Pokemon Which animals missing??

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Sorry about koala bear, it was a typo, i should have said ... Koala, Bear.... but i realised that tediursa and ursaring are bears
No sorry i dont think so, but eggsecute is an egg. also, a red panda
kangaroo is kangaskhan please read previous post before submitting it is just 23 pages

does murkrow count as vulture or maybe fearow though someone mentioned that fearow was a large size spearow
U know i think the fun part of this thread is correcting ppl wsho don't have enough sense to see the previous 24 pages & post the same animal over & over..or those who are blind & think Kyogre is a dolphin.

here are a few others:

Stork or a crane (Psychic/Flying)
Python or Anaconda(Water/Fighting)or(Water/Grass)
Moose (Normal)
Barracuda (Dark/Water)
Okapi (Normal/Grass)
Is there a snake that is hooded? Like a cobra. Problem is that people can generalise some animals so that Ekans and seviper cover every type of snake. If there is no cobra I think that it would be cool.
*sigh* You havn't read anything of this thread, have you?

Tiger =more or less Raikou
Boar= Manmoo line
Hare= DP Pokemon
Horse= More or less Radidash line
Ox= Tauros
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