What's ur highest damage ever done is your life?

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I had a friend that did around 580 damage or so a couple days ago. He was playing around with the old Scrambled Eggs deck from last season, and got so many heads it wasn't even funny. My poor Steelix EX got destroyed :(.

Arcanine out.
So... no one here has ever played Blaziken vs another Blaziken? I've seen several 1000+ damage attacks come from those games.
I attacked with my dark charizard (team rocket) (continuous fireball) a couple of years ago and I got 8 heads. Plus, the defending pokemon had fire weakness!
For me, I guess it would be random Flipping like Seedot won me one game during the Pre-release using Continuous Headbutt and got like 10 heads. Other than that, Rayquaza from Dragon. I crushed this kid 'till he cried! No, seriously, he cried. :\
The most I've ever done was 800 damage with the SS Gardevoir ex incuding weakness.
Whicker said:
So... no one here has ever played Blaziken vs another Blaziken? I've seen several 1000+ damage attacks come from those games.
I wasn't playing competitive back then. I still play Blaze for fun (proxies ;)), but noone ever plays me in mirror.

I broke MY record a little while ago, again with Eggytor. It was 680 I think.

Arcanine out.
I wonder what the most possible damage is? Apart from continous coinflip attacks. (continous headbutt, Continous Tumble)
Let's see...
4 Evolved Wobbies LM +40
TA's Hideout +10
1 Dark Muk +4 Dark energies +60
Something weak against Dark/Grass
220?!?! That's TINY!!!

Let's try something else...
4 Feraligatr δ's +40
1 Charizard *+4 Darks +40+ 150
1 Gyrados δ+Holon Staduim +10
Something weak against Dark
480 damge. That's better, though I suppose I could do something better...
4 Feraligatr δ's +40
Lugia EX +200
Ampharos δ
Something weak against Colourless
480 damage. Can't get past that, I suppose...
4 Feraligatr δ's +40
Armaldo δ Delta Edge +70
1 Gyrados δ+Holon Staduim +10
Walrein EX
480 AGAIN?!
Here's what someone from another forums told me:

Player A (has 2 prizes and 1 card in deck):

Active Pokemon: [Machoke LM, weak: Psy] with 4 DREs, 4 Holon's Electrode, 4 Holon's Mags, 4 Holon's Castform, 4 Scramble Energy, and 35 basic energy attatched

Player B ( 2 cards in deck, 1 prize card):

Active: Dustox ex with [2] G Energy
Bench: Deoxys ex att. Forme (with 3 [P] energies), Gyarados d
Has Holon Research Tower in play

Turn x: player B attackes Machoke with silver wind
Turn x+1:player A Draws his last card, its a basic energy... he attaches it, and ends
Turn x+2:player B retreats Dustox and brings out Deoxys ex, attatches a strength charm, hits Machoke with his attack, choosing to discard 2 energy cards on Deoxys ex to do 50+ 20 x the amount of ENERGY on the defending Pokemon

Lets see...
Base + Double NRG + Triple NRG + Basic Energy + Strenth Charm Bonus + Gyarados d bonus x 2 for Weakness + 30 for Dustox ex bonus
(50 + ((16x2)x20) + ((4x3)x20) + (36x20) + 10 + 10) x 2 + 30
= (50 + (32x20)+(12x20)+(36x20)+10 +10)x2 +30
= (50 + (81x20) +20) x2 +30
= a grand total of 3450 damage if I calculated that right

very unlikely situation...thats the highest damage that I can think of lol

I think if theres a pokemon thats weak to psychic that could replace Machamp, and has an attack like Hariyama ex's (has to be a non-ex) second attack, and it attacked Dustox ex with it, the grand total would be 3470.

if you dont apply weakness, then the damage would be 1730

(Credit to Neo-Lionheart from croftminster)
It happened last month.
I was playing an unlimited match against one friend of mine. Blaziken RS/Rayquaza ex SS (me) vs. Tyranicargo/Rayquaza ex DX (my friend). I had Rayquaza ex active with Strength Charm and with Multi Energy and 18 Fire Energy, and chose to discard all Fire Energy (Multi goes with them). That means 760 damage x 2 because he had Rayquaza ex DX active (weakness). So it goes to 1520 damage + 10 from Strength Charm = 1530. That was my highest damage ever :p
I had like, ~1100 damage with a super-effective attack with my Azumarill.
I used the attack where it you can flip a coin for every energy attached to each active Pokemon, and do 30 (I think) damage for each heads. I had like, 30 energies and got about 20-25 heads.

Had rayquaza ex (dragon) w/ 22 Fire energy discarded all so 40 x 22 = 880 against a dragonite ex = HOLY!! FREAKIN!!! 1760!!!! DAMAGE!!!!! Made my opponent shout the "S" word w/c was heard all over the school. :)
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