RE: whats your favorite game
My Top 5:
1. FE7 (Fire Emblem 7):
While it was the first English Fire Emblem game, it still was the best. It has the best storyline of any FE Game, and it was so in depth as far as support conversations and such. I can recite the story line, and being 28 playthroughs through the game, I can attest to its replay Value.
2. Pokemon Ruby:
Although most people didn't like the third Generation, I have to say that aside from the first Generation (who's recent remakes have been terrible) the third Generation was the best. The Pokemon were new and interesting, the changes from Crystal were actually good (Mental Institutions all sent out vans as I said that) I really enjoyed the storyline and overall the game was great.
3. Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations:
The best of all the Phoenix Wright games, this game had the best storyline that I have ever seen. Playing this game was like reading a great book, while you got to think along the way. Solving murders is fun, solving murders from Phoenix Wright games is uncomparable. I recommend this game to anyone who owns a DS.
4. Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced:
The storyline may have seemed childish, but the playing of it was amazing. It was fun, but not so confusing that I wanted to just shake the game screaming "How am I supposed to know this!?" The replay value was amazing, but the playthrough of the game a single time took long enough.
5. Dark Aliance of Baulders Gate:
This game was definately an oddball choice for my Top 5. This game didn't even recieve the sequel that it actually cliff-hanged to. If you ever have a weekend with a friend, I suggest that you go rent this game. I know I may seem like a nerd holding Dungeons and Dragons in such high esteem, but the playthrough was fun, the bosses were thrilling, and overall the game kept the players on their feet.
Runners Up:
Kirby Air Ride (It was better then most people say)
Advanced Wars Days of Ruin
SSB Melee (Not Brawl)
Pokemon Diamond
Galiga (The best time wasting machine ever)