What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

PikachewTofu said:
We all said this before, ERL is just doing what it's supposed to do, that's not very "pro".
I don't care what you think pro is, I know that was a pro observation.
I dont think that Donks and ERL are very pro, but when you donk with ERL, that is completely win.
And you just ignore me, so mature of you teen boys. Now let's stop spamming, we're just going to get this thread closed.
This was the last match in the Southern Regional Tournament I won this year.

I was playing Shuppet, and he was playing Jumpluff

I was on the losing side, 4 to 2 prizes, even after KOing one or two (Can't remember) of his pluffs. One of them had three energy on it, and he burned his only Night Maintenance on Pokemon, so he only had 2 energy he could access for the rest of the game. I revive Mime, (He KOed it, and I only ran one, at the tine) and put him in the active. Yay! I won! Or so I thought. He runs Luxray, and KOs one of my bench. 4 to 1 prizes. I had two Uxie, and two Crobats. I had conveniently two Turns, so I pick up my Bats. I draw like mad, and find two SSUs. One of them works, so I only have one Uxie on the bench. My opponent has one prize left, and everything he needs to Luxray again. Dang. I lose. Or so I thought! Free retreat Mime, energy to Uxie, Psychic Restore, and leave Mime to sit there with that wonderful Unown Q. All I had to do was wait!

IDK if that was the most pro move I ever made, but it won me 1500$, so it seems sufficient to me.:D
Porygon-X said:
This was the last match in the Southern Regional Tournament I won this year.

I was playing Shuppet, and he was playing Jumpluff

I was on the losing side, 4 to 2 prizes, even after KOing one or two (Can't remember) of his pluffs. One of them had three energy on it, and he burned his only Night Maintenance on Pokemon, so he only had 2 energy he could access for the rest of the game. I revive Mime, (He KOed it, and I only ran one, at the tine) and put him in the active. Yay! I won! Or so I thought. He runs Luxray, and KOs one of my bench. 4 to 1 prizes. I had two Uxie, and two Crobats. I had conveniently two Turns, so I pick up my Bats. I draw like mad, and find two SSUs. One of them works, so I only have one Uxie on the bench. My opponent has one prize left, and everything he needs to Luxray again. Dang. I lose. Or so I thought! Free retreat Mime, energy to Uxie, Psychic Restore, and leave Mime to sit there with that wonderful Unown Q. All I had to do was wait!

IDK if that was the most pro move I ever made, but it won me 1500$, so it seems sufficient to me.:D

That was awesome. Now, that is a pro move people.
Ok, guys. Time to get back on the topic track! Choo-choo. Or I'll just lock this thread because everyone argues what is/isn't pro.

dmaster out.
It was pro in a sense of amazing.

I was testing a KGL deck aginst Luxchomp. The only pokemon I had was a Doduo UD. My friend only had Garchomp C. I look at my incredibly awful hand, but I realize I had a dce. So I attach the dce I had to Doduo. I use Double Headstrike and luckily flip one heads. Needless to say I knocked out his Garchomp C and donked him.
I'm pretty sure Doduo says if either flip is tails it does nothing... One heads makes it nothing... -.-
Yeah Meaty is right.

Double Headstrike 50damage

"Flip 2 coins. If either of them is tails, this attack does nothing.Would have been a good move though.
dragonpulse20 said:
Yeah Meaty is right.

Double Headstrike 50damage

"Flip 2 coins. If either of them is tails, this attack does nothing.Would have been a good move though.

I feel like an idiot now. Haha. Good thing it was only playtesting.
I was using Salamence AR against I think against my friend's eeveelution deck a while back. He belted one of his benched Leafeons and on his active Leafeon. I got enough dmg on his benched Leafeon that it was at 20, and his active was at 70 while I had a benched Salamence with a premier ball in my hand.....He had the prizes at 2-6. I sent out Salamence, used premier ball for the Lv.X attached an expert belt, and used shoot through for 6 prizes. I felt so pro at the time.
Oh, WOWWWWWW. that is alot of prizes at once. He wasn't too smart to belt 2 Leafeon, especially when playing Sally.
Don't know if this is pro, or just sheer luck, but I seem to always be lucky with coin flips.

I had a deck revolved around Exeggcute/Exeggutor awhile ago (lol I was so bad back then T-T). Anyways, I started a game with a buddy, and only had 2 exeggcute as my opening basics. My friend was using Sabelock, and had started with a Garchomp C only. I go first, attach an energy, and use "Continuous Eggsplosion". I expect to fail on my 1st or 2nd coin flip, but I manage to get heads 11 times, and donked him with an Exeggcute x_x.....

Using a Gyarados deck at one point. Had an Uxie and a Magikarp in my opening hand. Set both down in fear of a donk. I go first, use sea splash, and end up getting heads 13 heads in a row, thus drawing 13 cards.

Lemres said:
Don't know if this is pro, or just sheer luck, but I seem to always be lucky with coin flips.

I had a deck revolved around Exeggcute/Exeggutor awhile ago (lol I was so bad back then T-T). Anyways, I started a game with a buddy, and only had 2 exeggcute as my opening basics. My friend was using Sabelock, and had started with a Garchomp C only. I go first, attach an energy, and use "Continuous Eggsplosion". I expect to fail on my 1st or 2nd coin flip, but I manage to get heads 11 times, and donked him with an Exeggcute x_x.....

Using a Gyarados deck at one point. Had an Uxie and a Magikarp in my opening hand. Set both down in fear of a donk. I go first, use sea splash, and end up getting heads 13 heads in a row, thus drawing 13 cards.


Do you rig your coins or something? I can't even get three heads in a row much less 13. Is there a trick or technique you can learn so you can get heads? Because gettting 13 heads in a row seems a bit impossible.