What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

Mine is a time i got a four prize knock out it was with gengar x with its compund pain and i knocked out a regigaice with expert belt on it and two regiceies.
Well this one time I was at league, and I was playing dusknoir against steelix. It was one to one prizes. I could not KO a steelix and thats all he had on his field besides steelix and one blissy. So I thought that I could snipe that with damage even, but I realized both blissy and dusknoir have 120 and I didnt have the X so my only choice was to try and belt it. I had no draw but a copy cat and he had a fat hand so i figured i could pull it. I copy catted for my WHOLE deck, except for one card. I looked through the stack and none of them were it, Then i shadow command with my benched dusknoir and find it is the last card. I attach it and shadow command the active to put it at 120 and snipe the benched blissy for game :)
Won against Tyrannitar Prime. With LuxChomp. By OHKOing his Ttar. How? I teched in a Metal energy. And Lucario GL's combo throw is quite nice. =D
Idk if this counts since it was sheer luck and I did end up losing that game, but at a cities I Cosmic Power'd 2 for 1 and drew a PokeDrawer when I had another in hand.
Oh yeah ERL talk reminds me of when I pwned Decmaster. He had 5 pokemon(one belted) in play, all of them with powers and 80 or less HP left. I hadn't taken a single prize yet, then I drop ERL, charge him up(I use him with Magnezone) and win in two ways by taking all 6 prizes and knocking out all of his pokemon in play simultaneously.
I was playing Magnezone vs Donphan, I had an active Magnezone LVX with 130 damage, the Magnetic Search one. Benched I had 2 Super Conductivity ones. I had to draw 4 more prizes to 3 for him. I kept paralyze killing his Donphans, but couldnt get the energy back in this case and didnt have much energy left in play. I drew into a Communication and had a part of EnteiRaikou in my hand. I Conductivity'd my active Zone X dead, Palmer'd him back to my deck, Communicated for him, proceeded to ParaStall (This time by my Conductivity Zone) and with him one prize left, I ended the game by 3 pixie KO's with ERL (Had Manectric benched). The sacrifice of Zone X was a pretty powerful move in the end.
One time, I donked a Machop with an Azelf and 3 Flash Bites lol, and at nats this year I donked a Baltoy with a Uxie and 3 Flash Bites.
One of the most interesting moments in Pokemon I can remember was when it was Cursegar v Cursegar at league. I was down a prize at the moment and I had just done Shadow Skip to get 60 on his Gengar and then I sent up Spiritomb. I also had a Nidoqueen on the field and his play kinda made me piss my pants (figure of speech, not literally). He Roseanne'd for an Azelf and a psychic energy and Locked my Spiritomb there because of my Nidoqueen. I though I had just lost the game but then I saw that there was 140 damage on his field (from two Shadow Skips). So in 4-7 turns I Cursed the damage from his Gengars with damage to his Azelf. The reason that he was able to secure a Lock on my 'tomb was because I had already attached my Warp Energy and Unown G.
I got a couple :D

At States, FlyPhan vs. LuxChomp. We go down to 1-1 in prizes, and it's my turn. I have Donphan active, he has Garchomp C X active. I have to get a fighting energy on Trapinch (which isn't in play), use BTS (which is in play) to evolve it into Vibrava, then Flygon and attach a memory berry so I can retreat and use Energy Cyclone FTW. I Night Maintenance to put back a Vibrava, Roseanne for Trapinch and Fighting energy, Double drawer for the Berry and Flygon, then cosmic and draw into Vibrava. I retreat Dumbo and score the KO.

(This was against Dmaster at league)
He has a Gyarados out, I have Gengar SF, with Metagross SV on bench. I flash bite his unbelted Gyara w/ crobat g, then play Jirachi UL, retreat Gengar and Time Hollow to score the KO.
I battled this girl at Cities once. She was pretty new and was running a KingGar deck that her boyfriend made for her. Halfway through the game she says that she isn't going to win and that she quits, grabs the slip and circles "lost". I told her to be patient and play the game out (I had a crap set up thus far). On her next turn she plays Bebe's Search for two Water Energies and attaches them both to a benched Pokemon and passes. I was a little taken aback by such a pro move, I mean, Bebe for two energy!? Why didn't I think of that? On her next turn she plays a Gastly to her bench, evolves into Seadra, then into Gengar, then Rare Candies into Gengar X on the bench and Level Down's my Sableye into my deck. At this point I'm like, "...No." On my next turn I draw, think of my next move, pick up my deck and start going through it. She argues my move, "POWERSPRAY", I play two Garchomp C active, level them up, attach four DCE and Dragon Rush four times at once for game. GG.
Alex(charm)ander said:
I battled this girl at Cities once. She was pretty new and was running a KingGar deck that her boyfriend made for her. Halfway through the game she says that she isn't going to win and that she quits, grabs the slip and circles "lost". I told her to be patient and play the game out (I had a crud set up thus far). On her next turn she plays Bebe's Search for two Water Energies and attaches them both to a benched Pokemon and passes. I was a little taken aback by such a pro move, I mean, Bebe for two energy!? Why didn't I think of that? On her next turn she plays a Gastly to her bench, evolves into Seadra, then into Gengar, then Rare Candies into Gengar X on the bench and Level Down's my Sableye into my deck. At this point I'm like, "...No." On my next turn I draw, think of my next move, pick up my deck and start going through it. She argues my move, "POWERSPRAY", I play two Garchomp C active, level them up, attach four DCE and Dragon Rush four times at once for game. GG.

You. Are. So. Pro!
ERL a bench mainly consisting of poke power pokemon with 80 or less HP winning me the game basicly

not sure if thats pro or just luck
TCG: Back when EXs were in the modified format I took four prizes in one turn otherwise I would have lost the following turn. I had to use a ton of Poke-Powers to get it.

VG: On Pokemon Online I defeated a team that had Ubers with a not fully evolved team. I saved the log of it too.:p
Not mine, but my sister and I played rogue decks.

And she PWNed me. ._.

She played Kirlia d w/ Flickering Flames and I played Empoleon DP.

She used Flickering Flames and made me sleep, then next turn, i used Empoleon and had to take that freaking coin flip and always got tails, and then she started with Smack and won over me, nother time, she couldnt get up Kirlia in time. So i sniped all of her Pokemans. : D