My favourite Dessert is probably the Giant cookie from milestones. It's a huge chocolate cookie with Ice Cream and Warm Chocolate sauce... oh, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
Cookies and Cream Chocolate or Steam Pudding, most types as long as it doesn't have fruit. In particular though the stuff my family makes using Geothermal pits, man I really want some again ^w^
a few of my top picks:
-Brownies (bonus points if they have white choc chips in them)
-Crumble (even though I'll happily eat any sort of crumble there is a place in my heart for raspberry and apple crumble)
-Fruit salad with yogurt
-Raspberry mousse
-Raspberry cheesecake
-Raspberry and white chocolate tarts
(you could put pretty much anything with raspberries and I'd eat it tbh)
My favorite dessert is the chocolate sheet cake that's been in our family for ages. It's southern, so of course it's loaded with butter. But the best part is how well the cake and icing go together. You can't have one without the other. Also you can't not drink milk with it.
I'll do it like the Challenge, since there are too many choices.
For the cold dessert, strawberry cheesecake is amazing. (And no, not the freaky little kid's show that needs to burn in hell.)
For the warm dessert, my family's homemade rhubarb pie is glorious. If you've never tried rhubarb pie because it looks weird, or the name is odd, you're seriously missing out. It's fantastic.~
I love sooooo many kinds of dessert, I could go a whole week listing them off!! Since I cannot make a post that long, I will list my top five, which are pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, brownies, Turkish Delight (haven't had it in years, but I still remember that OH SO DELICIOUS taste in my mouth), and... cake, of almost any kind, honestly does not matter at all. As long as it is moist, and not too dry. Geez, now my stomach is rumbling...
I think it's safe to say that that is the hardest question I have ever been asked... Pavlova. Tiramisu. Ice cream. Those are the top ones I'd have to choose from. A little hard to scale it down from that. Maybe tiramisu though...