and no important cards in my hand, so I had to rely on getting a Crobat G/search card. Next turn, I cross my fingers, and draw my card. IT WAS A CROBAT G. I showed the card to everyone and we burst into laughter. I bench the Crobat G and Flash Bite for game. MY MOST EPIC GAME EVER!

Alex(charm)ander said:
I'm getting tired of everyones pro move being Thunder Fall. A tech doing what it is supposed to isn't that pro. I've seen people perform very long and complicated turns just to fight for one prize. THAT is pro.
Sorry, I'll repost this when we have a thread about what the most amature play we have ever made is.
gamerCNSK said:
Sorry, I'll repost this when we have a thread about what the most amature play we have ever made is.
It's not amature, it's just that most people claim that there most pro move is a 3+ prize KO from ERL.
Alex(charm)ander said:
It's not amature, it's just that most people claim that there most pro move is a 3+ prize KO from ERL.

Might say more about their level of play then...
Blastcatty(me) VS Blastgtar (him)

He snipes my Delcatty off the bench then bounces 2 energies. leaving us both with one prize left. I draw. I need 3 more energies on the board to win this one or he'll one shot my bench'd uxie next turn for the win. I draw a water energy. i play Nights maintance putting back 1 baltoy and 1-1 Delcatty
i play Roseannes for Baltoy and Skitty. Play communication put baltoy in for delcatty and thanks to his BTS play the delcatty Use its power stack 2 water then mill 3. all of which are waters then i play the water from hand and win doing 10 more then needed. He thought he had one with the ko'd delcatty and bouncing the engies he eliminated 4 waters from that damage i could do 2 his 2 mine. but i played a string of trainers i was holding on to for quite some time Baltoy got sniped and i milled the other so no hand reset for me.
gamerCNSK said:
Sorry, I'll repost this when we have a thread about what the most amature play we have ever made is.

Well he has a point. It's like someone posting their pro move was, "I used bright look to bring up a tech and ko it for the win!"
I was playing against flyterra with my sablock at nationals. It started out fine. I denied his claydol from being dropped and his uxie from using powers. It came to the point where all he had was a terra with full energy and HP, a benched azelf, a benched flygon (no energy), and he had a 2 card hand. I Cyrus's Initiatived his hand (getting rid of the energy), chatot G'd his top deck (3 times) to deny him draw/energy, and I started moving his energy from terra to azelf. It took me 4 turns to be 100% safe (he didn't drop DCE on terra). I eventually killed off terra and won the game.
I remembered another kind of pro move I made in the 6th swiss round of a Battle Roads tournament this spring. I randomly decided to play luxchomp again after being about 5 minutes away from turning in a jumpluff list. I ended up going 6-0. in the last round I was playing against a pretty nice guy who was playing steelix. it got down to 2-1 prizes (my favor) and he just KOed my active garchomp X with gaia crush. I send up a crobat and think about my next move. I realize it would be totally pointless to go after his steelix because of all the special metals it has on it, and his annoying ability to flip heads on everything. but then I realize something... I have a benched promocroak on it, with an energy gain... and he just KOed a pokemon! i was like :DDDD so i retreat to my benched luxray, level up and bright look his benched chansey, then poketurn my luxray, send up toxicroak, cyrus for the psychic and poison revenge for game (chansey was from HS so it had x2 weakness) =) He looks down at it, reads promocroak to make sure im using it right, looks up, then offers the hand shake while saying "yep! that'll do it!"
Zero said:
I was playing against flyterra with my sablock at nationals. It started out fine. I denied his claydol from being dropped and his uxie from using powers. It came to the point where all he had was a terra with full energy and HP, a benched azelf, a benched flygon (no energy), and he had a 2 card hand. I Cyrus's Initiatived his hand (getting rid of the energy), chatot G'd his top deck (3 times) to deny him draw/energy, and I started moving his energy from terra to azelf. It took me 4 turns to be 100% safe (he didn't drop DCE on terra). I eventually killed off terra and won the game.

See, thats a great example of a PRO move.
I will slowly remember some pro moves, but here is the only one I can remember: It was sthe second round of nats. I was playing shuppet donk. I attach call to luxray and call for a chomp and a zong. He does a bunch of stuff and eventually warp points. I switch out for garchomp. He shadow rooms it for a KO. I send up luxray. I draw and realize something: all of his pokemon in play have pokepowers(uxie, crobat g x2, and unown q). I bebe's for the second half of ERL, play it down, attach a lightning to it, galactic switch the call to it from luxray. Level up so i can have free retreat, and I thunder fall. He says "what does that do?" and I say "you can read my card, but you just lost." t2 erl donk ftw!
GHJamesGH said:
I will slowly remember some pro moves, but here is the only one I can remember: It was sthe second round of nats. I was playing shuppet donk. I attach call to luxray and call for a chomp and a zong. He does a bunch of stuff and eventually warp points. I switch out for garchomp. He shadow rooms it for a KO. I send up luxray. I draw and realize something: all of his pokemon in play have pokepowers(uxie, crobat g x2, and unown q). I bebe's for the second half of ERL, play it down, attach a lightning to it, galactic switch the call to it from luxray. Level up so i can have free retreat, and I thunder fall. He says "what does that do?" and I say "you can read my card, but you just lost." t2 erl donk ftw!

We all said this before, ERL is just doing what it's supposed to do, that's not very "pro".
Yes it is not usually. But being able to read the board and realize you can win turn one and knowing that its the right play IS pro.