What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

I had 4 prizes left, opponent had 1. I had Machop out, 10 damage on it, no bench, no hand. Opponent has Umbreon Prime out with 20 left, and Espeon (MD) benched. My Turn: Draw Uxie. Play Uxie. Play Seeker. GG. :)
Either taking 4 prizes in a tournament game with Unown G, or Tail Coding 7 energy from a Plox deck onto an Azelf.
^I'd love to hear the story behind the four-prize taking Unown G, and it would be really funny if that Azlef shuffled itself and all those energies back into the deck, lol.
one time i was battling my aunt in a tcg game (same thing happend against my league co-leader's husband) and i was just shadow rooming all of her pokemon (old version of garpluff) she ended her turn i lvled up my fainting spell gengar attached an psychic energy used compound pain and took four of my prizes!
Well I was playing against a speed Lucario deck with Luxchomp. I had the Unown G in hand and was trying to figure out a way to KO his Lucario, when I realised I could Roseanne for Bronzong G and a Psychic Energy to get it attacking that turn. Because of alot of Power Sprays, he was unable to draw into any energy and had a low hand. Everything in his deck was weak to Psychic, so.. :p.
I was running a Crobat Prime/ Scizor Prime deck at Cities and was about to be benched out if I didnt top deck a basic... I top deck scyther attach on bench and team rockets trickery for 2 and in the 2 I get scizor prime and BTS was out so i evolve
The most pro move I've ever done is winning while down by 4 prizes. My brother had Umbreon UD with Expert Belt with about 70 left and an ERL with 20 left. I have Kingdra LA with Expert Belt. He has 1 prize left. I Dragon Pump, KO his Umbreon UD, draw two prizes, then KO his ERL and draw two prizes.
At cities he was using Yamaga with Veispiqueen and I was using Vilegar he had 2 expertbelted Yamegas and a Vespiqueen and i had two Gengars out he only had two prizes left I had five. I poltigisted his yamega for 2 prizes he killed my Gengar in return and I fliped heads on fainting spell for another 2 pizes. We were down to one prize each he pulls up his Vesipiqueen and uses bee powder for 50 damage and he flips 2 coins if they were both heads I would be Palylised, burned, and poisend he FLIPED TWO HEADS but then a judge came by and made him flip him again because he droped them to low and then he fliped one heads and one tails
Sudden Death at a grinder tourney, his luxchomp against my donphan deck, so only one prize. he impersonates T1 for garchomp c and some other stuff he puts in his hand, i have chatot active, phanpy on bench, i use set up and get donphan but cant evolve. so i mimic his hand for about 10 cards and its his move. he goes retreats his sableye, and has his garchomp c ready with DCE and an e-gain but cant level up for some reason when its active and passes. I go, evolve, but dont have the belt to ko his garchomp with an 80 earthquake yet. Play a PONT, and draw into the expert belt. Retreat chatot, attatch the belt and KO FTW :D i ended up getting second place at the grinder :D
At Cities. I was running Promogon-Z and he was running BlastGatr. I recently switched Super Scoop Up for Seeker in my deck. He had a Feraligatr Prime, with four energy, active and a benched Bronzong; I had a set up Promogon-Z (with my bench set up). I didn't have enough damage output to knock out the Feraligatr, but he did. So, I Warp Pointed to something (can't remember what) and he sent up his Bronzong. Then, I Seeker up his Feraligatr Prime and my something (It was insignificant), retreated, and knocked out his lone Bronzong for game.
I was playing my friend casually and im running T-tar and he's running Vilegar.
So late in the game I have spread like crazy and hurt the Gengar. However i don't wanna risk losing the set up T-Tar so I Warp Point to my darkrai/cresselia Legend and Moon's Invite to kill the Gengar and a pixie, thus bypassing fainting spell I go on to win. Later though, my friend showed my I could have simply finished it by moving them to 3 pixies.... oh well.

Another hurrah for Darkrai was against Scizor Prime where he was walling me so I decided to spread around it.(couldn't get energy for power claw) He kills T-Tar and i stall with Umbreon till i get the Legend Pieces. Send it up and kill Dodrio and others for game.

And last another Darkrai win..... Lost Crisis a Shuppet. Darkrai/T-Tar FTW!
Well, to be honest, I have a few moves I have made that were equally, quite pro. In each of the pro moves I have made, I used Luxchomp.

The first one was at the Lockport, IL, Autumn BRs this year. I was against Jeremy P (who was playing GeChamp) for round 3 that day. To KO a benched Machamp of his, I played one Poke Turn on my active Ambipom G, so then I pulled out Luxray to Bright Look his Machamp. I then play another Poke Turn to Flash Bite the Machamp. After that, I retreat Luxray to pull out Uxie Lv. X to KO that Machamp.

The second time was at the Rockford, IL, league, where there was a tournament that day in which all divisions were combined (this happened a week before the start of this year's cities). For round 2, I was against Jozell F, who was running Mother Gengar I believe. He started with Crobat G, while I started with Luxray GL. I managed to donk the Crobat G by playing down two Crobats to Flash Bite it twice (one from my hand, the other from an SP-Radar). I then attached a DCE to Luxray to KO it for the win.

Another time was at Deerfield, IL, cities this year. Again, I was against Jeremy P, who was still running GeChamp, for round 2. In that match, I won by pulling off a double KO to take my last prizes. I grabbed a Cyrus to get a Lightning Energy and a Poke Turn. I used the Poke Turn to Flash Bite his Cursgar for the KO, and then I retreated my active to pull out Luxray, where I then attached the Lightning to it and followed up with a Bright Look his Spiritomb to proceed for the finishing KO. Now that was an awesome, professional move there.

Another hurrah was at Chicago, IL, cities this year. I was against Jason P. for the finals, where he was running Flychamp. I ultimately won the tournament by PokeTurning my active Garchomp to pull out Luxray in order to Bright Look his Machop. I then retreated Luxray to pull out Uxie in order to level up to Uxie Lv.X, where I then proceeded to do 60 to the Machop for the ultimate win.

Perhaps my most recent, awesome pro move came in the Oswego, IL, cities about two weeks ago. I was against Kyle B. for round 1, who was running Gyarados. Very early in the match, I Bright Looked his Regice to use my Roserade GL to keep it under the poison lock for several turns, allowing me to get quite an early advantage.
My most PRO move (if you want to call it that) was at my last City Championship. I was playing against Machamp/Mightyena and I was using Gengar/Kingdra Prime. My turn 3 starts (No prizes taken yet). He had Poochyena active and I believe a Machop on the bench. I had a Haunter TM with no energy active with Uxie and Kingdra Prime (1 energy and E-Belt) on the bench. My hand was 7 cards but I decided to use an Uxie for one card. Best move ever! I pull a Seeker, he picks up Machop, I pick up Uxie, retreat Haunter, promote Kingdra and destroy his Poochyena for the win!
This one time my opponent started with an unown q, and I had an Uxie, so I attached an energy and psychic restored. I went under the deck with Uxie and we tied.
@ azelf master lol that litererly happened in one of my most recent battles my friend was using the luxchomp of the spirit worlds deck and all he had out was a garchomp c (he went first) i had a machop as my active (i was using donchamp) and i played a rare candy evolved it into machamp SF attached a fighing energy and then take out for the game.
Making a 6-1 Comeback.
He epicly topdecked all game, and then before he gets his last prize with Luxray GL, i judge, hit BTS Rescue Gdos and ebelt, kill his Luxray X, and he had nothing left, and i continued to sweep everything up.