BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Wow, good job Phoenix-f-, that is pretty solid proof that gym 3 is in fact bug. Never would have guessed that! Also, the design might mean that we got a male combee evolution and that's the gym leader's sig. pokemon. Anybody agree?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Hellion said:
^I think you're the first person to post that theory with the badge observation as proof. Good eye. Welcome to Pokebéach, by the way.

Thank you, i really love this community.

We can see the 5th badge from the video, but it gives no idea:

ZebraGoomba said:
Wow, good job Phoenix-f-, that is pretty solid proof that gym 3 is in fact bug. Never would have guessed that! Also, the design might mean that we got a male combee evolution and that's the gym leader's sig. pokemon. Anybody agree?

That would be nice but since we're not getting old pokemons this generation, that orange thing is probably going to be about something new. Firstly i think about Kurumiru's possible evolution and raw silk, but orange thing has more liquid appearance like honey. Then i think that we might get a new nectar-consuming pokemon, a butterfly maybe.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Kamen no Otoko said:
Well, to clarify, I don't know for sure that any of that is accurate. I just simply made educated guesses based on what seems most appropriate. My initial guess for San'you was 山陽, which can mean "southern side of the mountains" and is also the name of a region in Japan. I chose 三葉 this time because it's pretty much confirmed that Dento is a Grass-type leader, since he uses Yanappu. I'm also a little hesitant about Aloe using Steel, since it looks like the amusement park city uses robots(?) in one of the videos; there's a good chance that she could be Rock-type, which would also fit with Shippou City's focus on traditional culture and its fancy museum. Her outfit suggests that she is a tradeswoman of sorts, however, and cloisonné is typically done with metal objects, so I thought Steel might be the closest fit.

Doesn't Yin (or Yang - can't remember which) mean the same as the part I highlighted in bold? If so, Sanyou City could be an important place in the games, as it could have something to do with the legendaries! Also, don't worry if you made educated guesses - a guess is better than nothing!

@Phoenix-f - I once thought the gym in Hiun City looked like it could be a Bug-gym, but I never realised the 3rd badge could represent the Bug-type, so nice theory!
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Good theory. I do not think there will be a male bee line since that goes against the fact of a queen bee and females being rarer and all. Maybe the bugs around the forests and a butterfly? I do not know if hiun city will even have a gym. Is the amusement park part of it? Also aloe has either fire or steel.
If sanyou can mean souther side of the mountain and there is a cloud covering the souther side of the right mountain could that be where dento's gym is? Nice theory phoenix-f-.
@Phoenix-f: I'm so impressed! =O I hadn't made that connection myself, but it makes perfect sense. Moreover, Hiun is presumably the third town (with a gym) that you enter--Sanyou, Shippou, Hiun--so the order fits as well. I also think that the sprawling nature of Hiun seems rather beehive-esque.

@Timeshift: Yeah, 陽 is the "yang" character ("yin" is 陰). As it were, however, some people on 2chan helped to point me in the right direction. It seems that, this time around, the towns are actually named after patterns!

Kanako (鹿の子) Town - Home of Black/White:

Karakusa (唐草) Town - First encounter with Team Plasma:

Sanyou (三葉, probably from Mitsuba/三つ葉) - Home of Gym Leader Dento:

Shippou (七宝) City - Home of Gym Leader Aloe:

Hiun (飛雲) City - Main metropolis, Home of Gym Leader (?):

Raimon (雷文) City - Amusement park, Home of Gym Leader (?):

Sekka (雪華) City - Windmill town, Home of Gym Leader (?):
^ Wow, thanks again! :D. Nice work on finding and finding out about those pictures! The Sanyou one does look like a 3-leaved clover, hinting that Dento is a Grass-type leader, and the Sekka picture basically confirms that Sekka City is definitely home to the Ice gym. Not too sure what the Raimon City picture represents, but I'm guessing that it represents the Electric-type (only because of the 4th badge looking like a lightning bolt and that the city is an amusement park)? As good as Phoenix-f-'s theory is, the cloud pattern in the Hiun City picture just screams Flying-type to me, and if you focus on the black sections on the Shippou pattern, it looks a bit like a steel pattern. And I apologise for getting all scientific here, but in a solid (i.e. steel), all the particles are arranged in a tight, fixed, regular pattern, and each circle in the Shippou pattern reminds me of these molecules :S.

I may of course be wrong, and anyone feel free to disagree with me, but I think that the following cities are home to the following gyms:

Sanyou - Grass
Shippou - Steel
Hiun - Flying
Raimon (or w/e it's called) - Electric
Sekka - Ice

This gives us 5 gyms. Only 3 more to analyse!
It's kind of hard to explain, Playerking. It's just a rushed idea I had, so I don't blame you if you don't understand what I mean. The black sections on the pattern remind me of those bendy fences with diamond-shaped holes (you probably know what I mean), and they are made of metal. I just associated this metal with "steel". I know I'm probably a million miles off the truth but it's just my opinion. :)
I want it to be a fire gym because then the other gyms would be Dark, Psychic and Bug. You know because then it would be following the eevee line and maybe a new Bug type Eevee.

I want it to be a fire gym because then the other gyms would be Dark, Psychic and Bug.
i really hope we get the first dark gym. that would be amazing cmon we've already broken like 2+ traditions with these games
1. female professor
2. re-setting the routes
3. not having kanto pokemon to begin with
Timeshift said:
^ Wow, thanks again! :D Nice work on finding and finding out about those pictures! The Sanyou one does look like a 3-leaved clover, hinting that Dento is a Grass-type leader, and the Sekka picture basically confirms that Sekka City is definitely home to the Ice gym. Not too sure what the Raimon City picture represents, but I'm guessing that it represents the Electric-type (only because of the 4th badge looking like a lightning bolt and that the city is an amusement park)? As good as Phoenix-f-'s theory is, the cloud pattern in the Hiun City picture just screams Flying-type to me, and if you focus on the black sections on the Shippou pattern, it looks a bit like a steel pattern. And I apologise for getting all scientific here, but in a solid (i.e. steel), all the particles are arranged in a tight, fixed, regular pattern, and each circle in the Shippou pattern reminds me of these molecules :S.

Actually, the "Rai" in "Raimon" (雷) is the character for "Thunder" (kaminari), so I would agree about the Electric-type Gym. :D Plus, that fits with the amusement park and neon lights. Likewise, "Hiun" (飛雲) means "flying/drifting cloud," so I initially thought about Flying, too.

As for "Shippou" (七宝), it refers to the Seven Treasures of Buddhism: Gold, Silver, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Pearl, White Coral, and Amber. The list suggests Steel-type (G/S) and or Rock-type (LL/Q/P/WC/A), the latter in particular fitting in well with Shippou City's status as a "traditional town rich with culture," as mentioned in Corocoro. The pattern itself is just a bunch of circles that "represents" these treasures. I might be leaning toward Rock-type, but I could very well be mistaken...

As for Phoenix-f's theory, I noticed that the butterflies perched on the pillars in the beehive gym are at a different angle than the third badge, which leads me to believe that we won't be seeing it until later, i.e. as Gym #6-8.

We know that, in numerical order, the player goes through the following towns:

1) Sanyou City - Dento (Grass)
2) Shippou City - Aloe (Rock?)
3) Hiun City - ? (Flying?)
4) Raimon City - ? (Electric?)

From there, the player probably passes through the lighthouse town just west of the red bridge (5). Thus:

5) (Lighthouse Town) - ? (?)
6) Sekka City - ? (Ice?)

The last two cities are unclear, but I would bet that the Bug-type gym does not come until the seventh or eighth gym.
Kamen no Otoko said:
Actually, the "Rai" in "Raimon" (雷) is the character for "Thunder" (kaminari), so I would agree about the Electric-type Gym. Plus, that fits with the amusement park and neon lights. Likewise, "Hiun" (飛雲) means "flying/drifting cloud," so I initially thought about Flying, too.

As for "Shippou" (七宝), it refers to the Seven Treasures of Buddhism: Gold, Silver, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Pearl, White Coral, and Amber. The list suggests Steel-type (G/S) and or Rock-type (LL/Q/P/WC/A), the latter in particular fitting in well with Shippou City's status as a "traditional town rich with culture," as mentioned in Corocoro. The pattern itself is just a bunch of circles that "represents" these treasures. I might be leaning toward Rock-type, but I could very well be mistaken...

As for Phoenix-f's theory, I noticed that the butterflies perched on the pillars in the beehive gym are at a different angle than the third badge, which leads me to believe that we won't be seeing it until later, i.e. as Gym #6-8.

We know that, in numerical order, the player goes through the following towns:

1) Sanyou City - Dento (Grass)
2) Shippou City - Aloe (Rock?)
3) Hiun City - ? (Flying?)
4) Raimon City - ? (Electric?)

From there, the player probably passes through the lighthouse town just west of the red bridge (5). Thus:

5) (Lighthouse Town) - ? (?)
6) Sekka City - ? (Ice?)

The last two cities are unclear, but I would bet that the Bug-type gym does not come until the seventh or eighth gym.

I have a feeling that the Ice gym will be the 7th gym. The reason for this is that on the Isshu map, there are 2 possible gym locations (at the airport and by the turntable-esque place) that look like they can be visited before the player arrives at Sekka City. There also seems to be a trend occurring since Gen 3 - the main legendaries must be battled between the 7th and 8th gyms. As I stated in another thread, the legendaries could reside in the multi-coloured castle above the centre of the map. This is East of Sekka City, so it makes sense for the 8th gym to be located further to the East. Before the so-called "Victory Road", there is a building that reminds me of a dojo of sorts. The design looks like it could be a Dragon-type gym, therefore giving us the 8th gym. This would ultimately leave us with the Bug-gym being the 6th gym, and tbh, the Bug gym is more likely to be at the top-left of the region map (the turntable-esque feature) because it is located in the middle of a dense forest - the natural habitat of most Bug pokemon. If this all holds true, we have the locations of all the gyms and potentially 7 types (still missing the 5th gym's typing). :D
Sorry. Srap dragon or water. Actually dragon since the lighthouse isnt electric it must be water. All of the others make sense.
@Timeshift: Let's see...
I won't assume that the lighthouse town is Water or Electric--after all, Olivine City has a lighthouse, and Jasmine is a Steel-type leader. Perhaps the same is true in Isshu? Regardless of the lighthouse, though, the nearby castle seems almost too conspicuous not to be a gym. That would leave three more gyms, one of which is in Sekka.

Scans from back in June seemed to allude to the beehive structure being located in the northwest forest, as you suggested. (Never mind that they mistakenly took it to be a blast furnace, the honey being mistaken for molten rock.) However, take a look at this picture of the in-game map:


It seems that the large yellow circles are major cities/locations, i.e. those to which the player can fly. If we go with the convention that gyms are only located in places accessible with Fly, then I would wager that the structure in the northwest forest isn't a gym. Likewise, I think the cliffside in the north is Victory Road, and the plateau is the Pokémon League. That leaves six (6) "available" dots on the map and three (3) gyms. We know Sekka City Gym is the northwest dot, which leaves:

* Lighthouse town west of red bridge
* Airfield town west of mountains
* Dual-dragon town north of High Link

And the three yellow dots surrounding the eastern mountains, all of which are shrouded in clouds on other maps of Isshu. Since it seems that the player travels clockwise around the circle from Raimon City, I would guess that Sekka City is actually sixth in line, with the other two gyms being somewhere beyond around the circle. Or, perhaps, Sekka City is actually the fifth gym. I think the dual-dragon town is almost certain to have a gym, so that would leave the other two gyms to be somewhere along the eastern mountains.

Other points of note:
* Dragon Spiral Tower - castle north of Sekka City
* Tower of Heaven (presumably) - spiral tower north of airfield town

Tentative list:
1) Sanyou City - Dento (Grass)
2) Shippou City - Aloe (Rock?)
3) Hiun City - ? (Flying?)
4) Raimon City - ? (Electric?)
5) (Lighthouse town) - ? (Steel?)
6) Sekka City - ? (Ice?)
7) (Dual-dragon town) - ? (Dragon?)
8) (One of three eastern mountain towns) - ? (?)

I'm kind of hoping that we do away with type-themed gyms at this point, but I guess time will tell.
By that map you provided i'd say sanyou city with dento is under the easter mountain
Aloe is under the western mountain
Third one is the Hiun city, flying.
Fourth one is carnival place, electric.
Fifth is dragon and is on the left of the left mountain.
Sixth is bug and is on the right of the right mountain.
Seventh is ice and is Sekka city.
Eighth is Dark and is the different coloured building.
Actually, start in the bottom right corner, set it as 1, and work around the circle clockwise once you reach it:

1) Kanako Town (hometown)
2) Karakusa Town (first Plasma encounter)
3) Sanyou City (Dento)
4) Shippou City (Aloe)
5) Hiun City
6) Raimon City
7) (Lighthouse town)
8) (Airfield town)
9) Sekka City
10) (Dual-colored dragon town)
11) (Town above eastern mountains)
12) (Town on eastern coast)
13) (Town below eastern mountains)
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